I've hit a good new milestone!


Dec 15, 2010
So the other night I was burning some leaves and boxes in the back yard, and I was barefoot... And maybe a wee bit intoxicated as well. But I noticed I could walk on pine cones now with very little difficulty! They used to hurt like a some beech, but now their no big deal!

I also stomped out a little area where the fire was spreading and catching my grass on fire too, which was pretty cool! But the pine cones are what amazed me the most.
Try it again sober and you

Try it again sober and you might think different lol :p
Yup, a little numbing fluid

Yup, a little numbing fluid in ones system plays with ones sensory feedback.
depending on the size of the

depending on the size of the pinecones they don't typically bother me, gumballs on the other hand hurt like hell.
I've tried it sober think it

I've tried it sober think it was just a result of alcohol, and it still want too bad. I think it would be even less of an issue while running.

Flaming pine cones will be next on my list.

Gum balls suck!!! Along with the large acorns, tter ones that are a little over an inch on diameter, those are the worst!
I want video of flaming

I want video of flaming pinecones being put out by stomping on them by Chaser! Please.
I just want to say that

I just want to say that "Flaming Pine Cone" sounds like an excellent name for a drink in Key West. You should wear your fishnet tank top (the lime green one) and those hot pink sequenced shorts when you order it.
talonraid wrote:I just want

talonraid said:
I just want to say that "Flaming Pine Cone" sounds like an excellent name for a drink in Key West. You should wear your fishnet tank top (the lime green one) and those hot pink sequenced shorts when you order it.

Aren't pine trees more common in places that are NOT key west?

So maybe the Minnesotan Flaming Pine Cone, you know, instead of a hot toddy?
talonraid wrote:I just want

talonraid said:
I just want to say that "Flaming Pine Cones" sounds like an excellent name for a drink in Key West.

Or a band.
scedastic wrote:talonraid

scedastic said:
talonraid said:
I just want to say that "Flaming Pine Cone" sounds like an excellent name for a drink in Key West. You should wear your fishnet tank top (the lime green one) and those hot pink sequenced shorts when you order it.

Aren't pine trees more common in places that are NOT key west?

So maybe the Minnesotan Flaming Pine Cone, you know, instead of a hot toddy?

Scedastic, you should know from RW Forum that I never let facts get in the way of my brilliant ideas. Plus I'm sure there are no Kamikazi pilots in Beumont, TX, but that's Chaser's favorite drink when he's having trouble with his ovaries cramping.
talonraid wrote:Scedastic,

talonraid said:
Scedastic, you should know from RW Forum that I never let facts get in the way of my brilliant ideas. Plus I'm sure there are no Kamikazi pilots in Beumont, TX, but that's Chaser's favorite drink when he's having trouble with his ovaries cramping.

I thought his favorite drink was a Manhattan? Isn't that the chick drink du jour?

I also thought he was getting better results using the heating pad coupled with Midol.
Hey Squid!It's been a long

Hey Squid!

It's been a long time. What kind of shoes do you wear now to run barefoot?

I know....I can't help

I know....I can't help myself. RW is about to go through its semi-annual barefoot vs. minimally shod urinary olympics, so it's fresh on my mind.
Wait!  Go back to the

Wait! Go back to the original post before all the corny cracks about the alcohol and flaming pine cones! I remember the first time I felt an acorn actually crunch under my foot! The triumph! They still hurt, but I will never ever forget that first one that crunched and didn't buckle me! That's what I thought when I read about the pine cone! And if my husband would allow it, my sons would probably tend the burn piles barefoot also! Yay for crushed pinecones and acorns!
The closest thing to it! 

The closest thing to it! ;-)

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