Geordi Maclean

Aug 9, 2014
Hi, I have been a minimalist runner for about 5 years. I did 2 years in 5's and then converted to Luna sandals. I run long distance, usually doing about 60km a week (10+30+20) when not training and more if I am, although cut this back a little earlier this year when we moved from qld to nsw.
I have done 50km and 100km races, and am supposed to be training for a 100km later in the year.
I did a 50km race in July and midway through developed a pretty severe pain in my knee. I rested for a week after and then tried again, but it has been consistently deteriorating since. I have had an MRI which indicated ITBFS.
I had a cortisone shot, but this doesn't seem to have helped, in fact I think it's gotten worse.
I have been trying to strengthen my glutes, foam rollering, and feeling miserable. When I run it feels like my knee/leg is breaking.......
Any suggestions would be welcome.
Sorry to hear about your problem. IT band issues will cause knee pain and I see you are following the typical playbook of rolling, myofascial release with the foam roller, etc. It is highly likely that you are treating the symptom (knee pain, tight it band) rather than the problem (core, the other side).

To understand why this happens, I would recommend you read my book, Cheating Mother Nature, what you need to know to beat chronic pain which is available on The reality is that you and perhaps those who have evaluated you so far are looking at where it hurts, rather than why. You can purchase the book on in either Kindle or paperback and you will find it helpful to you.

Basically, when IT band issues exist, they do so because of gait asymmetry where one side under strides, the core distorts and then the opposite side overstrides, with a compensatory tightness in the obliques, psoas, and it band as well as the calf.

Since running barefoot or barefoot like ( Luna ) causes you to mid foot strike as compared to shod which is more heel strike, you may not have felt the effects of your body style until now. Generally, the way we are built determines the way we function and many of these traits are inherited.

I would suggest trying to find a good sports chiropractor who knows myofascial release and works with runners. It is difficult to treat and diagnose yourself simply because you cannot see yourself objectively enough. I have the same problem and have been in practice for 29 years so it is just the nature of the beast, so we all need a good set of eyes to look at us when we have problems such as this.

My guess based on your symptoms is that your right side under strides and is likely the problem and that you are likely treating the other side. As a rule, with foam rolling, always do both and never treat symptoms because you will misread them. A sure sign you worked on the wrong side is more pain after rolling. Also, if you feel like you stretch and afterward have to constantly stretch, you are working the wrong side; confusing no?

If you would like, I would be happy to look at your walking or if you can tolerate it, running gait on a treadmill video from your phone. If you put this on line, 30 seconds from the side and the back is enough. I can then give you a brief rundown of what I am seeing if that helps.
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Thanks backfixer! There is no doubt that the ITB issue is a sympton of something else, and I am really trying to get to the bottom of that at the moment. I think it may be a melting pot of small problems that have manifested in my ITB. I have poor glutes (working on that now) and I have a very old sacroeliac injury that I suspect is weakening my hip on the left hand side causing it to drop. Interesting that you talk of opposite sides - I hadnt really thought about that, as my right is so free. I would love your thoughts on my running bio's. I wont get a chance to video for you until later in the week I think, but will send them through when I do......actually will have to find a treadmill :) I will be in touch soon. Really appreciate your assistance!.....oh and Ill have a look at your book.
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