IBRD - Vancouver


May 14, 2010
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it was beautiful warm and sunny day in Vancouver (a rare event in itself).

We had 2 separate IBRD events in Vancouver. We had the Vancouver Marathon event, where a few BRS members ran barefoot/minimalist in the half and full Marathon. Robert Shackleford came up from San Diego to run the Marathon and Craig Elton Jones from Bowen Island ran the marathon barefoot in 4:02:51 a Personal Best. I ran the half marathon. I saw lots of minimal shoes and there were a few barefoot runners within the Marathon.

After the half marathon, we had Rem and Simon join me for a quick 1 mile run from the Plaza of Nations to Science World. I ran in socks because the VFF's had rubbed my feet raw (damn shoes) within 5K in my half.. they were nice socks (bloody expensive socks - I had to buy them at the expo). Rem and Simon ran barefoot.

Afterwards Rem, Robert and I all went for beers and food at the Yaletown Brewery. Very nice.

Unfortunately Ken Bob's books didn't turn up till today and the IBRD was a little overshadowed by the Marathon; so we are going to organise an "IBRD Take 2" in a couple of weeks. We'll tie it in with a meet-up and clinic.
Very nice to get back

Very nice to get back together again, with or without books. Glad you all had a good day.

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