I wear shoes...

Update:  I'm now up to 3.5

Update: I'm now up to 3.5 miles a day barefoot and have totaled aver 108 miles barefoot. I run an additional 3.5 miles a day in shoes to keep my miles up, but I have reached the point where my barefoot miles will start to be more than my shod miles. I have not had any problems with the transition so far but I have been very strict in limiting the weekly mileage increase to 1/4 mile a day. I had to work through some blisters but now don't seem to have that problem.
Looking good, Taterman. 

Looking good, Taterman. Especially that you aren't writing about injuries at this point. How long have you been at this again?
TJ--  Started about the start

TJ-- Started about the start of April. No noticable injuries. I probably need to be better about stretching as I can feel some tightness in my achiles, but nothing severe and I've run long enough to know when things don't seem right (watch, now I'll get an injury because I was cocky enought to think I know what I'm doing). Thanks for the encouragement. --Nate

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