I was chased when running barefoot, because I was running barefoot


May 11, 2011
It's not a as dramatic as it sounds and I'm sure this may sound nasty. I was going for an easy 10K on mostly sidewalks and easy trails on friday morning and part of the run goes past an elementary school. Ya know how when you run past a residence and the dog barks and chases you till you go beyond his territory? That is what this one "little girl" did to me. It was amusing, disturbing and annoying. I just ignored her, but geez.

She actually chased after me as far as she could screaming "he's running barefoot, put shoes on, I hope you step on a stone, he's running barefoot!!!" WOOFWOOFWOOOOOOFFFFF

WTF, kid, go play or go guard your house since your parents are obviously getting a two for one deal with you. I guess she'll grow up to be that red neck that screams "HOMOSEXUAL" out her truck window when she's older and catches some one different going by on a recumbent bike wearing huraches.
Transference of all the

Transference of all the mental anguish and frustration she felt when her parents forbade her from going out to play barefoot and was told that kind of behavior was "bad" or "deviant"? You must have had a happy expression on which really twisted the knife. Was she wearing Skecher Shape Ups? ;-)
This forum reminds me of my

This forum reminds me of my barefoot run last week.

Near the end of a 3 mile loop I noticed a middle-aged, heavy-set balding fellow staring at me for about 300 yards as I was coming toward him. When I finally reached him I smiled and said "hi", to which he replied in a condesending voice "Hey dumb-arse, you're gonna ruin your feet!"

I was taken back by the abruptness of his comment - but instead of being offended, I just started laughing.

Just 3 month ago I was a casualty of the "I used to run in shoes before my knee gave out" group - now here I am - probably the same age as "Dr. Beergut", but I'm running like I did when I was in grade school, and enjoying it more now than I ever have in my life!
I heard this on a tv show or

I heard this on a tv show or movie at some point, and can't remember the exact reference now, but it always sticks with me (especially since I have preschool age kids):

"there is nothing more cruel than a child"

the more kids I am around as my kids get older the more convinced i am that this is truth.
Neil_D wrote:I think if that

Neil_D said:
I think if that had happended to me I would have barked back, and much louder and scared the sh*t out of the brainless brat. I don't take sh*t off anyone when I'm running.


I hear ya. My temper can be rather, um...excessive, so I choose to ignore such stuff. I'm not fond of how I feel once I allow myself to get angry on small things like that. Though the thoughts do occur to me (I had images of that kid laying unconsicous on the ground) I just ignore the annoyance and breath thru it and less than a momemnt later it's as if it never happened. Kind of like ignoring momentary foot discomfort and breathing thru it when one encounters the stray rock or sharp thing that slips past my attention.
Ha, Neil, you CRACK me up! 

Ha, Neil, you CRACK me up! Hysterical!
It's amazing the number of

It's amazing the number of superstitions, biases, and false beliefs that are passed down onto kids. Hopefully, they are still young enough to see that some of those beliefs are mistaken.
I love it when I am running

I love it when I am running and little kids are passing me in either direction being driven by their parents in golf carts. They always smile and wave at me, sometimes until they are out of sight. It's sweet.
Wow these posts just made my

Wow these posts just made my day!


The girl wouldn't have annoyed me as much as Mr. Beergut.

You should have told him that excessive weight around the midsection can contribute to heart failure and lessened sexual activity as women don't find tire tummies hot.

No one has ever said anything like that to me, but I am in Boulder, CO and this can be quite the hotspot for people with alternative worldviews. I did have someone tell me I was badass, which made me feel pretty good since it was only my second BF run ;)
I've never had bad

I've never had bad experiances but i've gotten tons of looks and quite a few questions. I've also gotten a couple of "thats hardcore" when I was running a trail.

I normally tune out people when I'm running as I'm not a really social person at the best of times. This way I dont get angry with dumbtards and ruin an otherwise great run.
I got the 'Now That's

I got the 'Now That's Hardcore' comment from some military personal out on manouvers last week. All I could think was the same thing as they were lugging full combat gear in +27 degree C temperatures double time. It's all about the perspective. ;);-)

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