How the heck do you guys get up so early?!


Apr 27, 2011
Okay. I leave for work at 6:30. Today I planned to get up at 4 and do my run, then get ready and go.... instead... I woke up at 6, and left to work. Ran at lunch.
Tomorrow I would really like to try again so I can get both a morning and lunch run in...
I feel like once I do it I will be so tired I will go to bed early and start a new sleep cycle... but how do you start? Any tips? Maybe get up at 2 and give my dog a red bull so she won't leave me alone?
for me it happened slowly over time. i just started waking up earlier and earlier so that now i'm up between 5-6 am everyday. saturdays and sundays i'll sleep to 8 if i can. if i get up earlier i tend to take mid day naps. i don't even use an alarm. if i have to do something important i wake up earlier that normal. ya, about once a week i'm in bed by 9, sometimes 8pm.
I set two alarms on my phone. The 2nd one goes off 1 min after the 1st one.
Just stay up all night like me...or you could just set an alarm and get the 'eff' up and quit being a Nancy.
Talon :)

NSDR, it needs to get to be a habit I think. Oddly, if I'm away from home, I have no problem getting up at 5:30, being out of the hotel by 5:40, and back showered ready for breakfast at 7am. At home it's a different animal with my own kitchen, coffee and the internet and TV to get my fix of news for the day. I may make a concerted effort to do some morning runs in March and free up some evenings.
Move your alarm clock so you have to get out of bed to turn it off and lay your running clothes on top of it. Once you turn off the alarm you already have you running gear in hand; might as well use it.
It sucks so I don't do it.
When I want to do doubles I usualy run at lunch time and run home from work.
Or go home and then go for a second run.
The Army kinda trained me to get up early. Now if I sleep till 7 I'm really sleeping in. Usually that only happens if I have a few too many beers the night before. :)
I am most definitely NOT a morning person. I hate hate hate getting up early, which is why I walk/run during lunch, or in the evening during hot months. My alarm is set for 5:30 but I always hit snooze several times and end up not getting up until 6:15. Leave for work about 7:30.]

My wife used to work at a fitness place, opening shift, so she got up at 4:10 and was at work by 5 am. She always gets up at first alarm. I don't see how she can do it. But she always takes naps and goes to bed early. I do well if I'm asleep before 11 pm. I've always been that way since before I was in college (even more so in college, pulling all-nighters in architecture school).
So I set the alarm for 6 times this morning and turned them all off. I guess I can try moving it now and see if that helps. Ended up just running at lunch again. Maybe if I don't drink tonight that will help.
I'm usually up by 6, change into my running clothes, and do my run. By the time I get back, Steph's up cooking herself breakfast. I kiss her "good morning", take a shower, get into civies, make breakfast and go to class. We're usually in bed by midnight.
Just stay up all night like me...or you could just set an alarm and get the 'eff' up and quit being a Nancy.

Dude, that's seriously funny. Bravo.

NSDR, try going to bed earlier. During last summer's record heat, I got up at 0400 every am for my runs. It sucks, but it got to be a habit. Try setting your alarm away from your bed so you have to get up to turn it off.
I don't sleep.
very well or very often, that is.
Stop being a freggin poon and just get out of bed already. Theres plenty of opportunity to catch up on sleep. I usually play catch up while I'm driving, watching the kids, or when I'm at work.

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