Hemp foot protector


May 19, 2012
Hillsboro, OR
I've played double bass for 10+ years, and let me tell you, that can give your
fingers some serious stress, in the early days I often had bloody fingers after
a couple hour rehearsal... Well, somewhere along the way I discovered this
great hand cream made from hemp, it heals without softening the skin too
much the way a lot of so-called hand lotion does. Of course, really its just
time and continual playing that eventually toughens the fingers... :cool: but
it eases the suffering in the interim :)

Anyway, it struck me that the damage to the sole was similar in many ways,
so of course I went to check out a similar foot "protector" (as they call it) and
I'm just as happy with it as I was with the hand cream. So, if you are looking
for a lotion to relieve your poor feet after a run give it a try:


PS: this is not a formal plug, I'm just a happy customer.

Man, we used to make those in Girl Scouts all the time. Don't know that it was made out of hemp though, but we were in the 70s, so it could've been. ;)
Oh, that's not good Lee.