Hello from the Memphis area


Dec 9, 2011
Hey all, some of you may have seen me posting over the past couple of months in the BF forum over on Runner's World. Hope that name's not taboo around here.

Anyway, for those who aren't familiar with me, I'm from the Memphis area, just outside in northwest MS actually. I've been pretty much living barefoot since about May of this year, and around the first of August decided to try running. I'm 31 years old and have never been a runner before, but the whole experience of being barefoot actually inspired me to try it, as I'm somewhat overweight and out of shape.

So in August I tried starting C25K around my neighborhood, and I went completely barefoot. I had been going barefoot for months at that point so my calves and soles were built up pretty well, but it still turned out to be way too much for me at time. I got some large blisters on my feet and my calves were sore for a week. So I dialed it back to just walking for 2-3 miles at a time. Also during this time I was looking at VFF's as a way to be as close to barefoot as possible during winter months, however I couldn't afford to buy any for a long time. So I just kept walking BF as much as possible.

For several months after that I had this goal of walking at least 10 miles a week, and I was meeting and exceeding that most of the time. When we had daylight in the evening I used to go around my neighborhood in the evenings, sometimes taking my son with me in his stroller. However that loop got to be pretty boring.

After the time change in November, I started walking around the town square near my office during lunch breaks. I find that to be MUCH more enjoyable as there are many different routes I can take. I finally did get a pair of Komodosport LS's, which I wear when it's below 40° or so, or if I'm starting a new route with unfamiliar terrain (LOTS of very rough, old, chip-seal streets around my office). I tried one route BF that was mostly old chip-seal and my feet were TORN UP after 3 miles.

As of 2 weeks ago, I'm trying to get back on the C25K program, starting over again on Week 1. During my walks near my office, I would try to run a bit here and there, but I wanted a bit more structure to help me increase my endurance. At this point my legs and feet would likely be fine for running 5K barefoot, but my lungs just can't do it. I still can't run for more than 60 seconds straight without feeling like I'm huffing and puffing.

Anyway, that's my story. I want to be able to run nonstop for a decent distance so badly, just can't do it yet. But I love being barefoot every chance I get.
We try not to mention "that

We try not to mention "that other place" too much around here. ;-) Ha!

Welcome, Patrick!
Yea I wondered, with the

Yea I wondered, with the random banning of Chaser and all.

What I don't get is why that banning also included deleting ALL his posts. I'm a mod on a car forum and we pretty much never do that with people that have been around awhile, because it takes away some of the good, technical info that may have been posted by a user in the past, even if they warrant being banned. Plus some of the thread posts just don't make sense anymore.

Anyway, glad to be here. Aside from not having the "bread crumbs" as I think you called it, this forum seems to work MUCH better and look a WHOLE lot better than that other place. That forum's formatting and the way stuff shows up on-screen just looks nasty to me.
Oh boy, I hope you like the

Oh boy, I hope you like the new site! ;-)

But seriously, or not so seriously, however you want to look at it, we've always liked to keep hush-hush about "that other place," even before Chaser's woes. Kind of like a back door joke really, seeing as how I kinda had something to do with its creation in the first place and all. Ha!

He just better hope I don't have to ban him over here! Then where will he go?! Ha! I am a bit more tolerant though, so we'll see how it goes.
New site, as in this here is

New site, as in this here is the "new" site, or it's about to change away from this look/layout/forum software?
This site is built upon

This site is built upon Drupal. Our new site is being built upon vBulletin. It is more robust, stable, and reliable, and has a lot more functionality than this one. The data here will be merged into the new site. We don't plan to give up any features, but if we do, it will only be one or two, but not big features; if anything, we will be gaining a whole lot more functionality, mainly ease of use.
oh HECK YES, vB is my

oh HECK YES, vB is my favorite forum of them all. I'm on tons of vB forums, including the one that I mod.

Hopefully you'll be able to keep the same look and layout, including fonts and everything, because it all looks quite nice to me.

One thing I like about the forum I mod is at the bottom of a topic page, there's a "Forum Jump" dropdown box. You can either click on that and jump to a different forum, or just click the Go button next to it to go back to the forum you were viewing. Quite handy since it's right there when you finish reading a topic.

www.honda-tech.com if you want to check out what I mean.
Lol, Honda-tech.... The good

Lol, Honda-tech.... The good old days.....

Glad to see you made it over here Patrick! I too used to be a mod on a car forum! We were very small, I think I stopped hanging out there shortly after its 2nd year anniversary and we only had about 1500 members. Of which maybe 250 were really "active".
You used to be on H-T chaser?

You used to be on H-T chaser?
I just looked around there on

I just looked around there on occasion. Nothing technical, just the funny threads. I think I remember one about some kid cleaning out his engine via pouring Simple Green in the block and cranking the engine...? I was a mod on USImports.org, but I dont think it exists anymore. Now the only automotive forums I frequent are The Samba and AirCoolers.org as Im more into the old school VW scene.
Welcome to the board!I'm

Welcome to the board!

I'm with you in regards to problems with the lungs. I've done 5 half-marathons (all shod) and all of them have involved a fair share of walking. How do you like Memphis? I grew up in Murfreesboro (GO BIG BLUE) and then moved up to Clarksville about 6 years ago before moving down to Ashland City about 2 years ago.

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