Hauraches are Bomb Diggiddy!


Jun 7, 2010

I've been playing around in these lately b/c I've been contemplating a good pair of Luna's. I wanted to make sure I liked them before forking out cash for them. Hauraches are freaking dope! Today I did a couple miles on some gravely fireroads after an 8 mile tempo run. The ground feel is great w/ just enough protection and they leave the feet feeling really free. These are probably going to wear out pretty quick though. I made them from a commercial carpet tile and some nylon rope.
They look pretty good.  I

They look pretty good. I think you will really like the Lunas if you like your homemade version. I actually hate my homemade ones and love the Lunas. They are excellently crafted and have great materials.
 I just wondered to someone

I just wondered to someone today if anybody still says "the bomb".....YES! 8)

They ARE the bomb....I am in love with mine and am taking them on a 13 miler tomorrow. I'm actually excited about running again! I have the Lunas and after doing research, I skipped the make your own part. They feel almost luxurious, which is weird for so little shoe.
uh, DA bomb, missy!  Get with

uh, DA bomb, missy! Get with the times! ;-)
 Oh....if I was with the

Oh....if I was with the times, I'd say my Lunas are SICK, according to my youth group! :cool:

And they are sooooo sick! I had the best long run today I've had in probably two years. Not exaggerating.