Greetings from The Bluegrass State

My name's Amy and I'm a new runner but not new to being barefoot :barefoot: I've spent most of my life barefoot or in flip flops. Even though my dad was a runner and ran the NYC Marathon when I was a kid, I never wanted to run because I hated wearing running shoes and I always ended up with shin splints. I figured I just wasn't cut out for it. Then I read....wait for it....Born to Run (I know, I know...), and like everyone else on the natural running bandwagon, I "ran" out and bought myself a pair of VFF Bikilas and started the Couch-to-5K running program. I'm on week 3 but had to take a break because of knee pain (inner part of the knee below the kneecap, doesn't sound like runner's knee, but I don't really know what else it could be). I'm kinda looking for encouragement because this is leaving me really discouraged :(

I'm starting to think about ditching the VFFs and going barefoot. I'm also looking at Invisible Shoes huaraches for some of my running and general wear. I was hoping to run a 5K in April but it isn't looking good for me right now. So that's my story, even if it's a bit of a downer. I'm not always like this, I promise ;)

About your knee issues, it could just be that you're progressing too quickly but I doubt it. Since you're already used to the sensations of walking barefoot, why not try running as well? It's a lot easier to tell what needs fixing when your soles are allowed to touch the ground. Sorry I don't have anything more specific to offer but at least it's definitely not runner's knee.
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The only way you are going to be able to tell if the shoes (VFFs) are a factor is to remove them and run barefoot. If they problem goes away, then it was the shoes. Like BB said, your soles will teach you better how to place your feet, where to place your feet, and how to distribute your weight over your feet.

Also, ditch the racing goals until you have a good base developed. You don't want to rush yourself into an injury. There will be TONS of other races right around the corner.
Welcome! Wow! I think it's so cool your Dad was a runner. I don't know what kind of impression I'll leave with my kids in that regard. I do know that my son who's almost 12 would rather burn his eyes out with an arc welder than see me in my running gear waiting for him to get off the bus. That might just be the age, though.

I run with VFF's a fair deal these days, but ran a long time without any shoes before trying them. I think they can be very decieving. Do what you can to get through a clean transition to BF and your knees will probably thank you. Good luck and have fun!
Nothing to add to all the great comments above, I just want to say,

Thanks, all! :)

I do plan on going barefoot, mostly because the toe pockets on the VFF's are too short for my second-to-last toe and I don't have the money for huaraches yet. It's getting warmer here, so I don't think cold feet will be much of an issue.

mmoore: *wave* How are things in the 'Ville?
Amy, be sure to enter in our Invisible Shoe huarache giveaway in the Gear & Footwear forum.

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