Going Barefoot…almost! My barefoot experience and is it right for you? Part III

That is one noisy treadmill.
It has seen better days but it works well for how we use it in the office
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To clarify, many of us have some asymmetry, yet some are quite asymmetrical, as in one foot flares out, the other falls in. These people would be most helped with traditional shoes with an insert. Others, can go minimalist without a problem if they have two feet that are symmetrical since there is minimal distortion of the core while running and those who are mild to moderate may do ok going barefoot but many people go barefoot after having problems shod. Instead of putting the right insert into a shod shoe, they try barefoot and feel better until their asymmetry causes a different symptom.

While I do tell people to experiment, to find out who you are as a runner, get on a treadmill, and do what I did, take a video and then look for over and under striding. Those people may do best shod or minimalist with some minor to moderate correction. Those who are truly symmetrical usually do not visit me because they are not in pain or having injuries.
What is a shod shoe?o_O
Ha! Just teasing you, Doc! :barefoot:

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