Gait Analysis Videos - Post here!

Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
If you would like the docs or other runners to critique your running (or walking) form, please feel free to create a video of yourself running (or walking), upload it to a resource like You Tube (, and post a link here. Then, when speaking to the docs or others, just point them here. It would be nice to keep the gait analysis video links in one place such as this thread instead of scattered throughout the forum, but you may also feel free to post them wherever you like.
As a new member i will

As a new member i will start.

I have been running minimalist combinded with normal shoes since the beginning of april starting wtih 3.5 km in merrell trail glove and now run 7 km in them. Through the summer i have covered 300 km in minimalist shoes (of 780 km total)

i like the teory behind barefoot running and have run without shoes a couple of times (up to 800 meters) but since winter is coming i save that for next year. I run in Merrell trail glove and Terraplana Neo and the longer runs in Saucony Kinvara. My left foot touch the ground 23 times in 15 sek which should give someting like 182 steps a minute - and that is the same no matter what i wear on the feet.

the Movie

Slow run

Faster run
Kim your gait looks good to

Kim your gait looks good to me. :)
I wish there was a minute or

I wish there was a minute or more of footage to be sure. It's hard to tell anything from one or two steps.
Thought there would be more

Thought there would be more posts in this thread.

I've uploaded a video of a couple of minutes of me on the treadmill. If I could get some opinions on my form that'd be great. If I move around on the belt a bit, that's deliberate to stop my feet from overheating (tip thanks to Jason Robillard's book)

I'm wondering if I'm bouncing up and down too much.

Thanks for any help/tips/suggestions :)
Hi Tim,here are a few

Hi Tim,

here are a few comments.

You´re looking at your feet very often. Never do this! I´m sure you don´t need it. Your neck bends forward and you get stiff by looking down.

I have the impression you´re limping a little bit, at least sometimes. Is this true? Did something hurt? (Watch 0:40 for example).

The treadmill is set very slow, so slow that running seems to be difficult. I mean, I think this is almost the speed that you could still manage by fast walking. It would be interesting to see you running at various speeds.

My impression is that you´re rather new to barefoot running and need time and repetition to get more comfortable with the changed pattern of motion. (If I´m wrong about this and you´re a veteran, sorry! No offense meant).
No you're right I'm quite new

No you're right I'm quite new to BF running. :)

I think I'm looking down because I'm on the treadmill: a combination of checking the distance I'd run on the display and making sure I wasn't about to step off the belt. When I'm running off a treadmill I dont do that:)

And you're right about the knee. I'm currently having troubles with my patellar tendons which I'm trying to get over. It was probably around this point in the run that I was starting to notice it (was hoping the work I'd been doing on it was going to help but it didn't seem to). It was only a run of 1km and yeah probably a bit slower than usual as I didn't want to overdo the knee.
Your overall form looks good

Your overall form looks good to me. I also noticed you are looking down a lot and I know I do that on the treadmill, it's hard to avoid wanting to see the display. It does throw off your balance a bit so it's good if you aren't doing it off the treadmill. Maybe relax your arms a little more. Your right fist looks like it's closed. This could be because you had some discomfort from the knee.

I agree that there are very few posts in here. Good for you to add one. I think I'll do the same soon. We can all learn from these :)
One of these days I'm going

One of these days I'm going to get my wife to video me running past our driveway, along the street. I'll be sure to post here.
Kim-dk   T.J. is right,

Kim-dk T.J. is right, it's difficult to assess with such a short video. However, my first impressions are that you are over-striding -your foot is coming too far out in front of your body. It should be stopping at midline. I've corrected this in myself in several ways: 1.) Stand up straighter. 2.) Propel yourself forward by leading with your pelvis (not your upper body).3.) Increase your cadence.
Christopher Alexander

Christopher Alexander said:
paraganek, looks like your swinging your arms side to side too much, try running with your arms close to your body and moving in a slight forward/back momentum.

Thanks Christopher. Will definitely try that.
Christopher Alexander

Christopher Alexander said:
paraganek, looks like your swinging your arms side to side too much, try running with your arms close to your body and moving in a slight forward/back momentum.


What is it that you are seeing that makes you think his arms are swinging side to side too much? Is it that his feet seem to be landing directly in front of each other?
Jen I wonder if it is because

Jen I wonder if it is because Daniel holds his elbows out in that video. I've seen him run in person and it didn't look as unnatural as it did in the video.
Oh yeah, duh, I'm a tard.  I

Oh yeah, duh, I'm a tard. I was only looking at the one of just his feet.
I've run with Dan often and

I've run with Dan often and have always thought of him as having good biomechanics. He is fast and smooth. Let's see your videos all you hate-uhs! (just joshin' - about the haters part)
Joshh wrote:I've run with

Joshh said:
I've run with Dan often and have always thought of him as having good biomechanics. He is fast and smooth. Let's see your videos all you hate-uhs! (just joshin' - about the haters part)

Too funny Josh. Daniel is very fast and smooth, almost as fast as you Josh. Josh was so fast at the last race I never even saw him run! :bigsmile:
I was in a hurry to get to

I was in a hurry to get to that bar afterwards. :) :beer: