First BF Run = Blisters?

I did my first Couch-to-5K workout completely barefoot today after doing nearly three weeks in VFFs. The running felt awesome, and I didn't have any knee pain or soreness! It was the walking parts that KILLED o_O When I got back I could already tell I had a blister on my left foot, on the forefoot right below my second toe. Another one developed in the same spot on my right foot, and I have a small one on my big toe. Is this just classic TMTS and my feet just need to toughen up (I ran on some really rough asphalt and worn out concrete)?
Blisters are a part of learning. Also, the rougher the surface the more likely you are to get blisters since excess friction is what causes them. The locations of your blisters could indicate that you're not landing right and that you're pushing off a little with your right foot. The landing part, and I'm speculating here, could be that you're slipping a little with your foot as it makes contact with the ground.

IMO, walking is significantly harder to do pain free than running since you have so much more ground contact so don't worry about that.
carry your shoes until you get more comfortable. when you feel a hot spot stop and put them on. it can be difficult to learn to lift instead of push off. make sure your posture is straight and relax.
I still get some tenderness in my feet after just a couple of miles on asphalt. I've been barefooting nearly a year and my feet have toughened up a good bit, but the walking IMHO is what causes the tenderness. I'm only on Week 3 of E25K, so still more walking than running. When running you can lift your foot off the ground as you lean forward slightly. But when walking, that's not really possible unless you want to have a really odd-looking and odd-feeling gait.
Thanks guys. I keep thinking that the blister was caused by the way I walk more than by how I run. It didn't hurt at all when I ran, but walking was really painful, and I could feel my foot making friction with the ground when I walked, but I didn't know how to prevent it. I guess I could wear huaraches to walk and run barefoot, but this early in the program I'd be taking off my shoes and putting them back on again over and over. I might need to stick with the huaraches until I get to a point when I can run for a while without stopping. My feet are still tender, so I don't think I could even try to run right now if it meant having to walk at all on that asphalt :(
I still have problems walking barefoot on sidewalks for long distances. I am getting better at it since I noticed when I walk there is a little twist that my foot does right near the end of the stride. I have to try to not do this twist and then my feet seem to do much better.