Finding Relief From Plantar Fasciitis Expanded

Jesse James

Jul 15, 2011
This is an expanded post from last week's video on Plantar Fasciitis. It goes into much further detail about a common underlying cause of PF-- hip dysfunction; and self massage exercises to help with pain reduction.

Check it out and please share with your friends.

Finding Relief From Plantar Fasciitis
I frequently get questions about specific injuries. Many of these are about plantar fasciitis. Here is a breakdown of one of the more common causes of plantar fasciitis; toward the end you’ll find some exercises to help get pain relief from plantar fasciitis using The Grid foam roller by Trigger Point Therapy.

Plantar fasciitis is the symptoms of pain located at the heel or plantar fascia of the foot–the thick connective tissue which supports the arch of the foot. It is often most painful in the morning with the first steps out of bed, and may be aggravated by standing, walking, or running.

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