Feet -n- Faces


Apr 9, 2011
We should all post photos of our feet and photos of our faces and try to match them correctly. Lol.
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Logistics problem: If I post pictures of my feet and my face, I'll have to post them using my account which a) displays my handle, and b) also has my picture. Folks would have me pegged in a nanosecond....

...and while we're on topic, is this part of your BRSDSBDSMEIEIO idea?
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Logistics problem: If I post pictures of my feet and my face, I'll have to post them using my account which a) displays my handle, and b) also has my picture. Folks would have me pegged in a nanosecond....

...and while we're on topic, is this part of your BRSDSBDSMEIEIO idea?

Yeah, that wouldn't work, Ms. Jen, not unless you want to take the lead on this and have everyone send you their pictures then you post them.
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I actually thought the same thing, feces. What's up with that? Are we all just sick in the head or something?
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Ya, like, Duh!
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A little, Nick, thanks. I'm so worried about this one remaining neuroma though. Other than the lump in the back of my right heel and that neuroma, I have no concerns with these last surgeries, so far.
Speaking of feces, I stepped in my first pile of moose feces this weekend :eek: . It does not pay to run in really long grass, but it did warm my foot up a bit right up to the ankle. Luckily there was a creek near by to dip a toe into. Might of been a little hard to explain the colour difference from one foot to the other at the next checkpoint. :D
Speaking of feces, I stepped in my first pile of moose feces this weekend :eek: . It does not pay to run in really long grass, but it did warm my foot up a bit right up to the ankle. Luckily there was a creek near by to dip a toe into. Might of been a little hard to explain the colour difference from one foot to the other at the next checkpoint. :D
o_O Ewwwwwwww........
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Speaking of feces, I stepped in my first pile of moose feces this weekend :eek: . It does not pay to run in really long grass, but it did warm my foot up a bit right up to the ankle. Luckily there was a creek near by to dip a toe into. Might of been a little hard to explain the colour difference from one foot to the other at the next checkpoint. :D

Right up to the ankle? :eek: Ye gods! Then again, I reckon it could be worse; it could have been up to the knee...

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