Closed Ending time in events

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Barefoot TJ

Staff member
Mar 5, 2010
I just created a new event in the Calendar on March 31 for Bangkok Barefoot Run. It wouldn't allow me to change the ending time of the event, although I tried and tried and clicked and clicked on the time bubbles. I had to save the event, then go back and edit the event, which doesn't produce the time bubbles, and change the time in the date/time field.

For the ending minutes, when using the time bubbles, it doesn't default to 00, it defaults to some other odd minute. Can you please change this as well?
I set the time to be one hour apart at least. This only allows me to set per the hour. I also see how you can not change the end date til you save and go back in. This is by default how he wrote the mod. I am not sure if newest one does this but i know it takes away half times.
So then we are stuck having to go back out and then back in again? I will let Kitty know to let the CPs know.
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