Do you run through a sore spot on bottom of the foot?

nature runner

Jun 13, 2010
Do you run through the sore spot on the bottom of your foot, and keep on trucking and it eventually disappear, or take it easy and see what happens? I know sometimes it leaves the more you work out on it. Any thoughts?
 If its a rock bruise or

If its a rock bruise or blister/hotspot stuff I run thru but pick some easy terrain for a run or two. If you think its inside the foot deeper and more than the skin use your own judgement, thats tricky sometimes...if your not sure I would take a day or two off and see how it feels then.
If it's a hot spot, I would

If it's a hot spot, I would take a day off after getting one, then hit the road again. One day on, one day off, one day on...
You will recover faster if

You will recover faster if you take a day off. Most of the time I come back stronger after resting my sore feet. But resting can be hard if you're in the middle of training for something, so most of the time I train through discomfort. Either works fine and it depends on what your goals are.

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