Designer Huaraches


Chapter Presidents
Jun 4, 2010
So I want to try out a pair of huaraches but I really am a tight wad and didn't want to shell out cash unless I knew they were something I'd like. So, I tore the soles off an old pair of Margaritaville flip flops that fit poorly, do a little trimming and walla! Designer huaraches!They are only about 3 mm thick so there really isn't much and they feel odd. But then VFFs felt odd at first I still have some trimming and fitting to do but I think it works. Gotta get me some leather straps though, the cord doesn't cut it.


Those are actually pretty

Those are actually pretty cool. You know, you could use "designer" car floor mats too, like Mustang.
 TJ I like that idea.  Lava

TJ I like that idea. Lava nice use of some flops. i did the same thing last week except mine are a $2 pair of walmart flops. they're a little thicker than i'd like but the precut holes come in real handy. i used cord laces and really like them although now i'm gonna have to find some thinner flops.
First impressions!I like

First impressions!

I like them better than flip-flops because they allow me to splay the toes as I walk and not curl the toes to hold the flip flop. However, the nylon cord is not comfortable an I can see where they need leather straps to soften the feel against the Achilles area.

Running in them was easy and effortless. better ground feel than the KSOs but the straps were harsh. I could also feel the knot in the bottom under my toes. This was a concern I had from the beginning. The Raramuri use thicker tires for tread, these are thin thin thinso I imagine the knot is less an issue and they use wide leather straps, I can see why now. 100 miles with the nylon cord and you are asking for a nasty cut on your Achilles.

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