Concurrent Strength & Endurance Training 2019: Cycle V

Bare Lee

Jul 25, 2011
Saint Paul
Assessment of last cycle: Struggled to find any kind of consistency, and vacillated between an ED Push-Pull split three times a week, with aerobic and conditioning each day, and an EOD six-lift fullbody workout three times a week alternating with an aerobic and/or conditioning day.

Plan for this cycle: Try in earnest the first option, an ED split between aerobic in the morning and lifting/conditioning in the afternoon. The am aerobic work will mostly be taking a longer cycling route to work in the morning, 3-8 miles, instead of the shortest route, which is one mile. The lifting will be a Push-Pull split among my six main bilateral, compound-joint lifts: the five barbell lifts (Squat, Bench Press, Overhead Press, Deadlift, Row) plus Pulldown/Chinups.

Push: Squat, Bench Press, Overhead Press.
Pull: Deadlift, Pendlay Row, Pulldowns/Chinups.

If I get ambitious I may also work in one or two assistance lifts each workout:

Push: Dips, Dumbbell Presses, Overhead Squat, Pullover.
Pull: Stiff-legged Deadlifts, Dumbbell or Cable Rows.

I will try to start progressively microloading loading from a lower base than I have in the past, maybe 3RM x 205 for the squat, in order to rebuild my work capacity, but also to better focus on the aerobic work and/or conditioning.

Conditioning will be either HIIT on the Airdyne (Push days) and Rower (Pull days), or Sled pushes and pulls.

So an idealized weekly routine would look like this:

Monday: AM cycling; PM Push (SQ/BP/OP) + Airdyne HIIT or Sled Pushes
Tuesday: AM cycling; PM Pull (DL/RW/PD) + Rower HIIT or Sled Pulls
Wednesday: AM cycling; PM Push (SQ/BP/OP) + Airdyne HIIT or Sled Pushes
Thursday: AM cycling; PM Pull (DL/RW/PD) + Rower HIIT or Sled Pulls
Friday: AM cycling; PM Push (SQ/BP/OP) + Airdyne HIIT or Sled Pushes
Saturday: AM cycling; PM Pull (DL/RW/PD) + Rower HIIT or Sled Pulls
Sunday: longer bike ride?

---------------Week 1: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 19.08.11

Canoeing with family on St. Croix River. Wow, we found a great new outdoor activity that everyone enjoys. And I don't have to worry about my knees. It's great with the kids a little older and family outings becoming more active in approach.

Monday, 19.08.12

BP: 3 x 5 @ 150
SQ: 2 x 3 @ 210
OP: 5 @ 65/85/100

Hmnn, I seemed to have stopped micro-loading. Looks like I'm going up in five-pound increments. I'll probably start microloading at SQ 3RM 225 or so.

Tuesday, 19.08.13

PD: 3 x 5 @ 150
RW: 5 @ 135
SDL: 3 x 3 @ 185

I had a little bit of a knot in my right shoulder blade, so I started with Pulldowns to stretch it out a bit, then avoided heavier Deadlifts.

Wednesday, 19.08.14

SQ: 3 x 3 @ 185
OP: 3 x 5 @ 95
BP: 3 x 5 @ 135

Was a little sore and tired, so went with my base loads in order to maintain consistency. I guess the goal for this week is just to get in three Push-Pull splits, then next week perhaps begin working in more aerobic/conditioning stuff.

Thursday, 19.08.15

DL: 3 x 3 @ 235
RW: 3 x 5 @ 135
PD: 3 x 5 @ 150

Friday, 19.08.16

Saturday, 19.08.17

---------------Week 2: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 19.08.18

Monday, 19.08.19

SQ: 3 x 3 @ 185
OP: 3 x 5 @ 95
BP: 3 x 5 @ 135
DL: 3 x 3 @ 225
RW: 5 @ 135, 3 x 185
PD: 3 x 5 @ 120

Accidentally did a set of 3RM rows with my last warmup load for the Deadlifts. Liked the extra intensity, so did another set on purpose. May have to do the upper body stuff at 3RM occasionally. Or reinstall the 'weekly wave' (5RM/7RM/3RM) if I continue to do Full Body three times a week. I kept everything light just to see how my body would react to doing all six lifts in the same session again. Felt OK. I just don't know if I'll ever have the time or inclination to execute my ideal routine of aerobic in the morning and lifting and conditioning in the afternoon. Maybe I'll just switch back and forth when it suits me.

Tuesday, 19.08.20

Wednesday, 19.08.21

SQ: 2 x 3 @ 185
OP: 2 x 3 @ 95
DL: 2 x 3 @ 225
RW: 2 x 3 @ 135

Had less than 30 minutes, so just did two sets of four of the six main lifts. Also just did three reps for everything. Hmnn, I might go back to that.

Also, lately I've been doing Stiff-legged Deadlifts on my Deadlift warmup sets. Saves the knees a bit and gives me a nice hammy stretch.

Also-also, wondering about finishing a workout once in a while with a circuit of:
DB Row
Cable Row
Overhead Squat

They are all lifts requiring little or no setup or warmup, so could be done fairly quickly. I would probably do them with lite loads and higher reps.

Thursday, 19.08.22

Friday, 19.08.23

Saturday, 19.08.24

SQ: 3 x 3 @ 185
OP: 3 x 3 @ 95
BP: 3 x 3 @ 135
DL: 3 x 3 @ 225
PD: 3 x 3 @ 120

Tried everything at 3RM, not sure about this. Upper body lifts kind of want to be five lifts, but I like how quickly a three-rep set goes.

---------------Week 3: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 19.08.25

Full day shuffling at the Minnesota State Fair.

Monday, 19.08.26

Tuesday, 19.08.27

DL: 3 x 3 @ 225
RW: 3 x 5 @ 135
BP: 3 x 5 @ 135
SQ: 3 @ 185/195/195
OP: 3 x 5 @ 95
PD: 5/10 @ 120

Wednesday, 19.08.28

Thursday, 19.08.29

Friday, 19.08.30

Saturday, 19.08.31

---------------Week 4: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 19.09.01

Does mini golf count?

Monday, 19.09.02

Tuesday, 19.09.03

Wednesday, 19.09.04

Thursday, 19.09.05

Friday, 19.09.06

Saturday, 19.09.07

2 mi Bike Commute.

SQ: 3 x 3 @ 185

---------------Week 5: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 19.09.08

DL 2/3/3 @ 225

Rowing, 20 minutes, steady.

Monday, 19.09.09

2 mi Bike Commute.

Tuesday, 19.09.10

1 mi Bike Commute, 10 mi Bike Ride.

Wednesday, 19.09.11

Thursday, 19.09.12

SQ: 3 x 3 @ 185
OP: 3 x 3 @ 95
BP: 3 x 3 @ 135

Was going to do all the pulls too, but started to feel nauseous on the bench. A shower later, I felt fine, but then it was dinner time . . .

Friday, 19.09.13

Saturday, 19.09.14

SDL: 3 x 3 @ 185
RW: 3 x 5 @ 135
PD: 3 x 5 @ 120

20 mins Rower

---------------Week 6: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 19.09.15

SQ: 3 x 3 @ 195
OP: 3 x 5 @ 95
BP: 3 x 5 @ 139

6 mi Bike Ride with the kids through the neighborhood and fairgrounds. It was cool for them to see the fairgrounds transformed back to normal just a few weeks after the State Fair. The Minnesota State Fair is massive, the biggest in the country I think, with well over two million visitors over a 12 day period. And then it becomes a ghost town for walkers, joggers, and special events, like horse and car shows.

Monday, 19.09.16

DL: 3 x 3 @ 225
RW: 3 x 5 @ 135
PD: 3 x 5 @ 120

8 mins Rower.

My right knee felt a little pain on the rower, so I stopped after eight minutes. I guess the goal for the remainder of this cycle is to find out once and for all if I can really do a Push/Pull split three times a week. So I'll continue to keep the loads relatively light and not push things until I know for sure that my body is able to recover from lifting every day for six days straight.

Tuesday, 19.09.17

SQ: 3 x 3 @ 200
OP: 3 x 5 @ 95
BP: 3 x 5 @ 145

The consistency is starting to pay off, the lifts are getting easier. I think I felt 225 on the last Squat set--200 went up pretty easily. Didn't do my aerobic portion, as the kids were begging to jump into the pool. Probably the last week for it before we pack the Intex pool up for the winter.

Wednesday, 19.09.18

DL: 3 x 3 @ 235
RW: 3 x 5 @ 135
PD: 3 x 5 @ 140

Didn't have time for the aerobic portion, my son got a late reschedule for a flag football game at 6pm on the other side of town. Wow, I really appreciate not having to drive through rushhour most days.

The ED Push/Pull split seems to be taking. Hope I can keep it up. I really prefer doing just three main lifts to six.

Toying with the idea of three one-set finishers for each split: Dips, Pullovers, and DB Press or Overhead Squats for Push days; DB Row, Landmine Twist, and lite Power Clean or Back Extensions for Pull days.

Thursday, 19.09.19

SQ: 3 x 3 @ 205

Kids were clamoring for one last dip in the pool during our week in the 80s, so I only did squats. 205 felt pretty solid, so I may try to get up to 225 by the end of the cycle before I start microloading and working harder to get the aerobic portion in.

Friday, 19.09.20

DL: 3 x 3 @ 235
RW: 3 x 5 @ 135
PD: 3 x 5 @ 145

Saturday, 19.09.21

SQ: 3 x 3 @ 210
OP: 3 x 5 @ 100
BP: 3 x 5 @ 150

---------------Week 7: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 19.09.22

Monday, 19.09.23

SQ: 2 x 3 @ 210

My lower back was a bit fatigued from yardwork, so I made sure my squat technique was spot on. Still, at the end of the second set it felt like it might give out, so I shut it down. I was running a bit late anyway, and had to get my son to flag football practice.

I seem to be sticking to the plan to get up to 225 by the end of the cycle and then start micro-loading. So I'll go for 215 this Wednesday and Friday, then 220 next Monday and Wednesday, then 225 on the last Friday of the cycle. A 225-pound 3RM squat, or 250-pound 1RM, is the next sort of base after the minimal 185-pound 3RM. Then 275-pound 3RM represents pretty decent fitness, and 315-pound 3RM the goal, for now anyway. I got close once before, so it would be nice to finally get there and then assess whether to stay pat until age brings it down, or push further to see what's still possible. A 315-pound 3RM Squat would project to a 350-pound 1RM, and correspond to a 1RM Deadlift of 405 pounds and a 3RM of 365 pounds, according to the Iron Ratio.

Tuesday, 19.09.24
Lower back was still a bit sore/fatigued, so I decided to be smart and let it rest another day.

Wednesday, 19.09.25

SQ: 3 x 3 @ 215
OP: 3 x 5 @ 100
BP: 3 x 5 @ 155

Everything felt solid.

Thursday, 19.09.26
Head cold coming on . . .

Friday, 19.09.27
Slept all afternoon.

Saturday, 19.09.28

BP: 3 x 5 @ 155
SQ: 2 x 3 @ 205

Still feeling sick, but I got some lifting in. I forgot to add the five-pound plates on the Squat though.

---------------Week 8: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 19.09.29

Monday, 19.09.30
Ill still lingering, but probably could've worked out.

Tuesday, 19.10.01

SQ: 3 x 3 @ 220
OP: 3 x 5 @ 105

Energy levels more-or-less back to normal, both lifts felt solid, but I left out the Bench Press to make sure I wasn't overdoing it. Looks like I should be able to begin the next cycle at 225 for my Squat 3RM.

It's all arbitrary, but I take these plate-based milestones--185, 225, 275, 315, 265, 405--somewhat seriously. For the Squat 3RM, 185 is the base, 225 means I'm back in decent shape, 275 is good resistance and proven to be sustainable, and 315 is the goal, for the foreseeable future anyway. 315 means a 350 1RM Squat and a 405 1RM Deadlift, along with a 265 1RM Bench and a 1RM 175 OP. I'm not getting any younger, it's kind of now or never if I'm ever going to see those loads. Four plates on either side of a DL would be pretty cool. Whether or not my joints would still be able to handle the stress is an open question. I don't want to end up like Paul Jordan.

Ah, the folly of young men. I might continue to stick to 3RMs and eschew the risks of attempting 1RMs, even though the Iron Ratio and System of Percentages says I should be able to make their projections.

Wednesday, 19.10.02

DL: 3 x 3 @ 255
PD: 3 x 5 @ 155

It'd been almost two weeks without any pulls, so I skipped the Rows to make sure I wasn't overdoing it. But the DL felt pretty solid. Still not sure how it's going to be doing Deadlifts over 300 on the upstairs floor. Might have to do them in the garage at some point.

Thursday, 19.10.03

SQ: 3 x 3 @ 220
OP: 3 x 5 @ 105
BP: 3 x 5 @ 155

The cool thing about 220 is all the different plate sizes looking like a real bell at the end of the barbell: 45-25-10-5-2.5.

Friday, 19.10.04

DL: 3 x 3 @ 255
RW: 3 x 5 @ 145
PD: 3 x 5 @ 155

Saturday, 19.10.05
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Keeping this cycle as simple as possible with a 6 lift by 2 set daily rotation. Have a major transition happening so simplicity and consistency is the goal, and no injuries.

---------------Week 1: Cycle V---------------
Sunday, 19.08.11

Run - 5k
Bike - 18k

Monday, 19.08.12
Bike - 18k

Tuesday, 19.08.13
Run - 5k
Bike - 18k

Bench - 8@70, 8@80
Farmers - 1@90, 1@90
Press - 10@40, 5@50
Squats - 5@70, 5@80
Pull Ups - 6, 6
Power Clean - 5@60, 5@60

Wednesday, 19.08.14
Bike - 18k

Started to lift again today but started experiencing some upper back tightness so I decided to use today as a rest day.

Thursday, 19.08.15
Press - 5@40, 2x5@50
Squat - 5@40, 5@70, 5@80
Bench - 10@70, 5@80
Farmers - 1x80m@90
Pull Down - 2x8@60
Power Clean - 2x5@60

Last lift in the home gym...

Friday, 19.08.16

Saturday, 19.08.17

---------------Week 2: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 19.08.18

Monday, 19.08.19

Tuesday, 19.08.20
Press - 7@40, 5@50
Squat - 5@40, 5@80
Pull Down - 2x8@10
Low Pulls - 2x8@10
DL - 5@60, 2x5@110
Bench - 10@70, 5@80
Power Clean - 2x5@60

Bike Commute - 20k

Had a tiring long weekend moving, but had some energy this morning on my bike ride in and made a quick detour to the local gym I have been using on and off for the last month. It's kind of a nice change of pace in the gym I am considering keeping my membership for a while till I get the home gym set back up. Then I can get the home brew back up and going first.

I'm liking this routine but I think I may swap out some of the lifts every 3-4 weeks. I've been skipping my pull ups as I have a nasty case of elbow tendinitis from throwing the ball around too much. Need to figure out how to ease all these little joint pains.

Also now I have a little more room I think I may get a sled to pull/push around in the field.

Wednesday, 19.08.21
Run - 5k
Bike Commute - 20k

Thursday, 19.08.22
Press - 8@40, 5@50
Squat - 5@40, 5@70, 5@80
Pull up - 8, 7
DL - 5@70, 5@110
Bench - 8@80, 5@90, 3@100
Power Clean & Press - 3@70

Bike Commute - 20k

My power clean bar was stolen in the middle of a lift, the joys of the public gym. Looking forward to getting the home gym set up which looks to be next week when the mats arrive.

Friday, 19.08.23
Run - 5k
Bike Commute - 20k

Saturday, 19.08.24

---------------Week 3: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 19.08.25

Monday, 19.08.26

Tuesday, 19.08.27
Run - 5k
Bike Commute - 20k

Wednesday, 19.08.28
Run - 5k
Bike Commute - 20k

Thursday, 19.08.29
Run - 5k
Bike Commute - 20k

Friday, 19.08.30
Bike Commute - 20k

Started lifting and my knee felt off on the squat so I shut it down. Spent all week unpacking and setting up the garage. My stall mats came on Tuesday so cleaning out the garage and getting things organized took all of my mornings.

Saturday, 19.08.31

---------------Week 4: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 19.09.01
Run - 1.25 miles

Press - 5@40, 5@50
Squat - 5@40, 5@70, 5@70
Farmers - 1@70, 1@70
Bench - 10@60, 8@80
Power Clean - 5@60, 5@60
Pull up - 7,7

Bike commute

Monday, 19.09.02
Bike commute

Tuesday, 19.09.03
Bike commute

Wednesday, 19.09.04
Bike commute

Friday, 19.09.06
Press - 5@40, 5@40
Pause Squat - 5@50, 5@50
Bench - 2x5@80
Pull ups - 2x7

Bike commute

---------------Week 5: Cycle V---------------
Monday, 19.09.09

Woke up and tried to run, immediately shut it down both my recurring issues flared up. Made a chiro appt instead.

Bike commute

Tuesday, 19.09.10
Bench - 8@60, 8@80
Pull down - 10@40, 2x8@60

Bike commute

Wednesday, 19.09.11
Bench - 8@60, 8@80
Press - 10@40, 9@40
Farmers 200m@70
PC - 5@60, 4@60

Bike commute

Thursday, 19.09.12
Press 5@40, 5@40
Squat - 2x5@70
Pull ups - 2x7
Farmers 200m@70

Bike commute
Run - 5k

Friday, 19.09.13
Bike commute - 22k

---------------Week 6: Cycle V---------------
Sunday, 19.09.15

Lots of barefoot running playing soccer and baseball.

Monday, 19.09.16
And paying for it the next day... I really need to get my heel/ankle/arthritis issue figures out.

Press - 10@40, 10@40, 5@50
Pull Down - 3x10@60
Low pull - 3x10@60

Bike Commute - 22k

Tuesday, 19.09.17
Squats - 19@20, 2x8@60
Farmers - 200m@70, 1 drop
Bike commute - 22k
Run - 5k

Been thinking about switching the routine up a bit, more frequency with less intensity. Might even switch to an upper lower alternating days. Will think about it some. Also thinking how to rehab my ankle and back issues...

Wednesday, 19.09.18

Thursday, 19.09.19

Friday, 19.09.20

Saturday, 19.09.21

---------------Week 7: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 19.09.22

Monday, 19.09.23

Tuesday, 19.09.24

Wednesday, 19.09.25

Thursday, 19.09.26

Friday, 19.09.27

Saturday, 19.09.28

---------------Week 8: Cycle V---------------

Sunday, 19.09.29

Monday, 19.09.30

Tuesday, 19.10.01

Wednesday, 19.10.02

Thursday, 19.10.03

Friday, 19.10.04

Saturday, 19.10.05
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Keeping this cycle as simple as possible with a 6 lift by 2 set daily rotation.

Had a tiring long weekend moving, but had some energy this morning on my bike ride in and made a quick detour to the local gym I have been using on and off for the last month. It's kind of a nice change of pace in the gym I am considering keeping my membership for a while till I get the home gym set back up. Then I can get the home brew back up and going first.

Also now I have a little more room I think I may get a sled to pull/push around in the field.

Is it your intent to actually do all those lifts on a daily basis? I'm still struggling with trying to get in just three push or three pull lifts everyday. I think my body can take it, but 47 hours of rest in between lifting sessions still feels the most natural for me--could just be habit though.

Good luck with the moving! Always a good opportunity to throw crap away. I like your priorities: home brew before home gym.

Man, I bought my sled two years ago and have used it something like two times. I'm just having a hard time going out on the street and making scraping noises for my neighbors. But they probably won't mind. We have one backyard neighbor who does all his small-motor yardwork in the early evening when we're out enjoying our patio.
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Is it your intent to actually do all those lifts on a daily basis? I'm still struggling with trying to get in just three push or three pull lifts everyday. I think my body can take it, but 47 hours of rest in between lifting sessions still feels the most natural for me--could just be habit though.

Good luck with the moving! Always a good opportunity to throw crap away. I like your priorities: home brew before home gym.

Man, I bought my sled two years ago and have used it something like two times. I'm just having a hard time going out on the street and making scraping noises for my neighbors. But they probably won't mind. We have one backyard neighbor who does all his small-motor yardwork in the early evening when we're out enjoying our patio.

I'm thinking more of an every other day pattern like you, it actually goes surprisingly quick about 30 minutes because I superset a lower and upper lift. I just do an occasionally back to back when I'm feeling ok. However this does work faster when I have run and am fully warmed up before lifting. Otherwise its like an additional 10 minutes just to do warm up lifts.

Yeah I think I may skip the sled, I was hoping it could double into a lawn roller type mechanism to flatten the field a bit but they don't seem properly designed for that. Farmers walks seem to work the body in similar fashion so I may just stick with those. Maybe I could get an actual lawn roller and hook it up to a harness and pull?

Agreed about throwing crap away, that's a huge benefit. And even after you do throw all the crap away you still have so much left over. I'm planning on brewing up my version of the Fulton 300 you turned me onto a couple of years ago, I haven't had a mosaic hopped beer in a while. I still love the beer scene you have up your way.

Thanks for the SLDL reminder I'm gonna swap that one out once a week I think. I would love to have a dip bar, they have one at the gym that I really like to use.
I'm thinking more of an every other day pattern like you, it actually goes surprisingly quick about 30 minutes because I superset a lower and upper lift. I just do an occasionally back to back when I'm feeling ok. However this does work faster when I have run and am fully warmed up before lifting. Otherwise its like an additional 10 minutes just to do warm up lifts.

Yeah I think I may skip the sled, I was hoping it could double into a lawn roller type mechanism to flatten the field a bit but they don't seem properly designed for that. Farmers walks seem to work the body in similar fashion so I may just stick with those. Maybe I could get an actual lawn roller and hook it up to a harness and pull?

Agreed about throwing crap away, that's a huge benefit. And even after you do throw all the crap away you still have so much left over. I'm planning on brewing up my version of the Fulton 300 you turned me onto a couple of years ago, I haven't had a mosaic hopped beer in a while. I still love the beer scene you have up your way.

Thanks for the SLDL reminder I'm gonna swap that one out once a week I think. I would love to have a dip bar, they have one at the gym that I really like to use.

Yah, I like when I do my base loads (SQ 3RM=185 lbs., DL 3RM = 225 lbs., BP & Row 5RM = 135 lbs., OP 5RM = 95 lbs., and PD 5RM 120-140 lbs.), how quickly I can get through things, and how mentally unchallenging it is. Maybe I'll just try a fitness approach for this cycle and not worry about strength gains? Or maybe just worry about getting stronger on three lifts, like Squats, Overhead Press, and Deadlifts, then make everything else fairly light or static so I can work in more assistance lifts like Landmines, Pullovers, Dips, DB and Cable Rows, in addition to a lighter, maybe higher rep Bench Press. Kind of like circuit training.

Plus I've always found Dips to be just as beneficial as the Barbell Bench Press, and DB Rows to be just as good as Barbell Rows.

Yah, I could try the sled on my lawn. Our front lawn is fairly flat, but like you said, the runners aren't really designed for variable surfaces. They would need to come up more I think. Anyway, I could try it. I can't really do farmer's walks because of my knees. They don't like loading. That's why the sled could be a good solution if I can just overcome my 'Minnesota Nice' aversion to making noise.

Funny, I've kinda lost my taste for beer since late Winter. These days, when I want to feel witty, I have a Moscow Mule. Must be getting old an reverting to a childlike taste for sweet things instead of the Middle-aged inclination towards bitterness . . .

How does it help? I do almost all of my pull-ups with a neutral grip and I prefer that.

It seems like the issue is caused by throwing the baseball around, and then the pull ups/downs seem to inflame it. Its been a week with no throwing and now there is very little irritation.

Yeah i have a bigger field to mow these days so i'm gonna keep that up for my sled work. At some point I think I'll fix up a sled to pull to do double duty flattening the field. Maybe just a cheap sheet of metal or wood that is bent on one end up?

Too bad about the beer, well maybe, I wish I would lose a temporary taste of it. Lately i've been having too much.
How does it help? I do almost all of my pull-ups with a neutral grip and I prefer that.

It seems like the issue is caused by throwing the baseball around, and then the pull ups/downs seem to inflame it. Its been a week with no throwing and now there is very little irritation.

Yeah i have a bigger field to mow these days so i'm gonna keep that up for my sled work. At some point I think I'll fix up a sled to pull to do double duty flattening the field. Maybe just a cheap sheet of metal or wood that is bent on one end up?

Too bad about the beer, well maybe, I wish I would lose a temporary taste of it. Lately i've been having too much.
I forgot where I read it now--it's been a long time since I read any fitness stuff, because I'm pretty much convinced I know all I need to know for my purposes--but I think neutral grip puts everything in their most mechanically advantageous position, especially for pulls.

Funny how it gets harder to throw things as we age. If I go more than a week or two of not playing some ball with my son, my shoulders really tighten up.

I suppose you could just load up a wheelbarrow and haul that around at a good pace. Sort of a mix between farmer's walks and prowler pushes.
that's it pretty plain but it's perfect for my uses.
Looks perfect. That's my ideal, but I had a hard time parting with my rubberized dumbbells, and then I decided to hang up everything else. But I like the Zen-like simplicity of your setup. I first became intrigued by the ultra simple approach when I saw that French guy's videos (, the one who basically took the 5x5 protocol and said it was his own. Seems like a simple setup helps clear the mind and maintain focus.
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Been thinking about switching the routine up a bit, more frequency with less intensity. Might even switch to an upper lower alternating days. Will think about it some. Also thinking how to rehab my ankle and back issues...
That seems to be the common recommendation for older lifters. This week I seem to finally be trying the ultra frequency routine of lifting six times a week, after a year or two of having that good intention. So far so good. There's still an urge to push the intensity however. Just gotta let the gains come to me so it doesn't mess with my ability to lift everyday. Still, there's a certain attraction to getting my Squat 3RM up to two plates at least as soon as possible.

Hope you figure out your ankle and back issues. My first impulse, of course, would be to recommend stretching all around and calf and shin massages. But I have no idea of what's actually going on.

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