Concurrent Strength & Endurance Training 2016: Cycle III

Bare Lee

Jul 25, 2011
Saint Paul
Assessment of Cycle II
Well, I got used to the early morning schedule, but then I had a few getting-back-into-shape niggles that kept me from sticking to it for any length of time. Frustrating.

Goals for Cycle III.
1.) Establish the high-frequency, first-thing-in-the-morning routine and get my squat back up to a 300 1RM.
2.) Lose 10 pounds, from 245 to 235.
3.) Figure out some form or combination of conditioning/endurance training that's more satisfying than just biking the same route by the river all the time.

---------------Week 1: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 16.04.24

Monday, 16.04.25
SQ: 2/2/3 @ 210
OHP: 3/3/3 @ 105
RDL: 3/3/3 @ 135
P RW: 3/3/3 @ 135
BP: 6-8 x 2 @ 95
PU: 3/3/3 @ -25 assist

Slept in Saturday, then went on nice bike ride with the family in the evening, after shopping for a new bike for my wife and upgrading the saddle and grips on my daughter's bike in the afternoon. So happy we're moving into more active outings as a family. But having slept in till 7am, I missed going to the gym, so I won't make it in 12 times for April. Oh well.

Sunday, slept in till 7am again, and talked myself out of going to the gym. Spent the whole day grading student essays. Yeech. Should've gone to the gym to counteract sitting all day like that.

Today I woke up before 4am and it was easy to motivate for the gym. I still have a bit of a kink in my right hip area but it's slowly working itself out. I'm starting to set loads again for the six lifts. 210 felt good for the squat, so I halved it for the OHP. I'll find some time today to work out the other lifts' loads using the Iron Ratio, and then begin microloading some time later this week if I can maintain some consistency. I might start by increasing the squat loads by 2 pounds every time and see how that goes.

Tuesday, 16.04.26
Wednesday, 16.04.27
Thursday, 16.04.28
Friday, 16.04.29
Saturday, 16.04.30

---------------Week 2: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 16.05.01
Monday, 16.05.02
Tuesday, 16.05.03

Just primed everything. This week I'll try to work up the Iron Ratios with a 3RM Squat of 210:
DL: 241
SQ: 210
BP: 158
OHP: 105
P RW: 131
PD: 158

The numbers don't mean too much, and are already skewed. This morning, for example, I did a 135 row and a 205 pullup, but kept the squat relatively light at 185, just to make sure I don't mess anything up until I'm back in relatively decent lifting shape, which could take several weeks. The main thing is to get the Squat back up to a reasonable load and then microload from there.

Wednesday, 16.05.04

Thursday, 16.05.05

Friday, 16.05.06
SQ: 2/2 @ 185
OHP: 3/3/3 @ 95
PU: 3/3/3 @ -25 assist

OK, worked out twice in one week. Today I'm back thinking about a full-body split, but going in every day. Squat, OHP, PU one day, (R)DL, BP, Row the other. More frequency, less intensity might suit my current doldroms best. Then I need to plot out a 30-minute bike route I can ride before or afterwards. I wonder if I can get my 10-mile route to and fro the river down to 30-40 minutes. That plus three lifts would be a great daily routine. Easy yet complete. OK, getting ahead of myself, let's just focus on doing something over the weekend.

Saturday, 16.05.07

---------------Week 3: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 16.05.08

Monday, 16.05.09

Tuesday, 16.05.10

Wednesday, 16.05.11

Thursday, 16.05.12

Friday, 16.05.13

Saturday, 16.05.14

---------------Week 4: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 16.05.15

Monday, 16.05.16

Tuesday, 16.05.17

Wednesday, 16.05.18
Bike commute
3.5 mi


Squat: 3/3/3 x 185
OHP: 3/3/3 x 95
Pullup: 3/3/3 -25 assist

Just primed. Moral victory just showing up. I think the plan is do alternate Squat/Press/Pullup with Deadlift/Bench/Row. I'll bike-commute to the gym, and then when things start to feel settled, start expanding the length of the bike ride to include a portion down by the river, which is close to the gym. Felt good to hit the weights first thing.

Bike commute
1 mi

Thursday, 16.05.19
RDL: 3/3/3 @ 185
P Rw: 3/3/3 @ 135
BP: 10/10 @ 95

Just primed again. Trying to establish the Squat/Press/Pullup to Deadlift/Bench/Row alternation. Trying to pat myself on the back just for showing up. Just need a week or two of priming and then I can start pushing things a bit.

Friday, 16.05.20

Saturday, 16.05.21

---------------Week 5: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 16.05.22
Squat: 2/2/2 x 185
OHP: 3/3/3 x 95
Pullup: 3/3/3 -25 assist

Just primed everything again. Wimped out on biking to the gym. Dunno why. Sloth.

I really like the 3-lifts, ED concept though, just have to put it into practice. Three lifts first thing in the morning is a lot more mentally manageable than six lifts first thing, plus I finish before I have a chance to get really hungry.

Monday, 16.05.23
RDL: 3/3/3 @ 225
P Rw: 3/3/3 @ 135
BP: 20-30 @ 45

Well, my expectations are finally low enough that I'm happy just making it to the gym, so that helps remove the mental block. Just go and eventually I'll feel the need to increase the loads, but just go.

Tuesday, 16.05.24

Wednesday, 16.05.25

Thursday, 16.05.26

Friday, 16.05.27

Saturday, 16.05.28

---------------Week 6: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 16.05.29
Bike commute

2 miles
Monday, 16.05.30

Tuesday, 16.05.31
Bike commute

2 miles
Wednesday, 16.06.01

Thursday, 16.06.02

Friday, 16.06.03
Bike commute

2 miles
Saturday, 16.06.04

---------------Week 7: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 16.06.05
Bike commute

1 mile
8 miles

Monday, 16.06.06
Bike commute

1 mile

Tuesday, 16.06.07
10.16 miles

SQ: 2/2 @ 185
OHP: 5 @ 95
PU: 3 @ -25 assist

Just Primed. Felt OK after the bike ride. The new protocol is to bike and lift everyday. First day went OK. I'll build up intensity in both as I adapt. First week's mission is just to avoid hurting myself.

Bike commute
1.57 mile

Bike commute
1 mile

Wednesday, 16.06.08
RDL: 3/3 @ 225
P Rw: 3/3 @ 135
BP: 10-15 @ 45

Just primed. Only thing that matters is consistency, and moving into more intense workouts very slowly, to avoid any mishaps. Thought about running a hill first, but maybe next time. So a possible routine would be:

Day 1

Day 2
Cycling and/or hills

I'm really liking just three lifts per workout though. It will be interesting to see if it works with more serious loads on a consistent EOD basis.

Thursday, 16.06.09
Jammed Wednesday night, drank a few afterwards and forgot to drink water, woke up a bit rough, used that as an excuse. Dumb.

Friday, 16.06.10
SQ: 2/3/2 @ 225
OHP: 3/3/3 @115
PU: 3 @ -25 assist

Went up to 225 on the squat, my form was a little off on the second set, going for 3reps, kind of biphasic. I guess I'll stick with these weights until it gets easy, then start microloading. So based on my ratios I'll start with:

RDL: 259/260
SQ: 225
BP: 169/170
OHP 113/115
RW: 141/140
PU: -25

The first numbers are the exact loads, based on percentages of the squat load, the second rounded up or down. Once 3/3/3@225 for the squat feels fine, I'll add a pound each workout and adjust the other lifts accordingly, using the Iron Ratio and fractional plates. The Pullup doesn't really work for microloading, because it's a lot stronger, at about my squat load, but I don't think it would be able to keep up with my squat once I re-establish it, so I'll just leave it be for the time being. The goal for the Pullup will be simply to get it at BW, then either add reps or weight. I'm still at 245 BW, so with a -25lbs assist, I'm pulling up 220 lbs right now. Essentially, if I lost my belly, I could already do 3-5 pullups unassisted.

Felt funny to go in during the day, around 10:45am. It's unstaffed until noon, so I didn't have to worry about anyone saying anything about my bare feet. I'm starting to feel less self-conscious about working out with other people around. I worked out alone so long I kind of became insular. The hardest thing is to resist giving out unsolicited advice to the obvious newbies. More generally, it's strange how no one even acknowledges each other's presence. Feels very white.

Saturday, 16.06.11

---------------Week 8: Cycle III---------------

Sunday, 16.06.12

Monday, 16.06.13

Tuesday, 16.06.14

Wednesday, 16.06.15

Thursday, 16.06.16

Friday, 16.06.17
Spent all afternoon removing a hard, maple stump from the middle of a deck with a combination of chain saw, circular saw, and sledge hammer. It was around 90 and it took two days to recover from. Crap, I'm so out of shape.

Saturday, 16.06.18
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-- assessment of last cycle --
initially, it was hard to stay motivated to run due to, you know, darkness and cold, wind and rain. then, all the reasons we try to exercise competed for time with all structured exercising (stuff like volleyball, gardening, playing with your children, and hugging your wife). i slowly focused more and more on squats and less and less on everything else. a new 1RM effort was achieved (but not replicated) at 180lbs. i haven't decided if i should do a traditional single block "workout" or if i liked the "bazillion single sets throughout the day" approach. i never got soreness from the bazillion sets approach, but my knees did go through a feeling weird stage which i hope is a one-off adaptation event.

-- plan for this cycle --
keep focusing on squats. and continue that focus until the squatting ability seems to be meaningfully outstripping my other (past) abilities. try to keep a secondary focus on shoulder/overhead-press to keep those strong/healthy/uninjured for volleyball purposes.

also, now that the weather is good, try to go to bed at reasonable times and start dedicating more time to running. and maximize chip-n-seal time. chip-n-seal = contented feet; standing on hardwood floors all day = bored and discontented feet.

-- week 1: april 24-30 --
sunday: (28 minutes)
squats: ?x7 at 65/85/105/115lbs
rows: ?x6 at 80/80/85lbs
?x6 at 65/65/70/70lbs
?x3 at 75/75/75/80lbs

tuesday: running: 3.7mi at 7:51 (about 2mi off of concrete on the trails in the prairie)

(21 minutes)
squats: ?x6 at

5 minutes of sit & reach, backbends (or do the kids call them "bridges" these days?), and handstands

wednesday: running: 2.1mi at 7:17

(32 minutes)
squats: ?x7 at 65/85/105/120lbs
rows: ?x6 at 80/80/85lbs
?x6 at 65/65/70/70lbs
?x3 at 75/75/80/80lbs

2 back bends and 4 minutes of stretching

thursday: running: 5.3mi at 7:45 (1.9mi chip-n-seal)

-- week 2: may 1-7 --
monday: running: 3.2mi at 7:16


(34 minutes)
squats: ?x7 at 65/85/105/125lbs
rows: ?x6 at 80/80/85lbs
?x6 at: 65/65/70/70lbs
?x3 at 75/75/80/80/85lbs

1 backbend and 2 minutes of sit and reach

wednesday: running: 5.1mi at 7:21 (1.9mi chip-n-seal)

squats throughout day:

(16 minutes)
squats (concentrated together)
?x6 at 65/85/105lbs
?x4 at 115/125/130/130/130lbs

total pound-repetitions = 10740

thursday: running: 6.1mi at 7:27 (2.8mi chip-n-seal)

squats throughout day: ?x6 at

(21 minutes)
?x6 at 65/65/70/70lbs
?x3 at 75/75/80/80/85lbs

friday: running: 6.0mi at 8:02 (4.7mi on trails in prairie)

-- week 3: may 8-14 --
running: (it is supposed to rain for a few days, so run while the running is good)
morning: 5.7mi at 7:36
evening: 10.3mi at 7:52

monday: running: 6.6mi at 8:24 (3.4mi chip-n-seal)

thursday: 5.1mi at 7:26 (1.9mi chip-n-seal)

friday: 5.1mi at 7:52 (1.9mi chip-n-seal)

-- week 4: may 15-21 --
morning: 3.4mi at 7:43
evening: 13.7 at 8:02 (3.8mi chip-n-seal)

(30 minutes)
squats: ?x7 at 65/70/75/80lbs
rows: ?x6 at 80/80/85lbs
press: ?x6 at 65/65/70/70lbs
?x3 at 75/75/75/80/80lbs

monday: 0.5mi at 9:54 (somehow hurt R ankle previously)

tuesday: 1.0mi at 9:35 (still taking it easy and doing heat and poking at it with fingers)

5.4mi at 8:00 (1.9mi chip-n-seal)

(32 minutes)
squats: ?x7 at 65/75/85/95lbs
rows: ?x6 at 80/85/85lbs
press: ?x6 at 68/68/73/73lbs
2x3 at 78/78/83/83lbs

thursday: 7.5mi at 8:11 (2.9mi chip-n-seal)
friday: 8.4mi at 7:53 (4.0mi chip-n-seal)

-- week 5: may 22-28 --
sunday: 7.0mi at 8:31 (1.9mi chip-n-seal)

(8 minutes)
squats: ?x6 at 65/75/80/85lbs

monday: 12.8mi at 8:26 (1.9mi chip-n-seal; 0.4mi trails)

tuesday: 6.1mi at 8:43

wednesday: 6.1mi at 8:11

(16 minutes)
squats: ?x7 at 65/75/85/95lbs
rows: ?x6 at 80/85/85lbs
press: ?x6 at 68/68/73lbs
(food and sleep deemed more important)

thursday: 8.7mi at 8:25 (1.9mi chip-n-seal)
friday: 6.4mi at 8:11 (1.9mi chip-n-seal)

-- week 6: may 29-june 4 --
sunday: 19.4mi at 9:20 (1.9mi chip-n-seal)
monday: 9.7mi at 9:03 (1.9mi chip-n-seal)
tuesday: 8.1mi at 8:34 (4.9mi chip-n-seal)

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Assessment of last cycle:
1. Diet - Success, was able to stay in the 3.5k range and broke under the 190 mark, with the help of a nasty flu bug
2. Endurance - Finish 55k March 12th, and 100k April 16th - Failed mainly due to getting sick.
3. Sleep - at least 7 hours a night - Success
4. Lifting - focused training on base building, slower increases. - Not sure about this one strength seems to have declined overall.
4a - Press 5 x 5 @ 60kgs Failed
4b - Squat EMOM 13 x 2 @ 110kgs - Failed
4c - Pull ups 5 x 6 - Success
5. Mobility - Yoga twice a week, preferably three times - Success

Overall a pretty good cycle, until the last two weeks that set me back a couple of cycles. I am going to quit dieting for a while as I think that had something to do with my illness.

Goals for this cycle:
1. Endurance - 100k May 21
3. Sleep - at least 7 hours a night
4. Lifting - maintenance cycle only no increases from last cycle except for squat.
5. Mobility - Yoga twice a week, preferably three times

Focus is shifting for the next 16 weeks as I have a 100k, 2 100 milers and one 287 miler multiday on the schedule. I might do a higher rep lower weight cycle for the upper lifts to keep the lifting easy.

---------------Week 1: Cycle III---------------
Monday, 16.04.25

Weight - 189.4lbs

CGBP - 5 x 5 @ 80kgs
Pull ups - 5 x 5 @ BW
DL - 5 x 3 @ 100kgs

Bike Commute - 35k

Tuesday, 16.04.26
Bike Commute - 35k

My appetite came back yesterday, that's good news. Felt a ton better yesterday glad that its finally over. I am gonna try to do a 5 hour run tomorrow. Then I have a hilly 55k planned for next week. Maybe I'll do another long run over the weekend. Off to NY for a few days the following week, I am going to try to run some of the appa trail and then my 100k. Hopefully I'll be back in breathing shape by then.

Wednesday, 16.04.27
Trail run/walk - 3hrs

Press - 3 x 5 @ 40/50/55kgs 3 x 8 @ 40kgs
Low pulls - 3 x 10 @ 50kgs
Squats - EMOM 10 x 2 @ 90kgs

Run was a lot tougher than I was expecting. Amazing how much conditioning I lost in two weeks of laziness.

Thursday, 16.04.28
Friday, 16.04.29

Run/walk - 90 min also did about 20 minutes of hill repeats

Saturday, 16.04.30
Bench - 5 x 5 @ 80kgs
Pull downs - 5 x 5 @ 70kgs
Farmers - 2 x 80m @ 102kgs
Ab rollouts - 3 x 8 @ BW

Sunday, 16.05.01

---------------Week 2: Cycle III---------------
Monday, 16.05.02

Run/walk commute - 18k

Going to the Dr tomorrow, I think I have Lyme disease so I will probably go on an antibiotic cycle. Hopefully it helps deal with some of the issues I have been experiencing the last few weeks.

Tuesday, 16.05.03
CGBP - 5 x 5/5/5/4/4 @ 80kgs
Pull ups - 6 x 6 @ BW
DL - EMOM 13 x 2 @ 140kgs

Bike commute - 35k

Wednesday, 16.05.04

Thursday, 16.05.05

Trail run - 55k

Friday, 16.05.06
Bike Commute - 35k

Feeling much better today, my constant headache and soreness in my back are gone. It looks like the antibiotics are kicking in. I have been doing a terrible job getting enough sleep so I need to work on that some more. Had some weird heart palpitations yesterday when running downhill, did a little research and that also seems to be a lyme related symptom. Still optimistic that most of the symptoms will be gone by next week. I am going to try to get in two workouts over the weekend and then two next week. I am limited on time due to travel. I am also thinking about switching up my plan to follow a lifting program like the ones outlined in the Hybrid Training book I bought a while back. I need to read into it a little more first and decide how I feel about them. I actually signed up for a seminar/training with the author in July. I have never done something like that before but am very interested to get a little more detail into the book and ask some specific ultra related questions. I probably won't listen but oh well.

Saturday, 16.05.07
Press - 5 x 5 @ 40/50/55/57.5kgs
Low rows - 5 x 8 @ 70kgs
Squats - EMOM 10 x 3 @ 80kgs

Sunday, 16.05.08
Bench - 9 x 3 @ 80/90/95kgs
Pull ups - 9 x 3 @ BW

Got interrupted by the kids so had to cut this one down short.

---------------Week 3: Cycle III---------------
Monday, 16.05.09

Run/walk Commute - 18k

Felt awful initially but at the end things were really clicking. The best I have felt in a long time, hopefully its the antibiotics working. Short week for me this week but I am going to do a back to back run this weekend. Then the following weekend I have the 100k.

Tuesday, 16.05.10
Bike commute - 35k

Starting lifting but it fizzled fast and I quit early.

Wednesday, 16.05.11
CGBP - 5 x 5 @ 80kgs
Pull ups - 5 x 5 @ bw
DL - EMOM 10 x 2 @ ???

Thursday, 16.05.12

Friday, 16.05.13

Run - 90 min

Saturday, 16.05.14
Trail run - 5.5 hours

Sunday, 16.05.15
Trail run - 3 hours
Ruck Walk - 2 hours

---------------Week 4: Cycle III---------------
Monday, 16.05.16

Tuesday, 16.05.17

Bike commute - 35k

Wednesday, 16.05.18
BP - 6 x 5/5/4/4/2/2 @ 80/90/100kgs
Pull ups - 6 x 5 @ bw
TBDL - EMOM 6 x 2 @ 112kgs

Trying to get caught up after traveling for a long weekend. It was a physically demanding weekend and I can still feel it in today's workout. I will be taking it easy the rest of the week in prep for the 100k on Saturday. I am falling behind on sleep hopefully I can get caught up over the next two nights.

Thursday, 16.05.19
Bike Commute - 35k

Friday, 16.05.20

Saturday, 16.05.21

Trail run - Trail de Trappistes 100k - Finished just under 14hrs had a nice Rochefort at the end. I'll post a write-up once I get it finished.

---------------Week 5: Cycle III---------------
Monday, 16.05.23

CGBP - 3 x 10 @ 60kgs
Pull downs - 3 x 8 @ 60kgs
TBDL - 3 x 5 @ 72kgs

Still a bit sore from the race and some consecutive nights of bad sleep. I'm gonna keep things light this week and then get back at it next Monday.

Tuesday, 16.05.24
Bike commute - 35k

Wednesday, 16.05.25

Thursday, 16.05.26

Friday, 16.05.27

Saturday, 16.05.28

Bench - 75s 13 x 3/2/1 - 80kgs - 205 kgs
Pull ups - 15 x 3 @ BW
Farmers - 2 x 80m @ 80kgs
Ab roll outs - 2 x 8

Sunday, 16.05.29

---------------Week 6: Cycle III---------------
Monday, 16.05.30

TBDL - 7 x 2 @ 122kgs


Really knocked out of the routine. Strength levels are way down. I am going to use the rest of the cycle to drop down weight a little and try out a couple of ideas I had. Moving away from heavy EMOM and more towards 5 exercises, multi reps and variation. 3-5s, 8-10s, 15-20s.

Tuesday, 16.05.31
Wednesday, 16.06.01
Thursday, 16.06.02

Trail run walk - 120 min

Friday, 16.06.03

Finally got a run in. Things should be back to normal again this next week. I am going to try to lift this weekend to test out a new idea. Lower volume on the legs and varied volume for the upper stuff. I'll post the idea when I after I get it smoothed out.

Saturday, 16.06.04
Pull ups - 3 x 8/6/5 @ BW
Press - 3 x 5 @ 50kgs
Squats - 3 x 5 @ 80kgs
CGBP - 3 x 12 @ 60kgs

Sunday, 16.06.05

Step ups - 3 x 10 @ 30kgs
Weighted Pull ups - 3 x 8 @ 5kgs
Bench - 3 x 5 @ 90kgs
Hip thrusts - 3 x 8 @ 80kgs

---------------Week 7: Cycle III---------------
Monday, 16.06.06

Run/walk commute - 18k
Bike commute - 17.5k

Ok I think I am going to run this plan tentatively and have one heavier lift of 5 reps for the Squat, press and bench. Heavy DL will be done every other week and the skipped week I'll double up on the squat. Weights will be on an RPE scale build up to a daily top rep max.

Tuesday, 16.06.07
Weight - 194.8
Bike Commute - 35k

Wednesday, 16.06.08

Press - 3 x 8 @ 40kgs
Low pulls - 3 x 5 @ 70kgs
DL - 3 x 5 @ 110kgs

Bike Commute - 35k

Thursday, 16.06.09
Bike Commute - 35k

Friday, 16.06.10
Pull ups - 3 x 5 @ BW
Push ups - 3 x 12
Squats - 3 x 5 @ 80kgs


Bike - 20k

Saturday, 16.06.11
Trail Run - 45k

Last long training run before my 100 in July. Glad I ran this section of the course because it is very technically challenging. It's going to be a difficult race.

Sunday, 16.06.12

Tried to lift but had no energy.

---------------Week 8: Cycle III---------------
Monday, 16.06.13

Weight - 195.6

E75s x 13 of
Bench x 80kgs
Pull downs x 50kgs

Bike Commute - 17.5k

Ok new focus for the next three weeks of taper, lose some more weight! I am cutting sugar and alcohol and as many refined carbs as possible. A little irritated how fast my weight gained back.

Tuesday, 16.06.14
Run/walk Commute - 18k
Bike Commute - 17.5k

Wednesday, 16.06.15
Bike Commute - 35k

Thursday, 16.06.16
DL - 5 x 140kgs, 3 x 140kgs, 1 x 150kgs, 1 x 155kgs, 1 x 160kgs

Things were feeling easy so I pushed a little, 160 was tough but went up quick. I think I had 5 more kgs in me but figured I would stop as there is no reason to push right now. 20kgs isn't that far away!

I don't like the 5 rep pattern with DL's my form gets ugly after 3.

Friday, 16.06.17
Saturday, 16.06.18
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dude! lyme disease? that would be exciting in all the wrong ways. i hope you get whatever it is figured out and further that it is easily remedied.

Partial facial paralysis, swollen knees, hell yeah its exciting. Hopefully these antibiotics work and I don't end up with some of the worse symptoms. Or I caught it at the right time.

Hey how's the frequent squatting what are things you like and don't like about it? Do you think it's helping build a solid base?
Partial facial paralysis, swollen knees, hell yeah its exciting. Hopefully these antibiotics work and I don't end up with some of the worse symptoms. Or I caught it at the right time.

Hey how's the frequent squatting what are things you like and don't like about it? Do you think it's helping build a solid base?
Shit man, I wish you all the best. We just passed my one-year anniversary for Shingles--April 30th was when I first noticed it--so I don't know what to make of that. Lymes can really suck so do all you need to do to fully recover. Forget all physical activity and devote all your energy to getting better. You don't want that lingering for the rest of your life.
Shit man, I wish you all the best. We just passed my one-year anniversary for Shingles--April 30th was when I first noticed it--so I don't know what to make of that. Lymes can really suck so do all you need to do to fully recover. Forget all physical activity and devote all your energy to getting better. You don't want that lingering for the rest of your life.

Yeah thanks it totally made me think of your episode of the shingles. You know what's funny, it feels the worse when I am sitting around not doing much. Once I am moving around all the little aches and pains go away. I'm going to make sure to eat healthy and get 8 hours of sleep a night and just keep exercising moderately and hopefully the antibiotics will kick in and make the annoying pains go away. If it they haven't lessened in a week I'll reassess then. Hopefully it doesn't last forever but the antibiotic regimen I am on is for the more serious nervous system infection so it's likely something I will deal with again, f'n ticks.

Hey you doing ok?
Yeah thanks it totally made me think of your episode of the shingles. You know what's funny, it feels the worse when I am sitting around not doing much. Once I am moving around all the little aches and pains go away. I'm going to make sure to eat healthy and get 8 hours of sleep a night and just keep exercising moderately and hopefully the antibiotics will kick in and make the annoying pains go away. If it they haven't lessened in a week I'll reassess then. Hopefully it doesn't last forever but the antibiotic regimen I am on is for the more serious nervous system infection so it's likely something I will deal with again, f'n ticks.

Hey you doing ok?
Yah, not too bad. Just have to make the early morning routine stick. It's mostly a mental block. I got physically used to lifting first thing after a few weeks, but mentally, I still find excuses. Mostly now, it's a matter of accepting I need to forget about prior gains and just start over again, building up from wherever it's easy after a week or two of priming. After my past injuries, I know the drill. Then there's also the problem of when I wake up later or have a lot of class prep, I'm reluctant to hit the gym later cuz I don't want to deal with potential shoe police. First thing in the morning the place is unstaffed and there's only a few clients around. So just stupid stuff like that. I also got a few niggles that I've been super cautious about, probably too cautious, or maybe I let them be an excuse when I could've gone in and done something that worked around them.

Just lifting light this morning I felt great afterwards, so I know it's gotta happen. The alternative is spending the rest of my life feeling like sh*t. I know training first thing in the morning is the only way I'll ever be able to maintain consistency. So just gotta get used to it and stop making excuses. There are just as many excuses for other times of day. And I still would like to see that 400-pound deadlift. Crap, maybe even a 400-pound squat. How awesome would that feel? And I'm excited about the assisted pullup machine. I'm only 20-25 pounds of belly fat away from being able to do one unassisted. Hopefully it all comes together in this cycle.

On the aerobic front, I'm still having a hard time getting excited about subbing cycling for running, so the idea is to mix up pure aerobic cycling with more interval stuff. Going to put a new derailleur on my bike and then hopefully start working in hills or prowler work too. So sick of being overweight. I ran for a few blocks with the kids a week or two ago, and my knees handled it fine, so I think some hill work will work if I'm careful about it. I always liked faster-paced running anyway.

Anyway, I hope you get the Lymes licked quick. I still have my shingles but it's more annoying than painful, and is linked to hydration, so if Lymes is anything similar, make sure to stay fully hydrated. I think the secret in both cases is catching it early. If I had gone in one or two days earlier who knows? Maybe I would've been able to get rid of it for good. Now the shingles is with me for the rest of my life. So take the Lymes deadly seriously and give yourself an optimal chance for full recovery. There may be a lot at stake. My dad still hasn't recovered from his, but he got it a year after he nearly died from an aorta aneurysm, in his 80s, so he was already weak.
Yah, not too bad. Just have to make the early morning routine stick. It's mostly a mental block. I got physically used to lifting first thing after a few weeks, but mentally, I still find excuses. Mostly now, it's a matter of accepting I need to forget about prior gains and just start over again, building up from wherever it's easy after a week or two of priming. After my past injuries, I know the drill. Then there's also the problem of when I wake up later or have a lot of class prep, I'm reluctant to hit the gym later cuz I don't want to deal with potential shoe police. First thing in the morning the place is unstaffed and there's only a few clients around. So just stupid stuff like that. I also got a few niggles that I've been super cautious about, probably too cautious, or maybe I let them be an excuse when I could've gone in and done something that worked around them.

Just lifting light this morning I felt great afterwards, so I know it's gotta happen. The alternative is spending the rest of my life feeling like sh*t. I know training first thing in the morning is the only way I'll ever be able to maintain consistency. So just gotta get used to it and stop making excuses. There are just as many excuses for other times of day. And I still would like to see that 400-pound deadlift. Crap, maybe even a 400-pound squat. How awesome would that feel? And I'm excited about the assisted pullup machine. I'm only 20-25 pounds of belly fat away from being able to do one unassisted. Hopefully it all comes together in this cycle.

On the aerobic front, I'm still having a hard time getting excited about subbing cycling for running, so the idea is to mix up pure aerobic cycling with more interval stuff. Going to put a new derailleur on my bike and then hopefully start working in hills or prowler work too. So sick of being overweight. I ran for a few blocks with the kids a week or two ago, and my knees handled it fine, so I think some hill work will work if I'm careful about it. I always liked faster-paced running anyway.

Anyway, I hope you get the Lymes licked quick. I still have my shingles but it's more annoying than painful, and is linked to hydration, so if Lymes is anything similar, make sure to stay fully hydrated. I think the secret in both cases is catching it early. If I had gone in one or two days earlier who knows? Maybe I would've been able to get rid of it for good. Now the shingles is with me for the rest of my life. So take the Lymes deadly seriously and give yourself an optimal chance for full recovery. There may be a lot at stake. My dad still hasn't recovered from his, but he got it a year after he nearly died from an aorta aneurysm, in his 80s, so he was already weak.

Cool glad to hear everything is alright. Yeah I am trying to wrap my head around some lost strength levels too. You would think a couple of weeks of downtime wouldn't have that effect, but add in starvation mode and general malaise and here I am.

400 pound squat is an idea, although I'm nowhere near a 300lbs squat and should probably work that one first. I still toy with the idea of squatting more frequently and deadlifting less, or only deadlifting with the trap bar. Maybe I'll set up my cycle like that next week. I am still hesitant to make wholesale changes because I think the plan I have been doing has been pretty beneficial, but maybe mixing up some lifts will be worthwhile. I really like the simplicity of my workouts and never really needing to think about weights or reps is pretty nice in the morning.

Although now that I think about it maybe I need to start pushing it a bit more? At least the squats as I state in the goals. Anyway food for thought? I hear you about the lyme, although I am tentatively hopeful for these antibiotics. The rash is definitely healing but the headaches and general achiness are still there. Plus I feel much more sore after workouts now than I ever have. Wonder if that's a side effect of it too. I do have more energy today so that's a plus as well.
Hey how's the frequent squatting what are things you like and don't like about it? Do you think it's helping build a solid base?

i think it is helping to try to do the relatively high frequency. as you can see from the log, it has been kinda erratic. but that week or two of going nuts through the day helped, at least psychologically. you get used to doing them and so you get a better feel for it and don't freak out like, "oh my word, if i go up to 95lbs, should i get out my wooden safeties? will i be pinned to the floor?" similarly importantly, i think it helps strengthen all the little muscles so it feels more solid, which feeds back into that psychological thing.

and no, bare lee, i'm not going over to the "light side" of stretching. i will probably be doing a tiny bit of gymnastics here in a little bit, so i just want to make sure my legs/back/tummy are used to or able to place themselves in a little more range of motion than i do while running compactly in a straight line on concrete or sitting hunched over at my desk, if you know what i mean.
i think it is helping to try to do the relatively high frequency. as you can see from the log, it has been kinda erratic. but that week or two of going nuts through the day helped, at least psychologically. you get used to doing them and so you get a better feel for it and don't freak out like, "oh my word, if i go up to 95lbs, should i get out my wooden safeties? will i be pinned to the floor?" similarly importantly, i think it helps strengthen all the little muscles so it feels more solid, which feeds back into that psychological thing.

and no, bare lee, i'm not going over to the "light side" of stretching. i will probably be doing a tiny bit of gymnastics here in a little bit, so i just want to make sure my legs/back/tummy are used to or able to place themselves in a little more range of motion than i do while running compactly in a straight line on concrete or sitting hunched over at my desk, if you know what i mean.
Wait a few years when everything starts to tighten up. Man, I really gotta get to it. I can barely get up off the floor.
Cool glad to hear everything is alright. Yeah I am trying to wrap my head around some lost strength levels too. You would think a couple of weeks of downtime wouldn't have that effect, but add in starvation mode and general malaise and here I am.

400 pound squat is an idea, although I'm nowhere near a 300lbs squat and should probably work that one first. I still toy with the idea of squatting more frequently and deadlifting less, or only deadlifting with the trap bar. Maybe I'll set up my cycle like that next week. I am still hesitant to make wholesale changes because I think the plan I have been doing has been pretty beneficial, but maybe mixing up some lifts will be worthwhile. I really like the simplicity of my workouts and never really needing to think about weights or reps is pretty nice in the morning.

Although now that I think about it maybe I need to start pushing it a bit more? At least the squats as I state in the goals. Anyway food for thought? I hear you about the lyme, although I am tentatively hopeful for these antibiotics. The rash is definitely healing but the headaches and general achiness are still there. Plus I feel much more sore after workouts now than I ever have. Wonder if that's a side effect of it too. I do have more energy today so that's a plus as well.
Strength loss seems nonlinear--the longer you take off, the less it matters. Glad to hear the energy is coming back. A good sign.
I actually signed up for a seminar/training with the author in July. I have never done something like that before but am very interested to get a little more detail into the book and ask some specific ultra related questions. I probably won't listen but oh well.
Ha, unless he confirms your biases, right? Cool that you signed up though, look forward to hearing about it.
Felt awful initially but at the end things were really clicking. The best I have felt in a long time, hopefully its the antibiotics working. Short week for me this week but I am going to do a back to back run this weekend. Then the following weekend I have the 100k.
Can't believe you're contemplating an ultra so soon after contracting Lymes, but I'm glad to hear you're feeling better.
Ha, unless he confirms your biases, right? Cool that you signed up though, look forward to hearing about it.

Can't believe you're contemplating an ultra so soon after contracting Lymes, but I'm glad to hear you're feeling better.

Yeah I looked into his plans and to some extent what I am doing he recommends. Higher sets lower reps. I should scan or photo the page here to show you. The big difference is he splits the Sq/DL/Bench to different days where I do either Sq/Press or DL/bench on the same day. I also do a little more back work than he recommends. So I guess I'll keep chugging away with what I am doing. I really should start progressive loading the squat more and eventually getting it to the microload phase.

Well I don't really have many options for the training for my summer ultras. I skipped my previous 100k in April so I am feeling a bit undertrained at this point. Not sure if its a great idea but things do feel better after a run. I think it has a detoxifying effect or something. Now I just need to get out of this insomnia slump?
Yeah I looked into his plans and to some extent what I am doing he recommends. Higher sets lower reps. I should scan or photo the page here to show you. The big difference is he splits the Sq/DL/Bench to different days where I do either Sq/Press or DL/bench on the same day. I also do a little more back work than he recommends. So I guess I'll keep chugging away with what I am doing. I really should start progressive loading the squat more and eventually getting it to the microload phase.

Well I don't really have many options for the training for my summer ultras. I skipped my previous 100k in April so I am feeling a bit undertrained at this point. Not sure if its a great idea but things do feel better after a run. I think it has a detoxifying effect or something. Now I just need to get out of this insomnia slump?
Looks like your Lymes is a lot better. Great news!

I posted my first post on Talkbass by the way. Feels funny to participate on another online forum, although I've been lurking there for months.

I went into our neighborhood wine shop barefoot yesterday. I had done it before, never any hassle. Yesterday the owner asked me if I hiked barefoot. I said not really, but I used to run barefoot. Turns out he's big into barefoot hiking. So we talked a bit about the whole barefoot thing. It's funny how I've kind of gone back to my quiet barefoot identity, now that I don't really participate much on BRS outside of our exercise logs.
Looks like your Lymes is a lot better. Great news!

I posted my first post on Talkbass by the way. Feels funny to participate on another online forum, although I've been lurking there for months.

I went into our neighborhood wine shop barefoot yesterday. I had done it before, never any hassle. Yesterday the owner asked me if I hiked barefoot. I said not really, but I used to run barefoot. Turns out he's big into barefoot hiking. So we talked a bit about the whole barefoot thing. It's funny how I've kind of gone back to my quiet barefoot identity, now that I don't really participate much on BRS outside of our exercise logs.

Yeah it's getting better overall but every few days I still get some of the symptoms back. Hopefully after a few more weeks of antibiotics that will fade as well. I think it's definitely impacting my lifting though which kind of sucks. Even lighter weights feel really heavy.

Did you get your bass assembled? I'm curious to see it.

I keep saying this but I need to spend some more time barefoot. It's like I am almost losing my barefoot identity. I guess I still wear my Luna's pretty often so that's halfway there. I should really start building my barefoot mileage back up on my morning commutes star with a km or two and try to build up to the whole way by the end of summer?

It would be kind of surreal to meet a barefooter randomly though. I am not sure what I would say? I think most people in my neighborhood think I am poor and occasionally try to give me money. So probably won't find one around here.
Yeah it's getting better overall but every few days I still get some of the symptoms back. Hopefully after a few more weeks of antibiotics that will fade as well. I think it's definitely impacting my lifting though which kind of sucks. Even lighter weights feel really heavy.

Did you get your bass assembled? I'm curious to see it.

I keep saying this but I need to spend some more time barefoot. It's like I am almost losing my barefoot identity. I guess I still wear my Luna's pretty often so that's halfway there. I should really start building my barefoot mileage back up on my morning commutes star with a km or two and try to build up to the whole way by the end of summer?

It would be kind of surreal to meet a barefooter randomly though. I am not sure what I would say? I think most people in my neighborhood think I am poor and occasionally try to give me money. So probably won't find one around here.
Yah, I can't imagine lifting with Lymes. Shingles affected the nerves on the surface, so it didn't really interfere with movement or strength, and exercise actually seems to help relieve it somewhat. I still feel it whenever I'm dehydrated. I think I may also be feeling it more lately because I don't get the blood moving very often.

The bass is still going to take some time, although I should check in. When I dropped it off, the luthier told me one to two months. I think it's been about a month now. I'll PM you pics of all my basses when the fleet is complete.

Yah, I'm still a barefooter, but I miss the barefoot running. I miss the abrasion. Got to try some hill running soon, but right now I'm just focused on establish some kind of consistency with the lifting and cycling. I hate how out-of-shape I feel right now.

There's also a barefoot runner in my neighborhood. I've talked to him once or twice. He lives just a block up the street, but he seems like a fairly private person. He also juggles while riding a unicycle during our neighborhood 4th of July parade. My wife still can't believe how people in white neighborhoods barely interact with one another. It's kind of a NPR crowd where everyone seems nervous about saying anything controversial or offensive. Difficult to relax around them. I miss Africa. I keep telling my wife we need some African friends with kids to hang out with on picnics or BBQs.
well guys, it seems like we're all getting pulled in multiple directions. i have trying to ramp up the miles a little bit after not having run very much. the chip-n-seal is going well: today, i thought i would do a little more than usual and felt so good i ended up doing 4.9mi instead of my usual 1.9mi. apparently, doing things on a regular basis can result in improvement. of course, i'm not going very fast, but i am prioritizing strong feet over speed. i figure that strong feet will mean i can run faster on "nice" surfaces and/or longer, so it is just a matter of keeping it up until the supernatural improvements start to show up.
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well guys, it seems like we're all getting pulled in multiple directions. i have trying to ramp up the miles a little bit after not having run very much. the chip-n-seal is going well: today, i thought i would do a little more than usual and felt so good i ended up doing 4.9mi instead of my usual 1.9mi. apparently, doing things on a regular basis can result in improvement. of course, i'm not going very fast, but i am prioritizing strong feet over speed. i figure that strong feet will mean i can run faster on "nice" surfaces and/or longer, so it is just a matter of keeping it up until the supernatural improvements start to show up.
Feeling like crap. Got in some bike commutes last week and a bike ride yesterday. Was going to hit the gym today but thunderstorms. But it's got to happen. My knees are starting to act up, and I'm starting to feel some out-of-shape niggles come on. Exercise cures all.

Envious of your running. I like your strategy. It's still fun to follow you guys' progress.
Hey Abide: my gym has a prowler. Thinking about giving it a try. Any thoughts/tips?

Nice that's pretty cool actually, how much room do you have to push?

I always felt the most benefit going heavier but shorter, especially if you are restricted indoors. You can use it as a warm up (lighter) or a finishing lift (heavier).