Concurrent Strength & Endurance Training 2016: Cycle II

Bare Lee

Jul 25, 2011
Saint Paul
Assessment of last cycle: sucked
Goals for this cycle: not suck

Seriously, I will experiment with first-thing-in-the-morning exercise, as I'm semi-convinced this is the only way I will ever get after it on a consistent basis. I will probably start with a simple 3x5 scheme, and set semi-challenging loads for the six main lifts, work up to the point where I can complete five reps per set, and then begin microloading, adding in some rep-count variation as needed.

---------------Week 1: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 16.02.28
Monday, 16.02.29
Tuesday, 16.03.01
Wednesday, 16.03.02

Thursday, 16.03.03
Bike Commuting
3.3 miles

Finally made my way back to Anytime Fitness, at 4am. Just primed the six lifts. I'll try to add a bit next time, hopefully tomorrow. It's going to take a while to transition to early morning lifting, but I know it's the way to go long-term. Just have to make the short-term adjustments, mostly psychological.

Tried the assisted pullup contraption for the first time. I liked it a lot better than pulldowns or assisted pullups with bands. I think the weight was set at 70, which, given a body weight of 245, means I was lifting 175, right? That seems right. It felt like about 175 on a pulldown. It's pretty cool. I'll just keep dropping weight until I can do it unassisted. With the pulldowns, right around 200 pounds, I start to rise up, and my form becomes fetal. With the assisted pullup machine, my form felt pretty natural (the arc of resistance or whatever it's called seemed close to a real pullup), and there was possibly less stress on the shoulder and elbows.

Bike Commuting
One mile.

Friday, 16.03.04
Saturday, 16.03.05

---------------Week 2: Cycle II---------------
Sunday, 16.03.06

More priming. Got the squat up to 2/2/2 @ 185 and did one rep of 135 for the clean-press. Then just dicking around with the RDLs, assisted pullup, 2DB Bench Press and 1DB Row, almost doing them as circuit training, which then occurred to me might be a good way to warm up first thing.

I debated hitting the gym while on the shitter, then realized if I don't get on top of this early morning routine pretty soon it's going to get harder and harder to get back into shape. Just have to suck it up for a week or two until I adapt and make it non-negotiable. It's too easy to find excuses first thing in the morning. So I went. My lower back felt pretty crunchy, so I rowed for five minutes after my first empty bar warmup squat set. That helped a bit, but I think I'll need to go in pretty much everyday to speed up the adaptation process. Might have to think about some kind of split.

Since the gym is on my prime bike route, maybe I'll try to combine biking and lifting into a single daily routine. 45-50 minutes of cycling a day would probably take the weight off quickly.

Anyway feeling great afterwards, just have to summon the mental fortitude to do something, anything, again tomorrow morning.

Monday, 16.03.07
Squat: 2/2 @ 225
Clean-Press: 1/2 @ 135
Assisted Pullup: 3 @ -60, 3/3 @ -40

Well, managed two days in a row. At least until I'm back in decent shape, I will probably work off of a split routine. That could be sustainable on a daily basis. So one day Squat/Press/Pullup, one day Deadlift/Bench/Row. I think the secret to a first-thing-in-the-morning routine is to do it everyday.

Everything felt a little better today than yesterday, but my lower back still feels a little stiff and unstable at 4am, so I'm going to continue to take things slow and just get everything primed and habituated to the early morning schedule. Assisted Pullups felt almost like real ones at -40 pounds. I'm about 245 still, so I was doing a pullup at a bodyweight of about 205 with the 40 pound assist. This will probably be my base and then I'll work on reducing the assist in five-pound increments.

I really like how good I feel afterwards. It really sets up the rest of the day quite nicely. Only problem is the afternoon drowsiness. Yesterday I was fighting sleep from 1-3pm before I got my second wind. I hope that improves as I adapt to the early morning schedule.

Tuesday, 16.03.08
Slept in until 6am. By the time I got to the gym, the little parking lot was already full and I could see all the cardio folks running on the treadmills while looking up at the 4-5 screens they have in front. That was enough, I turned around and went to my office. I know it's stupid, but I got to ease into a fuller gym vibe, although I doubt the power racks were all taken. Maybe in a few more weeks. At the moment, I'm really enjoying the desolate gym vibe. Like Charlton Heston lifting during the night while the zombies are out on the prowl or something. Anyway, found out that sometime between 5:30 and 6:30am the gym goes from deathly quiet (besides the piped in musak) to pretty lively.

Wednesday, 16.03.09
Felt like working out first thing, but I let obsession with class prep justify not going in. Regretted it almost immediately.

Thursday, 16.03.10
Squat: 2/2/3 @ 225
Clean-Press: 1/1/2/2 @ 135
Assisted Pullup (Supine, pronated, neutral): 3/3/3 @ -40

It felt a little less uncomfortable to lift first thing, my lower back felt less stiff and crunchy, and then on the third squat set I actually felt pretty good and considered going for reps. But I think I've committed, at least for a while, to a gradual, everyday, three lifts protocol. So I did my best to abide by it and just let the schedule adaptations come to me.

The focus has to remain on simply establishing the (nearly) everyday schedule for the next week or two. So I got set the agenda on low-effort until it starts to feel like a late afternoon workout, then start to push it. I was encouraged that on the third squat set I got a glimpse of some of that urge to push. So just gotta be patent and trust that it will come. Basically, there's two hurdles to overcome. First, when I wake up, fight the initial urge to head straight to my office for breakfast and coffee. Second, once I'm at the gym, fight the urge to quit before my body begins to warm-up. Once it's warmed-up, it takes a lot less mental effort to get through the sets. I think working off of a split routine will also help. All I have to do is nine worksets and then I can shower, eat, and have my coffee.

I really like the space at Anytime Fitness. When I'm in there alone, or with just a few people and it's almost like I'm all alone, I don't have any of that claustrophic crampedness of my garage gym. The body seems to want to fully extend into all that space when I'm doing the squat and press.

One guy seems to have the same early morning schedule as me. He's the serious lifter I think I mentioned before when I was complaining about the music a week or two ago. So that's cool. He was just coming in as I was leaving, but it's good to know there's a potential spotter around in case I decided to test a single once in a while.

Friday, 16.03.11
Felt like hitting the gym, didn't. Regretted it.

Saturday, 16.03.12

Bike commuting
1.9 mi to gym
1.4 mi to office
1 mi to home

Romanian Deadlift: 3/3/3 @ 225
Bench Press: 1/2/3 @ 185
One-hand Dumbbell Row: 3/3/3 @ 90 L & R

I got to Anytime Fitness sometime after 3am. I woke up at 2:30 very dehydrated with a slight headache. I ate a nice sized ribeye with wine for dinner the evening before but didn't eat anything else and only had carrots for lunch. So I just primed everything, still focusing on simply establishing the early morning schedule and the new three-lifts routine. Felt good to bench again. And I noticed they have a prowler, so might have to check that out at some point.

---------------Week 3: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 16.03.13
Squat: 3/3/2 @ 225
Clean Press: 1/1/1/3 @ 135
Assisted Pullup, Pronated, Neutral, Supine Grip: 3/3/3 @ -40

Pretty proud I made it in today. I slept like a log from exhaustion and woke up with a kink in my back. Five minutes of rowing helped loosen things up, and then squats felt pretty solid. I felt a little light-headed on the first Press sets however. I think I'm still dehydrated from our family outing on Saturday. Assisted Pullups are definitely getting easier, and I think I may have lost a pound or two over the last week as well. Didn't ride my bike because it's supposed to rain and it's still cold enough to make that a little miserable, but yesterday I did manage to finally get the studded tires off so no excuses now, got start working the cyvling back in as well.

Didn't get in till after 7am, due to daylight savings time and sleeping in till 6:45 or so. 2-4 people in there with me, mostly doing cardio. Then one big guy came back to the free weights section and started doing half-squats while I was leaving. When I come in earlier I have the best of both worlds: the convenience and space of a health club together with the privacy and focus of a garage gym.

Monday, 16.03.14
RDL: 3/3/3 @ 275
Bench Press: 3/3/3 @ 185
P Row: 3/3/3 @ 135

Definitely getting easier. Maybe I can start to push things next week after another week of priming. I'll have to recalculate the loads and percentages, so far I've just been doing everything in 45- or 25-plate increments. It will all depend on how quickly I can get my squat back up. Even though I've switched things up a bit with the three-lifts, everyday protocol, I think it still makes sense for me to calibrate all the loads off the squat using the Iron Ratios.

I've lifted six out of the last nine days. Whoppee!

Tuesday, 16.03.15
Squat: 3 @ 225, 2/2/2 @ 245
Clean Press: 1/2/2/2 @ 135
Assisted Pullup, Pronated, Neutral, Supine Grip: 3/3/3 @ -40

Boosted the Squat up 20 pounds, probably should've come back down for one more set for reps at 225. I can't believe I used to be able to do 7 x 225. Still, the early morning routine is getting easier. I woke up once again debating whether to go, but by the time I was heading out the door, I actually wanted to go. I think I might have to experiment a little with pre-workout fueling though. So far, I've been pumping in a fasted state. But loading food and plates at the same time might be a shock to the system so soon after coming out of hibernation mode.

Now I've lifted 7 out of 10 days, oh yeah . . .

Wednesday, 16.03.16
Right knee a little unstable, probably shouldn't have gone up to 245 on the squats yet.

Thursday, 16.03.17
Friday, 16.03.18
Saturday, 16.03.19

---------------Week 4: Cycle II---------------
Just a day or two off to let my right knee recover, and now I'm back in slackerland. Came across this T-Nation repost Saturday morning:

The secret to daily training is to avoid arousal. Just make it workaday and let the gains come to you. So that's the plan.

Sunday, 16.03.20
My right shoulder started hurting Saturday while sitting at an odd angle at my desk, with my feet set up to my left and my right elbow a bit high on the arm rest while manipulating the mouse and keyboard. Today it hurts more. Crap, I'm definitely more injury-prone when I don't work out regularly. Now I'm regretting not going in on Wednesday even when my right knee felt a little unstable. I could've done some light RDLs and then upper body stuff. Probably would've prevented this from happening.

OK, I'll just take it as another sign to start really light and progress slowly, as per the Wendler dictum. The only thing that matters is establishing the every morning routine, because once a day or two passes without working out, it gets hard again to motivate first thing in the morning. And now I have the niggling shoulder for an excuse, just what a slacker needs.

Monday, 16.03.21
Bike commuting
1.9 mi to gym
1.4 mi to office
1 mi to home

Primed the Squat, Press, and Chinup at low weights, just to see how my right knee and shoulder react. Sucks to be injured again, especially for no reason, but I'm going to do my best to come in each and every day this week. That article by Nuckols on the Bulgarian Method was the last pitch I needed to hear to really sell me on the high frequency approach. I think especially for aging, doing something, anything, everyday is key to keeping everything loose and limber. I've lifted enough over the last several years to know that the gains will come through sheer consistency, no reason to push, just go.

Tuesday, 16.03.22
RDL: 3/3/3 @ 225
Pendlay Row: 3/3/3 @ 135

I was thinking yesterday's light presses may have been therapeutic but then I tried to bench with just the empty bar and it almost fell on my chest. Something is f*cked up in my right shoulder, yet I didn't even injury it. Just sat with poor posture for a day.

Anyway, back on the early morning schedule at least. Didn't even feel an inkling of not wanting to go; hitting the gym was the first thing on my mind as I regained consciousness. So that's good.

Wednesday, 16.03.23
Thursday, 16.03.24
Friday, 16.03.25

Saturday, 16.03.26
Squat: 3/3 @ 175
Clean Press: 3/3 @ 95
Assisted Pullup, Supine Grip: 3/3 @ -70

Right shoulder and knee have felt pretty normal for a few days, so I went in and primed my squats, press, and chinup. I'm pretty used to the 4am gym scene now, especially when it's completely empty like today. I'll use the excuse of not wanting to re-injure the shoulder and knee to try to put in a full week of just making sure I go in everyday without any performance expectations. So the strange, bad-sitting-posture shoulder injury could be a blessing in disguise. The right knee doesn't really merit this caution, as I've got pretty good at managing the meniscus tissue issue, but it did feel cranky after doing 3 x 245 ten days ago, so perhaps a week of just priming things will be good for the knees too.

Had my annual physical on Thursday. My cholesterol is better--normal--from last summer, but my blood pressure is a little high, as is to be expected considering my aerobic training has been in stasis for three months. I weighed in at 245. The doc said I should make 225 my first target weight, and then if I can get lower than that, it's bonus. I would still like to get down to 210, but it's probably best to just focus on getting rid of 20 pounds at first. Abide's progress has inspired me a bit. I think I'm going to try conditioning work after the weights, and also cut out the 1-2 drinks every night, and go back to making alcohol just a weekend thing, like it used to be before I got married.

I told the doc about the orthos I saw last summer, and how squats have seemed to be therapeutic for my knees. He was surprised of course, having been indoctrinated in the squats-are-bad-for-your-knees silliness. He said there was little hope for my lingering shingles to get better, although it does for some. I still notice it when I'm dehydrated, so it's my canary in a coalmine for hydration. Not painful, just annoying.

All the time off from steady lifting progress has got me in the right frame of mind to just focus on weight loss and general health now. I know the lifting gains will return eventually. The main thing is to set up a consistent routine that I can do for the rest of my lift. The time has come.

---------------Week 5: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 16.03.27
RDL: 3/3/3 @ 275
P Row: 5/5/5 @ 135
Assisted Dips: 3/3/3 @ -100

Woke up at 2:00 am. Didn't even think twice about hitting the gym. It seems to be getting easier.
One other old guy in there when I arrived.

RDLs at 275 didn't seem like such hard sell. I tried assisted dips and my right shoulder seemed OK with it, so next time I'll try a -85 pound assist. I'm thinking with the three-lifts, everyday routine, I could work in some quick assistance lifts once in a while, probably pullovers and dips, maybe landmine twist as well. With just three mandatory lifts, the structure feels more open, like only the Squats on the A workout and Deadlifts on the B workout are really set, and always done first thing. After that, I could alternate dumbbell presses for barbell presses, or do some subbing on the machines, just for kicks. Anyway, I'll try bench press on my next deadlift day to see if the right shoulder is fully recovered from the crankiness.

Monday, 16.03.28
Right shoulder began to feel a little sore as the day progressed.

Tuesday, 16.03.29
Woke up with a really sore right shoulder. Man, didn't feel it while doing the dips on Sunday. How'd that happen.

Wednesday, 16.03.30

Thursday, 16.03.31
SQ: 1/2/3 @225
RDL 3/3 @ 225
Press: 3 @ 95, left shoulder a little something, so another set of empty bar and I quit.
Assisted Pullups -70 3/3

Just went in to prime things. Right shoulder is feeling normal, but I'm going to do the upper body stuff really lite until I'm sure everything's alright again.

---------------Week 6: Cycle II---------------

Tuesday, 16.04.05
Saw Dentist about lower left tooth ache.

Thursday, 16.04.07
Dentist pulled out my back molar and scrapped out all the infected tissue.

---------------Week 7: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 16.04.10
Two miles bike commuting.

Monday, 16.04.11
Feeling really soggy. Enough is enough!

Tuesday, 16.04.12
SQ: 3/3/3 @ 95
OHP: 3/3/3 @ 95
RDL: 3/3/3 @ 135
P Rw: 3/3/3 @ 135
BP: 3/3/3 @ 95
As. PU: 3/3/3 @ -55lbs (BW:245 - 55lbs assist = 190lbs)

OK, finally motivated. I'm going to spend the rest of the cycle just priming, no goals, make sure my knees and shoulders are good and lubed before I try serious loads. Try to end the cycle with 1U = 60, so with the Iron Ratio of

OHP = 2
P Row = 2.5
Pullup = 2.7
BP = 3
SQ/RDL = 4
DL = 4.6

I'll try to get everything up to

OHP = 120
P Row = 150
Pullup = 162
BP = 180
SQ/RDL = 240
DL = 270

Before I begin the microloading again in the next training cycle. Plus I have to get in 12 sessions per calendar month in order to get my insurance rebate of $20, so it will behoove me to go for a week straight without pushing it so much that I need a day of recovery.

Hmnn, wait a minute, the assisted pullups are too low. I might have to mess with the Iron Ratio a bit.

Wednesday, 16.04.13

Thursday, 16.04.14

Friday, 16.04.15
SQ: 2/2/3 @ 185
OHP: 3/3/3 @ 120
As. PU: 3/3/3 @ -25lbs (BW:245 - 25lbs assist = 220lbs)
BP: 3/3/3 @ 95
P Rw: 3/3/3 @ 135
RDL: 3/3/3 @ 225

More priming. Did assisted pullups with just a 25-pound assist, so I'm at where my bodyweight should be in a few months if I can ever get back to consistent training. Didn't feel to hard to hit the gym, the mental part has been vanquished, not I just have to train enough that I can do some serious loads first thing. Still holding off on that for a while.

Got one of Abide's colds. The kids have had the sniffles, but I've been a bit sleep deprived for many days, and I think that left me vulnerable. Oh well, one good night of sleep ought to take care of it.

Saturday, 16.04.16
Five miles biking, family outing. Great to cycle with the wife and kids.

Woke up with strange kink in my right hip. A combination of lifting on Friday and sleeping too well Friday night? Anyway, decided to take time off until it feels better. I don't want to screw things up again.

---------------Week 8: Cycle II---------------

Sunday, 16.04.17

Monday, 16.04.18

Tuesday, 16.04.19

Wednesday, 16.04.20

Thursday, 16.04.21
Kept putting off working out because of the weird kink in my right upper hip area. I think it was the RDLs on my last workout then stiffening up afterwards. I think lifting is a little like running, insofar as the more you do it, the less maintenance work you need.

Anyway, made it back to Anytime Fitness, just primed everything, went ultra conservative on the Squats and avoided the RDLs:

SQ: 2 @ 175
OHP: 3/3/6 @ 95
P Rw: 3/3/3 @ 135
As. PU: 3/3/3 @ -25lbs (BW:245 - 25lbs assist = 220lbs)

I have to go every day for the rest of April now if I want to get my 12 days in and get my $20 health insurance discount. I'm not really worried about the twenty bucks, but it's a good excuse to get my butt in gear. I'll keep the squats light and avoid RDLs until the kink in my hip has worked itself out. Will get into the straddle stretch contraption later today.

Friday, 16.04.22
SQ: 2 @ 175
OHP: 3/3/3 @ 95
P Rw: 3/3/3 @ 135
RDL: 3 @ 135
BP: 10? @ 95
As. PU: 3 @ -25lbs (BW:245 - 25lbs assist = 220lbs)

Well, made it back for a consecutive day. Kept everything lite, easy does it, let's just try to establish the early morning, everyday routine. I'll know when it's time to add weight. Right now I want to do everything to avoid another niggle. My right hip area is still a little stiff, but it seemed to tolerate Thursday's workout OK.

Saturday, 16.04.23
Last edited:
Assessment of last cycle:
1. FAIL Lose weight - preferably 2 lbs. per week, focus on getting into the low 190 range
2. FAIL Work back up to the 50k distance over the next 8 weeks
3. SUCCESS! Rehab shoulder with lighter weight, higher volume upper body work
4. SUCCESS! Focus on balance between upper presses and pulls
5. SUCCESS! Consistent, gradual progression and "easy" work in the squats and deadlifts
6. SUCCESS! Continue regular Yoga practice

Looking back at my goals I hit 4 out of 6 and one is more unknown, I don't think that is too bad. I am not sure why I am struggling so much with the weight but as of this week I have only lost a couple of pounds. On the other hand composition has changed, I am down a loop in both my lifting belt and my pants belt and my jeans are not fitting in the thigh area anymore so some progress on that front. I switched over to a lower carb diet so its roughly 25% carbs, 40% fat and 35% protein on a typical day. I really need to work on keeping daily calorie intake at ~3k cal, actually that might be my goal for this cycle to make it more concrete than weight loss. I might also try skipping a little more beer while also start eating a PB&J on hearty bread every morning to help with the upset stomach issues I get with coffee, protein and vitamins. Shoulder seems to be almost 100% recovered, there is still some lateral weakness but it does not effect the presses anymore. Squats and deadlifts far exceeded my goals this cycle and I think I have my increases dialed in for this cycle.

Goals for this cycle:
1. Diet - Try to maintain a daily intake of 3,000 - 3,500 calories
2. Endurance - Finish 55k March 12th, and 100k April 16th
3. Sleep - at least 7 hours a night
4. Lifting - focused training on base building, slower increases.
4a - Press 5 x 5 @ 60kgs
4b - Squat EMOM 13 x 2 @ 110kgs
4c - Pull ups 5 x 6
5. Mobility - Yoga twice a week, preferably three times

---------------Week 1: Cycle II---------------
Monday, 16.02.29

Weight - 199.8lbs

CGBP - 5 x 5 @ 80kgs
Pull ups - 5 x 6 @ BW
DL - 75s x 13 x 1(last two sets 3,2) @ 145kgs

Well I was able to hit my pull up goal for the cycle on day one, that was cool maybe I will adjust it to be every Monday 5 x 6? DL's felt really heavy after my run yesterday so I did 75s and 1 rep until the last sets where I was able to hit 3 and 2. I probably could have pulled a 5 rep but made sure I didn't overdo it. It seemed like it took me 8 sets of it to get warmed up and get into the right groove? Maybe I need to start doing a better warmup regimen? Oh weight was under 200, that's progress!

Tuesday, 16.03.01
Run Commute - 18k
Bike Commute - 17.5k

Wednesday, 16.03.02
Press - 5/5/5/4/3 @ 60kgs
Low rows - 5 x 8 @ 80kgs
Squats - 10 x 3 @ 90kgs

Bike Commute - 35k

Had a good workout, I wore my belt for the presses and squats for the first time. It didn't make that much difference for the press, I still had some lower back fatigue after the 3rd set same as last week. I did like it for the squats, especially now that I am not going A2G. It really made the squats feel solid and seemed like it helped dial in the form. Looking forward to trying it with higher loads next week. Seeing some surprising changes in the leg muscle development, especially my quads.

Thursday, 16.03.03
Run Commute - 18k
Bike Commute - 17.5k

Friday, 16.03.04
Bench - 75s x 11/2 x 2/1 @ 80kgs - 112.5kgs
Pull ups - 13 x 3 @ BW
Ab Roll Outs - 3 x 10 @ BW

---------------Week 2: Cycle II---------------
Monday, 16.03.07

CGBP - 5 x 5 @ 85kgs
Pull Ups - 5 x 6 @ BW
DL - EMOM 10/3 x 2/1 @ 145kgs

Went heavy today on the DL's so squat Wed could be a lighter version in prep of the 55k I'm running Saturday. 145 still felt pretty heavy but was manageable. I broke down to singles just to be on the safe side. Shit's getting heavy...

Tuesday, 16.03.08
Weight 199.6lbs
Bike Commute - 35k

Really sore in my upper and lower back after yesterday's workout. I am wondering if I should back off a bit on the deadlifts to 140kgs and then maybe add some increasing weight sets in rather than going the full 13 sets with heavier weights. Add in a little daily spice depending how I ma feeling.

Wednesday, 16.03.09
Press - 3 x 10 @ 40kgs
Pull downs - 3 x 10 @ 40kgs
Low Rows - 3 x 10 @ 40kgs
Squats EMOM 13 x 3 @ 60kgs

Thursday, 16.03.10
Bike Commute - 35k

Friday, 16.03.11
Weight - 198.0 (new scale?)

Took it easy today in prep for the race tomorrow. Plan is to try to walk the ups and flats, while running the downs and see what kind of a pace I can sustain. I think I have 9 hours, so that would be a ~6:10 kph pace. 2100m/6,900' elevation gain is pretty intense.

Saturday, 16.03.12
57k Trial run - 8:30

---------------Week 3: Cycle II---------------
Monday, 16.03.14

Bodyweight - 198.0 lbs
CGBP - 5 x 5 @ 80kgs
Pull ups - 5 x 5 @ BW
TBDL - EMOM 10 x 3(last set 10) @ 92kgs

Bike Commute - 35k

My traps were a bit sore from the race on Saturday. Strange how my back is sore but not my legs. Did an easy workout to make sure everything is working, seems to be has some minor knee/quad soreness initially but it went away after a few sets.
I ordered a pair of 700x28 tires for my commuter bike and put them on over the weekend. I was getting a little frustrated about the slow pace I was doing and suspected the larger tires were a possible cause. I searched around online and most people seem to suggest that bigger doesn't mean slower but I have to say they are full of shit! 700x28 are soooooo much faster than 700x35's.

Tuesday, 16.03.15
Bike Commute - 35k

Wednesday, 16.03.16
Press - 3 x 5/4/4 @ 60kgs
Low rows - 3 x 15 @ 60kgs
Squats - EMOM 6 x 2 @ 100kgs

Difficult session all around. The press felt insanely heavy and the squat momentum fizzled out quick. Hopefully I just need a bit more time for recovery.

Thursday, 16.03.17

Friday, 16.03.18
Bench/Pull ups super sets EMOM 13 x 2/3 @ 100kgs/BW
Squats - EMOM 13 x 2 @ 90kgs

Great workout today, caught back up on sleep the last couple of nights which has been beneficial. I don't talk about sleep much but overall sleeping, longer and more consistently, might be the next best thing after consistency from a lifting standpoint. Checked my weight again and I am down to the 195 range although my hunger has been growing the last couple of days. Did squats instead of farmers since it was raining and Wednesdays session sucked. No belt this time and they felt great and easy.

---------------Week 4: Cycle II---------------
Monday, 16.03.21

Weight 196.6lbs
CGBP - 5 x 5(7) @ 80kgs
Pull downs - 5 x 5(7) @ 60kgs
DL - EMOM 11 x 2 @ 140kgs

Shit those DL's felt heavy too, form started to slip so I quit after 11 sets to be safe. I guess the battle between endurance, weight and strength begins. Hopefully I can keep propping up the squats for a while as I think I have plenty more room before they start to plateau.

Tuesday, 16.03.22

Wednesday, 16.03.23
Press - 5 x 8 @ 50kgs
Low Rows - 5 x 10 @ 70kgs
Squats - EMOM 13 x 2 @ 100kgs


Squats were about medium tough today. I am going to start microloading them weekly again and then hold the DL's at 140kgs until they start to feel easy again. I might even tinker with increasing the latter sets of the EMOM 13s in the DL rather than all straight weight.

Went lighter on the press and higher reps as the last couple of weeks at 60kgs have been putting a lot of pressure on my lower back in the latter sets. Pretty ambivalent on how it went, maybe I'll jump back to 60 next week. Can't wait till tomorrow and I can get my ass back on the bike and for a run Friday.

Thursday, 16.03.24
Bike Commute - 17.5k

Friday, 16.03.25
SLDL - 3 x 5 @ 60kgs
Ab roll outs - 3 x 10
Bench - E75s x 5/5/3 x 4/3/2 @ 80/90/100kgs
Pull ups - 13 x 3 @ BW

Bike Commute - 35k

Nothing like a good bench day to end the week. Wanted to do farmers but it was raining again.

Saturday, 16.03.26
Trail Run - 2hrs

Sunday, 16.03.27
CGBP - 5 x 5 @ 85kgs
Pull ups - 5 x 6 @ BW
TBDL - 5 x 5 @ 122kgs
Farmers - 3 x 80m @ 92kgs

Wanted to do a longer run Monday so pushed the lifting day up one. Great workout felt good to go a little lighter on the TBDL's

---------------Week 5: Cycle II---------------
Monday, 16.03.28

Trail Walk - 3 hrs

Was a bit sore from the run on Saturday so I decided to do a fast walk today. Maintained a 6.5 kph / 4mph pace.

Tuesday, 16.03.29
Weight - 198.6
Bike Commute - 35k

Whoops wrong way on the weight today!!! I think there is creatine in my carb drink I have been suing before runs wonder if its related.

Wednesday, 16.03.30
Press - 5 x 8/7/5/5/5 @ 40/45/50/55/60
Low Rows - 5 x 10 @ 80kgskg
Squats - EMOM 13 x 2 @ 105kgs

Bike Commute - 35k

Whoa squats were heavy, a lot of lower back bailing me out there. Tough workout. Press felt better building up to a 60kg set. I might microload in this fashion with the last two sets heavy as the press is a difficult one for me to do straight 5x5s.

Thursday, 16.03.31
Bike Commute - 35k

Friday, 16.04.01
Weight 196.2
Bench & Pull Up Supersets E75s 13 x 2(last set 1)/3 @ 80-112.5kgs/BW
Farmers - 3 x 80m @ 92kgs
ABR - 3 x 8 @ BW

Bike Commute - 35k

Sunday, 16.04.03

Trail run - 4hrs

So it was sunny and I decided to do yoga after my run. Pretty amazing result as all of my normal post run soreness evaporated! Definitely going to add a 20 min yoga session after every long run.

---------------Week 6: Cycle II---------------
Monday, 16.04.04

Weight - 195.8lbs

CGBP - 5 x 5 @ 80kgs
Pull ups - 6 x 6 @ BW
DL - EMOM 10 x 2 @ 140kgs

Bike Commute - 17.5k

DL was tough again today probably from the run yesterday, but it felt much better than last week in my lower back. My belt is fitting a little funny right now I went for it tight but it was uncomfortable after a few sets and the looser hole was too loose. So more progress on the weight front, and the belt is almost at the smallest I have ever worn it.

Tuesday, 16.04.05
Run Commute - 18k
Bike Commute - 17.5k

Wednesday, 16.04.06
Press - 5 x 5 @ 50/55/60/60/60
Low Row - 5 x 5 @ 90kgs
Squats - 13 x 3 @ 80kgs

Bike Commute - 35k

Thursday, 16.04.07

Friday, 16.04.08
Run/walk Commute - 18k
Bike Commute - 17.5k

Saturday, 16.04.09
Bench - 1 x 8 @ 80kgs, 4 x 5 @ 85/90/95/100kgs
Pull Downs - 6 x 10 @ 50kgs
Farmers - 3 x 80m @ 102kgs
Ab roll outs - 3 x 10 @ BW

Sunday, 16.04.10

---------------Week 7: Cycle II---------------
Monday, 16.04.11

Weight - 195.2lbs

CGBP - 5 X 5 @ 85kgs
Pull ups - 6 X 6 @ BW
TBDL - EMOM x 13 x 2 @ 142kgs


Tuesday, 16.04.12
Trail run/walk - 90min
Bike commute - 17.5k

Wednesday, 16.04.13
Bike commute - 35k

Sigh... I came down with another illness being spread by my kids. This is like the 5th time this year I have been sick and shit poor timing. Hopefully by Saturday I will be on the mend. I am gonna skip lifting and riding for the rest of the week. I have to get some more cavities filled tomorrow which I am not looking forward too either. My glutes were sore yesterday from the TBDL on Monday I think? Strange I always thought of them more quad dependent but maybe its a good idea to switch heavy DL's between conventional and the trap bar.

Thursday, 16.04.14
Friday, 16.04.15
Saturday, 16.04.16

---------------Week 8: Cycle II---------------
Sunday, 16.04.17
Monday, 16.04.18

Weight - 192lbs.

Tuesday, 16.04.19
Press - 5 x 5 @ 40kgs
Low Rows - 10 x 5 @ 50kgs
Squats - 5 x 5 @ 60kgs


Finally getting a bit better from the flu bug. Skipped my 100k race Saturday this thing kicked me in the balls! I think I am going to blame the dieting on the many illnesses for the year.

Wednesday, 16.04.20
Thursday, 16.04.21

Weight - 188.2lbs

Bench - EMOM 13 x 3 @ 80kgs
Pull ups (supersetted with bench) 13 x 3 @ BW
Farmers - 3 x 80m @ 72kgs

Bike Commute - 35k

Well I think I am done dieting, hit 188 but I'll give it a week or so to see if it stabilizes. This way I'll be down in the low 180's when I run, and maintain normal weight in the high 180s. Which should be more helpful for lifting. Still feeling pretty down from the illness, bike ride was slow and painful.

Friday, 16.04.22
Saturday, 16.04.23
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-- assessment of last cycle --
things went pretty well. i seemed to make progress on the target motions (squats and presses). i dropped most everything for the last week or two in order to try to eradicate colds/flus/etc. i tried to compound the success by going to bed late. somehow i still managed to get feeling better.

-- plans for this one --
start the same scheme back up and keep it going. ramp the miles back up and get back to the chip-n-seal.

-- week 1: feb 28-mar5 --
sunday: 5.7mi at 9:07 (running with my friend who is pathetically slow during training but absolutely destroys me on race day; also, he claims he's actually been running barefoot some: come over to the dark side....)

monday: 4.0mi at 7:57
tuesday: 4.0mi at 7:39

(20 minutes)
squats: ?x5 at 65/75/85lbs
rows: ?x6 at 70/80/85lbs
1x6 at 55/60lbs
1x3 at 65/70lbs
90lbs for 2
100lbs for 1

i thought i'd ease into it after a couple weeks off. but then decided to see what i could do on the press. hmmm... another 5lb bump. maybe i've been "warming up" too much before trying for maxes. or, more likely, not getting enough sleep. regardless, the shoulders felt just fine the next day.

thursday: 5.9mi at 7:40

(25 minutes)
?x6 at 65/75/85/95lbs
6x4 at 115lbs
2x10 at 75lbs

easing back into it. not trying for maxes in squats.

-- week 2: march 6-12 --
monday: 3.2mi at 7:18

thursday: 4.1mi at 7:14
(31 minutes)
squats: ?x7 at 65/75/85/95lbs
rows: ?x6 at 80/85/90lbs
2x6 at 70/75lbs
?x3 at 80/80/85lbs

friday: 6.7mi at 8:50

(29 minutes)
?x6 at 65/75/85lbs
1x4 at 115lbx
6x4 at 125lbs
2x10 at 80lbs

-- week 3: march 13-19 --
sunday: (~30 minutes)
squats: ?x7 at 65/75/85/95lbs
rows: ?x6 at 80/85/90lbs
?x6 at 70/70/75/75lbs
?x4 at 80/80/85lbs

monday: 6.0mi at 7:30; also, volleyball

tuesday: (32 minutes)
?x6 at 65/75/85lbs
1x4 at 115lbs
6x4 at 130lbs
6x10 at 80lbs

wednesday: 5.9mi at 9:06 (always slower when i run with my friend; there's like at least a 45 second penalty if not a 1:15 penalty on the pace)

(32 minutes)
squats: ?x7 at 65/75/85/95lbs
rows: ?x6 at 85/85/90lbs
?x6 at 70/70/75/75lbs
?x3 at 80/80/85/85lbs
2 at 88lbs

-- week 4: march 20-26 --
squats through the day; ?x6 unless i can't count and end up doing 7; all the usual noise from possibly forgetting to record a set and then double counting to try to make up for it
* = 7 repetitions instead of the intended 6

so, 22 sets and 13515 pound-repetitions (sum_set {load_set * repetitions_set})

for comparison, my heaviest squat focused day was back on 17jan16 where i did working sets of 4 at 140lbs and of 10 at 95lbs. by the same scheme, that was 23 sets (some at 6, some at 4, and some at 10reps) and 10870 pound-repetitions. of course, those were all crammed into about 45 minutes rather than spread through the day.

squats through the day
* = 7 repetitions instead of the intended 6

23 sets and 15325 pound-repetitions

4.4mi at 7:28

squats through the day

23 sets and 16290 pound-repetitions
6.2mi at 8:02

squats through the day
?x6 at...

?x2 at...

?x1 at...

18 sets + test doubles/singles and 14160 pound-repetitions total; still no soreness or tightness

new maximum squat = 180lbs (up from 165 back on 19jan16)

4.0mi at 7:16

-- week 5: march 27-april 2 --
sunday: 8.3mi at 9:00
monday: 3.2mi at 7:32; and volleyball

tuesday: 4.7mi at 7:34
squats through the day
?x6 at...


* --> 7 reps; can't count

29 sets 18085 pound-repetitions total

2.1mi at 7:59
squats through the day
?x6 at...

20 sets, 11790 pound-repetitions

7.1mi at 7:47
overhead squats through the day (to mix it up)
?x6 at...

10 sets, 1590 pound-repetitions

squats through the day
?x6 at...

10 sets, 5400 pound-repetitions

-- week 6: april 3-9 --
sunday: 6.5mi at 8:02 (1.9mi chip-n-seal)
monday: 4.0mi at 7:54

6.2mi at 7:38
squats through the day
?x6 at...

4 sets, 1920 pound-repetitions

wednesday: 6.0mi at 8:17

thursday: 6.2mi at 7:57

-- week 7: april 10-16 --
monday: 4.7mi at 7:41
tuesday: 3.1mi at 6:50
wednesday: 5.3mi at 9:34
friday: a couple really slow miles zig-zagging around on the paths in the fields/woods (and mini-hills!) at my parent's house

-- week 8: april 17-23 --
sunday: 5.1mi at 8:13 (1.9mi chip-n-seal)
tuesday: 5.1mi at 8:00 (1.9mi chip-n-seal)

thursday: (14 minutes)
squats: ?x6 at

saturday night: (17 minutes)
squats: ?x6 at

[easy search code: asdf]
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Reactions: Abide
Assessment of last cycle:
1. FAIL Lose weight - preferably 2 lbs. per week, focus on getting into the low 190 range
2. FAIL Work back up to the 50k distance over the next 8 weeks
3. SUCCESS! Rehab shoulder with lighter weight, higher volume upper body work
4. SUCCESS! Focus on balance between upper presses and pulls
5. SUCCESS! Consistent, gradual progression and "easy" work in the squats and deadlifts
6. SUCCESS! Continue regular Yoga practice

Looking back at my goals I hit 4 out of 6 and one is more unknown, I don't think that is too bad. I am not sure why I am struggling so much with the weight but as of this week I have only lost a couple of pounds. On the other hand composition has changed, I am down a loop in both my lifting belt and my pants belt and my jeans are not fitting in the thigh area anymore so some progress on that front. I switched over to a lower carb diet so its roughly 25% carbs, 40% fat and 35% protein on a typical day. I really need to work on keeping daily calorie intake at ~3k cal, actually that might be my goal for this cycle to make it more concrete than weight loss. I might also try skipping a little more beer while also start eating a PB&J on hearty bread every morning to help with the upset stomach issues I get with coffee, protein and vitamins. Shoulder seems to be almost 100% recovered, there is still some lateral weakness but it does not effect the presses anymore. Squats and deadlifts far exceeded my goals this cycle and I think I have my increases dialed in for this cycle.

Goals for this cycle:
1. Diet - Try to maintain a daily intake of 3,000 - 3,500 calories
2. Endurance - Finish 55k March 12th, and 100k April 16th
3. Sleep - at least 7 hours a night
4. Lifting - focused training on base building, slower increases.
4a - Press 5 x 5 @ 60kgs
4b - Squat EMOM 13 x 2 @ 110kgs
4c - Pull ups 5 x 6
5. Mobility - Yoga twice a week, preferably three times
Four out of six = two out of three, not bad. And like you say, the recomposition angle makes pure weight an unreliable measure. It's all about the belt! I've been getting fatter with my inactivity, that's for sure, but it's mostly body decomposition. I don't have any real strength goals for this cycle, but it would be nice to start losing fat, so I guess whatever helps bring that about is the program. I'll start with the EOD lifting-aerobic alternation, and then add more conditioning if the weight doesn't start to go down by the middle of this cycle.

I'm already loving how the early morning workout sets up the rest of the day. Better concentration and energy. And this is just the first day, after a very light workout.

I worked out on an empty stomach. Might have to rethink that, although I seemed to tolerate it ok. My usual mid-afternoon, pre-workout meal is a banana and protein bar, so perhaps I'll try that next time as my pre-breakfast.

I don't do vitamins too much, but I find they go down best after lunch with two meals in me, and no exercise for a while afterwards. In general, I question all processed crap, including crap that's supposed to be good for you.

I like how we're both zeroing in on programming that works for us. I honestly don't see myself veering too much from what I've already tried. I'm in the tweaking stage I guess.

Good news on the shoulder front. A successful rehab is almost as satisfying as making gains. I'm feeling pretty uninjured these days as well, so I'm going to be sure to work back up to my previous maxes nice and slow.

I really like the space of the Anytime Fitness place I joined. Two guys came in shortly after I was there, but the place is so big I still felt like I was working out alone until I benched next to one of the guys. I asked him about the place. He said more people start coming in around 5:30 or 6am. I asked him if I could change the piped-in music, which had tears for fears in the background at the time of my asking. Dim memories of crappy bars in Japan. He grimaced in empathy and said no. So maybe I'll start wearing my Sony earbuds again, if I can find them. Another great thing about a place like that is that everything is already set up, so I may be more likely to top things off with a little assistance at the end of my workout sometimes. I may also stretch a bit more, as there's a couple of nice places for that. Finally, the j-hooks on the power rack I tried were just about at the perfect height for squating, and had more clearance on the sides before the sleeves, to the racking and deracking doesn't have to be as precise as it had to be at the university gym. Finally also, they have grip plates, which I've grown fond of.

Edit: later in the day, feeling post-workout drowsiness. I hope I adapt . . . I almost never feel drowsy during the day when I work out at the end of it.
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Four out of six = two out of three, not bad. And like you say, the recomposition angle makes pure weight an unreliable measure. It's all about the belt! I've been getting fatter with my inactivity, that's for sure, but it's mostly body decomposition. I don't have any real strength goals for this cycle, but it would be nice to start losing fat, so I guess whatever helps bring that about is the program. I'll start with the EOD lifting-aerobic alternation, and then add more conditioning if the weight doesn't start to go down by the middle of this cycle.

I'm already loving how the early morning workout sets up the rest of the day. Better concentration and energy. And this is just the first day, after a very light workout.

I worked out on an empty stomach. Might have to rethink that, although I seemed to tolerate it ok. My usual mid-afternoon, pre-workout meal is a banana and protein bar, so perhaps I'll try that next time as my pre-breakfast.

I don't do vitamins too much, but I find they go down best after lunch with two meals in me, and no exercise for a while afterwards. In general, I question all processed crap, including crap that's supposed to be good for you.

I like how we're both zeroing in on programming that works for us. I honestly don't see myself veering too much from what I've already tried. I'm in the tweaking stage I guess.

Good news on the shoulder front. A successful rehab is almost as satisfying as making gains. I'm feeling pretty uninjured these days as well, so I'm going to be sure to work back up to my previous maxes nice and slow.

I really like the space of the Anytime Fitness place I joined. Two guys came in shortly after I was there, but the place is so big I still felt like I was working out alone until I benched next to one of the guys. I asked him about the place. He said more people start coming in around 5:30 or 6am. I asked him if I could change the piped-in music, which had tears for fears in the background at the time of my asking. Dim memories of crappy bars in Japan. He grimaced in empathy and said no. So maybe I'll start wearing my Sony earbuds again, if I can find them. Another great thing about a place like that is that everything is already set up, so I may be more likely to top things off with a little assistance at the end of my workout sometimes. I may also stretch a bit more, as there's a couple of nice places for that. Finally, the j-hooks on the power rack I tried were just about at the perfect height for squating, and had more clearance on the sides before the sleeves, to the racking and deracking doesn't have to be as precise as it had to be at the university gym. Finally also, they have grip plates, which I've grown fond of.

Edit: later in the day, feeling post-workout drowsiness. I hope I adapt . . . I almost never feel drowsy during the day when I work out at the end of it.

I did the sandwich thing plus vitamins and coffee and then did my protein shake after the workout and that worked much better from a stomach issue standpoint. I don't do too many vitamins but I have been taking Vit D this winter and its pretty amazing how much it helps with the lack of sun here. I will probably lower the dosage or quit taking it in April once I am able to spend more time in the sun. I also take the B vitamins and DHA every other day since I am a vegetarian and that's recommended, and curcumin and ginger but those or more dietary supplements. Then at night I take a ZMA pill which really helps with sleep. So I guess it sounds like a lot but its pretty specific vitamin regimen. The two I really notice effects are Vit D and ZMA though.

Anyway, I was thinking about my programming and ways I could make some small adjustments if needed in the future. Since I really like the timed concept I think I will always include that with my main sets but then I have the option to increase the frequency. Like today because I had issues last week maintaining the 60s intervals with the bench/pull up combo I did 75s intervals and was almost able to complete them all. It actually ended up giving a better stimulus since I was able to keep the pattern up for longer. So that is definitely an option. The timed sets also help keep me focused and my mind doesn't wander as much or get interrupted by tinkering on my bike. Definitely a good scheme for me. The lower reps also seem to be more beneficial since I have very little residual soreness and overall I haven't made any size gains. Oddly enough that's a bonus.

Yeah I get some later afternoon drowsiness as well, yoga in the middle of the day helps keep me focused, but its one of the downfalls of morning routines I think. On the other hand its great for waking you up in the morning, so maybe less morning drag and more afternoon drag. Glad you like your new gym, its definitely a nice option to have multiple places to lift at. I know we have talked headphones before but I would seriously suggest getting a pair of these,160_&refRID=1BMGZFV82SZ3K5VYP7XW
It's really nice to be able to put your phone down and not have to run around with it in your pocket or deal with cords. They look a little silly but are pretty inexpensive and actually sounds quite well.
I did the sandwich thing plus vitamins and coffee and then did my protein shake after the workout and that worked much better from a stomach issue standpoint. I don't do too many vitamins but I have been taking Vit D this winter and its pretty amazing how much it helps with the lack of sun here. I will probably lower the dosage or quit taking it in April once I am able to spend more time in the sun. I also take the B vitamins and DHA every other day since I am a vegetarian and that's recommended, and curcumin and ginger but those or more dietary supplements. Then at night I take a ZMA pill which really helps with sleep. So I guess it sounds like a lot but its pretty specific vitamin regimen. The two I really notice effects are Vit D and ZMA though.

Anyway, I was thinking about my programming and ways I could make some small adjustments if needed in the future. Since I really like the timed concept I think I will always include that with my main sets but then I have the option to increase the frequency. Like today because I had issues last week maintaining the 60s intervals with the bench/pull up combo I did 75s intervals and was almost able to complete them all. It actually ended up giving a better stimulus since I was able to keep the pattern up for longer. So that is definitely an option. The timed sets also help keep me focused and my mind doesn't wander as much or get interrupted by tinkering on my bike. Definitely a good scheme for me. The lower reps also seem to be more beneficial since I have very little residual soreness and overall I haven't made any size gains. Oddly enough that's a bonus.

Yeah I get some later afternoon drowsiness as well, yoga in the middle of the day helps keep me focused, but its one of the downfalls of morning routines I think. On the other hand its great for waking you up in the morning, so maybe less morning drag and more afternoon drag. Glad you like your new gym, its definitely a nice option to have multiple places to lift at. I know we have talked headphones before but I would seriously suggest getting a pair of these,160_&refRID=1BMGZFV82SZ3K5VYP7XW
It's really nice to be able to put your phone down and not have to run around with it in your pocket or deal with cords. They look a little silly but are pretty inexpensive and actually sounds quite well.
Yah, I need to get better about taking my vitamins. Maybe EOD in case they work, and in case it's all a commercial hoax.

Speaking of vegetarianism, I'm having ribeye tonight.

Yah, you know, I like the three-rep sets quite a lot. I don't get that gassed and I spend less time in-between sets than I do with five- and seven-rep sets. But I do think the higher rep sets do have some benefit. I dunno. At this point, I just want to re-establish a routine, any kind of routine, before I start thinking about specifics again. It's felt good to have turned off the obsessive button for lifting for a while. But I know sooner or later I'll start chasing gains again and overthink how to achieve them.

My knees felt a little funny after yesterday's workout. I guess they need to readapt as well. It's a balance between not overstressing the meniscus and keeping the rest of the knee joint strong.

Hey, thanks for the rec, I think I'll go ahead and order the ones in your second link. Could be a good option. I used to have a wrap-around style MP3 player like that, and I really liked not having to deal with cords. My older brother gave me some really expensive ear buds for my birthday last year, but the bass is overwhelming at times and they're so expensive that I'm almost afraid to use them or lose them. Earbuds seem to have a shelf life, so it doesn't make sense to spend more than 30-40 bucks or so, right?

It feels good to feel a little sore from yesterday's workout. I'll ramp it up a little during tomorrow's, and then hopefully I'll be decently primed and ready to begin Cycle II next week. Now it's time to change my bike tires. Didn't end up using the studded tires that much this winter, what with my inactivity and the relative lack of snow. Of course, it can often snow a lot in March, but it melts pretty quickly at this time of year, so off with the studs. I've become something of a Schwalbe fan.
Yah, I need to get better about taking my vitamins. Maybe EOD in case they work, and in case it's all a commercial hoax.

Speaking of vegetarianism, I'm having ribeye tonight.

Yah, you know, I like the three-rep sets quite a lot. I don't get that gassed and I spend less time in-between sets than I do with five- and seven-rep sets. But I do think the higher rep sets do have some benefit. I dunno. At this point, I just want to re-establish a routine, any kind of routine, before I start thinking about specifics again. It's felt good to have turned off the obsessive button for lifting for a while. But I know sooner or later I'll start chasing gains again and overthink how to achieve them.

My knees felt a little funny after yesterday's workout. I guess they need to readapt as well. It's a balance between not overstressing the meniscus and keeping the rest of the knee joint strong.

Hey, thanks for the rec, I think I'll go ahead and order the ones in your second link. Could be a good option. I used to have a wrap-around style MP3 player like that, and I really liked not having to deal with cords. My older brother gave me some really expensive ear buds for my birthday last year, but the bass is overwhelming at times and they're so expensive that I'm almost afraid to use them or lose them. Earbuds seem to have a shelf life, so it doesn't make sense to spend more than 30-40 bucks or so, right?

It feels good to feel a little sore from yesterday's workout. I'll ramp it up a little during tomorrow's, and then hopefully I'll be decently primed and ready to begin Cycle II next week. Now it's time to change my bike tires. Didn't end up using the studded tires that much this winter, what with my inactivity and the relative lack of snow. Of course, it can often snow a lot in March, but it melts pretty quickly at this time of year, so off with the studs. I've become something of a Schwalbe fan.

Yep that has been my experience with headphones, especially the way I use them and sweat all over them. Usually I get about 6-12 months on a pair but these have lasted surprisingly long and I use them more frequently too. So hopefully you like them.

Totally agree with you about the higher rep schemes, especially good from the bulk building and strength gains. That's why I limit them to my upper body stuff, cause I don't think upper body muscle growth really affects my running. But who knows, like I said my thighs are growing from my stuff so maybe my plan isn't so great for runners?

I'm eating a salad with garbanzos, its ok. Lately I have been trying to disassociate enjoyment from eating. Kind of sucks. Although I have to admit I never really have any desire for meat anymore.

Hey I just threw on a pair of schwalbes on my bike too well maybe a month or two ago. I am a big fan of them too, especially there marathon plus tires. I also filed out the valve hole so I could put in some of the Dunlop valves and add some sealant as double protection. So far no problems with them at all and they lose very little air too, like 10psi a month. They are pretty good tires.
Yep that has been my experience with headphones, especially the way I use them and sweat all over them. Usually I get about 6-12 months on a pair but these have lasted surprisingly long and I use them more frequently too. So hopefully you like them.

Totally agree with you about the higher rep schemes, especially good from the bulk building and strength gains. That's why I limit them to my upper body stuff, cause I don't think upper body muscle growth really affects my running. But who knows, like I said my thighs are growing from my stuff so maybe my plan isn't so great for runners?

I'm eating a salad with garbanzos, its ok. Lately I have been trying to disassociate enjoyment from eating. Kind of sucks. Although I have to admit I never really have any desire for meat anymore.

Hey I just threw on a pair of schwalbes on my bike too well maybe a month or two ago. I am a big fan of them too, especially there marathon plus tires. I also filed out the valve hole so I could put in some of the Dunlop valves and add some sealant as double protection. So far no problems with them at all and they lose very little air too, like 10psi a month. They are pretty good tires.
Just ribbing you, so to speak, about the vegetarianism. I love vegetables of course. Just don't understand the need to completely forgo meat, but I don't mean to get into that polemic.

With the rep-counts, I sometimes wonder if it really matters much at all, at least within the 3-8 range, at least for intermediates. I'm thinking about going back to an ultra simple 3x5 approach, and just mix in other rep counts for the hell of it. It's nice whenever every workout is the same, just six lifts, 3x5, and then if you have time for something else great, but with the mono-workout, missing workouts is never a problem in terms of figuring out whether to repeat the missed one, or go on to the next one and its configuration. So I may try that again in this cycle. I guess I'll know in a week or two which way I'm leaning.

Yah, the Germans always seem to make the best stuff.
Just ribbing you, so to speak, about the vegetarianism. I love vegetables of course. Just don't understand the need to completely forgo meat, but I don't mean to get into that polemic.

With the rep-counts, I sometimes wonder if it really matters much at all, at least within the 3-8 range, at least for intermediates. I'm thinking about going back to an ultra simple 3x5 approach, and just mix in other rep counts for the hell of it. It's nice whenever every workout is the same, just six lifts, 3x5, and then if you have time for something else great, but with the mono-workout, missing workouts is never a problem in terms of figuring out whether to repeat the missed one, or go on to the next one and its configuration. So I may try that again in this cycle. I guess I'll know in a week or two which way I'm leaning.

Yah, the Germans always seem to make the best stuff.

Yeah I know you were teasing, it just fits better with the family and seems to keep me a little healthier, pretty lame but it works.

I had a weird workout this morning, it was hard to get going, but I was thinking about your rep counts and I decided to add a little to my last sets. I think something like that might work well for me, then I could get in my regular reps but also get a higher rep set at the end which I am usually primed after the 10th set or so. Today it was ok but I am dragging from the longer run yesterday but thanks for making me think about it a little more. I think it will work well.
Ran across this article and it got me thinking about face pulls again. I've been having some issues with slouching during the day when I sit for extended periods of time. And also during runs after fatigue sets in I do the same thing. So hopefully adding face pulls in will help with that vertical positioning while running. I think I will work them in every day as a warm-up for this cycle to test them out. I bought the rope extension and picked up a few extra bumper plates as I was tending to run out of weights.

"The face pull may be the most versatile loaded training tool in our arsenal for remediating poor shoulder and thoracic positioning. It provides the exact opposite movements that we're continuously pulled into on a daily basis.

This movement incorporates humeral horizontal abduction and external rotation of the shoulder and retracts the shoulder blades – all helping combat the hunched over, constantly adducted, internally rotated and protracted posture.

If you're slouching over a phone or computer reading this, that's the poor position I'm talking about.

Don't be fooled into thinking the face pull is just another dainty corrective exercise. Sure, it can be programmed into any successful dynamic warm-up or activation technique for prepping the shoulders and rotator cuff, but you can also load this pattern up for a results-producing training effect.

When going heavy, the externally rotated end range position of the shoulder will be largely lost secondary to load, but that's ok. Pull back hard and hit your posterior shoulder girdle musculature in strength and hypertrophy rep ranges.

As for turning up the metabolic stress in a tissue, extremely high rep ranges with increasing tension will light a fire on those posterior delts."
Yeah I know you were teasing, it just fits better with the family and seems to keep me a little healthier, pretty lame but it works.

I had a weird workout this morning, it was hard to get going, but I was thinking about your rep counts and I decided to add a little to my last sets. I think something like that might work well for me, then I could get in my regular reps but also get a higher rep set at the end which I am usually primed after the 10th set or so. Today it was ok but I am dragging from the longer run yesterday but thanks for making me think about it a little more. I think it will work well.
Yah, it's nice to have some built-in flexibility, but also have a some constants to base everything on. Really, for me, the five-rep set is the base I think. A nice mix of strength and stamina, fairly easy to do, so not too much CNS involvement.
Oh weight was under 200, that's progress!

I wore my belt for the presses and squats for the first time. It didn't make that much difference for the press, I still had some lower back fatigue after the 3rd set same as last week. I did like it for the squats, especially now that I am not going A2G. It really made the squats feel solid and seemed like it helped dial in the form. Looking forward to trying it with higher loads next week. Seeing some surprising changes in the leg muscle development, especially my quads.
Congrats on the progress!

Yah, for me, if I could only use the belt for one lift, it would be the squat. On the other lifts it feels pretty optional.

Face pulls huh? I guess when I do my deadlifts, rows, and presses I feel like the lats pull me back into good posture. Now with so much time off, my posture is starting to go though. I think running also fatigues your back. Are you stopping to stretch at all on your long runs? I remember that helping a lot. When the hamstrings start to tighten, I think they pull on the back.

P.S., been thinking about upgrading my bass kit now that I'm jamming with my friends more. I've always played the same fretless bass I bought second-hand in high school. Now I'm looking into a DIY bass with a Warmoth neck and body. Warmoth is a company that allows you customize, so you can choose your woods, shape, routing, etc. So I've been lurking around the TalkBass forums. Funny to get a view into another online subculture. BRS is the only one I've known up to now. Most bass players are mellow fellows, just like barefoot runners, so there's a good, supportive vibe there as well. It's amazing how technically savvy some of them are though. It's been a real education trying to figure out my preferences for neck radius, pickup configuration, even nut size. I'm going to have a local Luthier put it all together for me. Then I'll have my dream bass.
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this little meta-blog-post-about-a-blog reminded me of a) how i spend all afternoon eating between keystrokes on my computer and b) about that time that i was learning about glycemic indices. they gave the example of a 320lb lady who wanted lose a bunch of weight so they had to move her away from her original 6250 calorie a day diet, and i thought, "AWESOME! now here's a meal plan i can work off of!"
this little meta-blog-post-about-a-blog reminded me of a) how i spend all afternoon eating between keystrokes on my computer and b) about that time that i was learning about glycemic indices. they gave the example of a 320lb lady who wanted lose a bunch of weight so they had to move her away from her original 6250 calorie a day diet, and i thought, "AWESOME! now here's a meal plan i can work off of!"
They forgot to mention a key ingredient in the Rock's diet: juice!
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The focus has to remain on simply establishing the (nearly) everyday schedule for the next week or two. So I got set the agenda on low-effort until it starts to feel like a late afternoon workout, then start to push it. I was encouraged that on the third squat set I got a glimpse of some of that urge to push. So just gotta be patent and trust that it will come. Basically, there's two hurdles to overcome. First, when I wake up, fight the initial urge to head straight to my office for breakfast and coffee. Second, once I'm at the gym, fight the urge to quit before my body begins to warm-up. Once it's warmed-up, it takes a lot less mental effort to get through the sets. I think working off of a split routine will also help. All I have to do is nine worksets and then I can shower, eat, and have my coffee.

Yeah as you heard me complain many times getting warmed up is the hard part. Although I find that if I am getting enough sleep its a little easier to get going in the morning. Do they have a rower or a fan bike you can hop on and warm up for 10 minutes when you get there, doing the upper body stuff first and then throwing in my light lower warmups between the upper sets has been working for me. Might be a good option to get sweating right away? But yeah the money sets from my 13 sets are 6ish-10, compared to the 3rdish when I lift in the afternoon.
Thanks! Any more news on that built to order Bass? I checked out that company and it looks very cool. It'd be nice to have a one of a kind. Although with all the options I wouldn't be sure of where to start?
Yah, finished everything up Wednesday, or was it yesterday? Choosing the woods and design was the hardest part, but then I had to sort through all the pickup, preamp, and hardware choices. And I've never been that interested in the technological side of things, so it took a lot of self-education. Luckily, there's a online forum, Talkbass, that has a wealth of information. (Similar to some of BRS's controversies, they have one about whether tone woods make any real difference in sound with electric as opposed to acoustic instruments--and then everyone posts pictures of people eating popcorn.) It was my primary search site for information--they've been around since the late 90s. I just lurked though, although I'll probably decloak and say thank you to everyone once I get the bass together. It really was an invaluable source of information. I ended up going German again for the pickups (Delano) and preamp (Glockenklang). I mainly play fretless, lean more towards jazz than rock, and went with boutique-type woods (I decided they make a difference because all the high-end basses use them and charge three times more than what it's taking me to put my bass together), so it made sense to get the most accurate and transparent electronics possible. And no one beats the Germans for high-end quality, as far as I can tell. But it's a slippery slope: "If I'm paying this much for the wood, then why not pay a little more for the bridge," and "if I'm pay this much for the bridge, why not pay a little more for some lightweight tuners," and so on.

Anyway, 4-5 weeks for Warmoth to make the body and neck, then 1-2 weeks once it's in my hands for my luthier to put it all together. It's pretty funny buying a musical instrument I've never seen or played, but with the elements that are going into it, I can't see how I can go wrong. I'll PM you a picture of it when it's all done.

Yah, I've been bad about cycling there, but I will start soon. that will help with warmup. And they have a rower, so I usually spend five minutes on it warming up. Just haven't been marking it in the log, cuz it's just warmup. But yeah, the delayed money sets seems pretty accurate. More reason to stick to three lifts and maybe do more sets, either more warmup sets or more worksets, or both. I have been liking the lesser mental burden of just three lifts. It's much less of an ordeal now. So once again I'm following your lead.
Nice to see you get back into the rhythm Lee, progress. Eating a pb&j in the morning before lifting has been helping quite a bit. It's kind of the perfect amount of food and doesn't seem to have any affect while I am lifting. Actually it makes drinking coffee easier on the stomach in the morning.

BA, you doing ok?

Oh my face pull purchase was a complete fail. The upper pulley doesn't allow the right angle and the cable rubs against the housing. Too bad I was looking forward to them.