Columbus 1/2 Marathon 8/11/13


Sep 15, 2011
Well today was race day for me, first race since beginning of May. I've entered in this race now for my third time. 2011, while still shod, I entered into the 10k at this race. It was my first 10k, having only run 5k's prior (I made a wrong turn, but my time would have been around 00:49). I started barefoot training just a couple of weeks afterwards. One year ago in 2012, barefoot, I entered my very first 1/2 marathon at this event. It was also the first time I had met another barefoot runner, Hannah ran it with me. I clocked 1:51 at it a year ago today. This year I ran another half already in May, so this makes #3. The Cap City 1/2 in May I whacked off 10 minutes for a 1:41 finish. I felt pretty good about my training through the summer, but the last few weeks have been kind of messed up for me. And I know I pushed myself really hard at the Cap City, it was cooler, and way bigger crowds cheering me on. Cap City I went out really fast and really struggled the last half. I figured I'd try a new strategy and actually try to target a more even pace. I really wanted to hit a 7:30 pace, a goal I just missed out on in the Cap City. I had a good starting position in near the front this time, whereas Cap City I started in the middle and passed over 1,000 people.I figured I'd try to start out around a 7:20mm and hopefully hold that for the first half, giving me some room to slow down the second half and still hopefully meet my goal.

I started out pretty good, just hanging with the crowd I was in (but this crowd was moving fast). But looking down at the garmin was spitting out 6:50's. I held back just a little, trying to hit 7:10-20ish. It was hard to resist the urge to pass people early on. But I was feeling good, just tried to settle in there. I wore my hydration pack, and was taking quick small sips. It was fairly cool in upper 60's but very humid, and it still felt hot and muggy to me. I was sweating heavy. I forgot to hit my lap button at 5k, I'll have to hook up my garmin and figure it out. I hit 10k at 45:12, which was a little behind my Cap City 1/2 10k time of 44:48. I was nervous I wouldn’t hit a PR now, but still hoping I could keep the pace up through the finish and beat Cap City since I know I slowed down a lot the second half there. Well a couple more miles and I got hit by the 8's... 8 miles in and garmin kept showing 8's every time I looked at it. Id try to speed up just a little and drop back into the mid 7's, but was really struggling with motivation. Starting to get passed by a few people. The first gal to pass me I figured I try and hang with her a little back and then hopefully have enough left the last mile to pick up the pace. But She kept getting further ahead, and then more would pass. I thought the same thing, but eventually gave up thinking I was going to catch any of them since most were out of sight by now. Too bad too, the gals were really pretty. ;) Some smallish hills where the trail goes up over the highways had me into the upper 8's and 9's, but then I speed back up on the downhill. 2-3 miles left to go and I was feeling good and felt like I had caught my breath, but of course I look down and its sayin 8 1/2mm, no wonder. I try increase my breathing and once again pushed towards mid 7's. I was just completely devoid of motivation at that point. 1/2 mile left and I looked at my time... 1:34 and change. I could pull off my goal, but I had to keep it together. Also my garmin was running about .1 over, so I was worried I'd be right on the verge of 1:40 finish. I found the strength to get back to 7:30's and then sprinting just the last 30 yards or so. Hit the stop button at 1:38:29! Wahoo! Not as impressive as my 10 minute jump from my first to second 1/2, but felt great to beat my goal! Garmin had me at 7:17 pace up to the 10k mark, then overall 7:28, but it also had me at 13.19 so it added just a bit, my official pace and time is pending, but I had to been right there close to my 7:30 goal. Don’t know of my placing yet, I'll update when the official results are out.

Anyhow I had a blast! It was a struggle for sure. I just run on the edge of exhaustion and then fight motivation the last half as I slow down. I had some tunes playing which helps me, and I also ran the metronome on my phone to help keep my cadence up to battle the slowing down (set it at 190) and I think it helped. I'm not feeling too confident for my first full this October, but I hope to back way off and not try and race my first one and I think I can at least pull it off I hope.

The feet held up fine but I can tell the speed and pushing off I do more under race conditions - the very front of the forefoot and tips of toes were a bit tender afterwards but no blisters. I had a surprising number of people cheering for me barefoot, and not a single heckler. A few inquired about it. My legs, unlike Cap City, got sore in the normal way like hard training - my calves. No other sore muscle in my body, but my calves felt about to explode after. I know after my 45 minute drive to the restaurant after, I got out limping and hobbling for the first few strides. I'm pretty good now though, but they are still plenty tight.

No pics this time, no race photos at this event and no one with me to take pics. :( But wanted to post it up anyhow, if not just for my own records.
Thanks dutchie!

And the official stats are in! First time placing (just age group) in a 1/2, Wahoo!

Overall I was 44/423, just shy of top 10%, and 33/188 men.

Luckily my age group didnt have as strong of showing, the 2 mens age groups under me and 1 over me were all under 1:30 in the top 3


Place Bib# Name Age Time Pace
===== ====== ============================= === ======= =====
1 167 Daniel Mullin 32 1:24:30 6:28
2 261 James Geobert 32 1:35:27 7:18
3 278 Tristan Stewart 35 1:38:29 7:32

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