collapsing arch


Feb 7, 2012
so I have an injury and am seeking advice. I have accessory naviculars (flat feet) and valgus ankles. unfortunately the arch on my left foot has collapsed more than the right creating a leg length discrepancy and of course the left foot has planter fasciitis and metatarsel stress fractures to go with the collapsing arch. I am a competitive triathlete and have been running in minimalist shoes, vibrams, merrils, and invisible shoes. I'm reasonably fast in minimalist footwear (40 minute 10k at the end of an olympic distance triathlon so after the 26 mile bike and 3/4 mile swim in merrils and 1:30 1/2 marathon in vibrams). I built up all last summer peaked in september keeping up with a guy that does 36 minute 10ks uphill in our local running races but then i completely fall appart on the downhill (basically start limping.) It got to where I would run fairly fast times but be unable to walk for several days after any race over 6 miles. I stopped doing training runs in september and have only competed in about 3 races since: a five miler, a 10k, and a 5k all were pain free but I am afraid to start training hard again. I have been seeing a certified strength and conditioning specialist/ physical tharapist/ massage therapist. Every few weeks my pelvis tilts laterally due to the leg length discrepancy and causes me quite a bit of back pain (makes deadlifts almost impossible, and makes me squat funny.) The guy I have been seeing is very good at straightening me out and fixing my back, he also fit me for orthotics and gave me a pair of oversized super supportive shoes the brooks beast. I try running in these shoes but am extremely slow and get lots of ankle pain also I am very uncoordinated and trip over my feet (I'm also good at spraining ankles when I try to run in shoes.) I have spent the last few weeks trying to build up mileage completely barefoot, adding 1/8th of a mile every other day, I do live in a skitown in colorado so I've been running barefoot on snowpacked roads in february but have actually found it to be quite pleasant. I need to start training hard though, anyone have suggestions.

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