Cleaning the feet


Feb 3, 2024

I was wondering if being barefoot you clean your nails way more and if you do what is your routine ? What produce do you recommend? Do you brush your feet and nails ? Etc
Cause mine grow dirtier especially the nails and since I wear Luna or vibram at work I try to have my feet’s fingers neat.

Another question: I had some fungus on the big nails that had mostly healed before going barefoot my question is being barefoot can help you rid of them nope ? Since they like warm humid enclosed place and since being barefoot my feet are in the open , in the cold. Thanks.

Barefoot will help with the fungus. You are right in that shoes promote the bacteria and fungus to thrive. As to washing, I haven't noticed my toe nails getting dirty, but to wash I just use my hands and regular soap when sitting on the edge of the bathtub, before I take my shower.
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People who are habitually barefoot don’t suffer from foot fungus or athlete’s foot because there’s no where for it to grow.

I liked to have a scrub brush for my feet in the shower.