Capital City 1/2 Marathon 2013


Sep 15, 2011
This year is the 10th anniversary of the race, and my 4th. Except that my other three were just 5k's. This year I was finally going to step up to the half, and have been working towards this goal since I signed up for it late in 2012! Now I have completed a half before (last August) so this will be my second one. Last year the 5k at this event was actually my very first barefoot race! I've come along way in a years time I think.​
The Cap City race has always been special since it was the first real race I have done since getting back into running a few years ago. I did just one prior, a local 5k of 20-30 people. But it was the Cap City with thousands of runners that really got me excited about running again. A special thanks to my friend who got me to run it with her the first time, else I probably wouldn't have even known it existed. It would have been her first half this time too, if she hadn't had some knee problems. The race was always our first race of the year, but this year I have already completed two 5k's and two 10k's. This year is turning out to be a big race year for me.​
As some of you know from my earlier race reports, I had been struggling with the toughness of my feet since going back bare after winter. And I had a couple blisters too. I even backed out of another half a couple weeks prior, partly to let my feet have some extra time to toughen up. I started a 2 week taper too. This year I hadn't quite got back up to that mileage yet, I'd been to 12 miles a couple times is all. But I figured that would be good enough, and would rather taper and let my skin heal and grow, and save some energy for the race, rather than try to push training so close. I think the taper worked well too, my feet felt great, blisters gone, and felt good energy wise - except that allergies and other things had been not letting me sleep past about 3AM everyday the last week leading up to the race. I was pretty tired, and definitely not well rested heading into the race.​
Onto the race...​

A beautiful race morning sunrise, a good omen?
That's the view from my backyard when I was getting ready to leave. Had I not been running way behind I would have grabbed my big camera since I love trying to photograph sunsets and sunrises, but my camera phone would have to do. I am still experimenting on pre-race meals. I don't get to do much experimenting during training, since I rarely run in the morning! I usually just have a banana. This time I was trying to fuel myself a little more. I had a soft boiled egg, an apple, and a handful of Reese's Puffs cereal. And when I got in the truck I had a banana. I've also been experimenting drinking tea instead of coffee on race morning, one of my travel mugs with about 12-14oz water and two tea bags of yerba mate and peppermint.​
Temps were in the upper 50's, just about perfect. I went for my race proven sleeveless UA shirt. Had to make a decision on my hydration pack. At my first half - the first race I ever tried to take a drink during - I struggled drinking out of a cup. Plus the pack allowed me to more easily carry my phone (mainly for tunes) as well as back up huaraches, and maybe a couple GUs. I went for the pack. Was unsure how much water to bring, in training I seem to always have plenty left over. Dumped a 16oz water bottle in it, and maybe 1/4 of another. Threw in a GU. And wrapped up my Unshoes Feathers in plastic wrap (to make sure no sharp edges would touch my bladder) and slipped them in the pack next to the water bladder. I hate trying to roll them up and stuff them in the small pocket and having a big bulge.​
Its about a 45 minute drive for me when there is no traffic, and early in the morning on the weekend is smooth sailing. Well at least until I approached downtown and the exit ramp was backed up to the highway! Third street is about 5 lanes southbound once all the ramps merge, and all lanes were stopped. I also had to cross completely from one side to the other to go to the parking garage where I work, but luckily most people were trying to merge the opposite way and it wasn’t too hard to make my way across. Still made it there with just a little time to spare. Met up with Diane, a friend from work who was running this also, and it was also her second 1/2 marathon. It was about .4mi from our garage to the start line, so that would have to do as my warmup. Not as much as I'd liked, but good enough. I made my way to corral C, which was for a 2hr finish. I probably should have been in A or B but my friend and I decided to both put 2hrs so we could start together, unfortunately she couldn't even make it so I was stuck in C by myself. I got a front row position on C, so I was hoping not to be blocked in since they were doing wave starts. Well I didn't quite understand what that meant - I thought they would fire the gun with each wave so there would be a slight gap between them, but they didnt, it was just one big start.​
Race start, about 14,000 runners overall (1/2 and 1/4 marathon, 5k).
We were off! I didn't really come up with a particular strategy, I was just flying by the seat of my pants. Should I go out fast and try to hold it as long as possible, or hold back and hope I can pick up towards the end? I was trying to be competitive, even though I was well aware this is a highly competitive race and no way I could come close to placing, even in my age group. I did set a few goals, the one I was sure to hit was to beat last years half (my first one) which was 1:51. I really wanted to beat an 8mm pace, and my pie in the sky goal was 7:30mm. I was also worried about my foot work. The last few races I've struggled a bit with burning through skin, a blister or two, and arch cramps. I decided I wasn't going to even think about my form, and hopefully it would instinctively work out. Back to the race... so I crossed the starting line and started my Garmin. I just stayed put in the 'crowd' for a bit, needed a bit of warm up anyhow. After a tenth of a mile or two and Garm is telling me I was at a +9mm pace, I had to get out of there. Started weaving, passing people left and right. For the next couple miles, all I did was focus on finding the gaps and darting through. It was just line after line of people. Occasionally got up on the sidewalk or whatever I had to do. I only glanced down at Garm a couple times in the first couple miles, but was getting a bit nervous when it was printing numbers in the upper 6-minute pace range. But I felt great, and decided to use it while I still felt like I could. I checked my time when I hit 3.1miles... 21:48. My last 5k I did in March was 22:38 (but it was cold, and I was wearing VFFs). I was feeling pretty thrilled. I was just going to keep it up as long as I could.​
There were a lot of spectators along the way, DJ's playing music, bands performing along the side of the road, it was like a big party!​
There must have been a sensor at the 5mi point since the race stats gave a break down of everything at 5 miles and at the finish. I later found out my 5mi official pace was 7:20, and that I had passed 1618 runners so far, and was passed by 4.​
But I got to say, I was already feeling like I was burning out. I hit the lap button on Garm at the 10k point as well, 44:48. I was only 1 minute 4 seconds behind my last and fastest 10k. But at that point I don't even know how I pulled off the minute faster time at Three Creeks, as I was struggling and slowing down already. I was just trying to keep my pace in the 7's. Luckily the next stretch was a slight downhill grade approaching downtown. I relaxed a little, just trying to maintain upper 7's. The view was nice, and the crowds and cheering started to pick back up as we came into downtown. There was GU at the aid station, but I had one in my pocket I brought. I thought maybe I could really use some extra energy. I've only tried GU a couple of times in training, and never at a race. I didn't really like it, but in training it didn't bother me to much and thought it helped a little, so I went for it. Man that was hard to choke down. And now my hand is sticky. Had to drink water 3 or 4 times in the next few minutes just to try and rinse it out of my mouth. It wasn’t a pleasant experience. And for the remainder of the race, I could feel it in my gut. :hungover: It didn't seem to help in the energy department either. I was no longer passing folks, but just trying to maintain my place. I was doing right around 8mm, and was thinking it wouldn't be so bad if I go over 8, as my faster time earlier on might still bring my average to my pie in the sky goal of 7:30. My legs were getting sore too. I expected my calves would bother me and they felt pretty tight. What I didnt expect was that about every other muscle in my leg was sore also! I have yet this year to have my quads or hammies sore, but my quads were feeling really sore along with my hamstrings and my inner thighs. It was around 10 miles now, and I was struggling. And we hit the worse part of the run, old roads through German Village. It was rough pavement, and my feet were pretty sensitive at that point. There was chips and pieces of gravel here and there, black patches in the road with little black bits scattered around in spots. But the place was packed with spectators, and I just tried to keep a smile on my face and grin and bear it. Through that stretch I heard a few people cheering me being barefoot, and even had a fellow racer ask me about it. I was struggling to talk though, but still mentioned a few sentences about how I enjoyed it so much more and have been able to run a lot further and avoid injury and problems I had before. I was getting passed frequently through this stretch, though one fellow that passed me earlier I was able to stay on his tail for well over a mile. We finally break out of German Village, now heading back into downtown from the south. And it was a slight uphill climb the rest of the way. I was getting passed frequently, but didn't care. Now it was all mental. My mind wanted to stop, kept debating whether I should just walk for a bit. I didn't hit any huge wall I don't think, but was both mentally and physically exhausted. Less than a mile to go and I was slowing down instead of picking up. Closer to mid 8's by now. Less than a half mile to go and other runners are starting to kick into gear and take off on me. I could here the cheer and loud music of the finish line. The uphill grade levelled off. The end was in sight, and I felt a rush, knowing I was going to finish, hoping my overall average was still kick-@$$. I started picking up the pace again, no big sprint but Garm had me about mid to lower 7's for the last 2 or 3 tenths. It's amazing how I mentally changed once I knew the finish line was just ahead.​
Crossed the finish line. It was finally over. I wanted to keep jogging but had to come to a complete stop in about 10-20 feet to get my medal. Why are they always so close. I was starting to get a little dizzy and cramped up waiting for the medal. Started walking around the finishers recovery area, grabbing an apple and some granola bars. An apple never tasted so good before! I still wanted to jog a bit, but the whole area is fenced in and crowded. The finishers recovery area takes you out to the Columbus Commons, a big grassy park area in the middle of downtown. The place was packed, a big stage setup with bands, tents and stuff everywhere.​
The Columbus Commons, after the race.
I jogged around in the grass for a few minutes, it felt sooooo nice on the feet! :joyful: I sat down and messaged the muscles and examined for damage. Every muscle in my legs were sore. But not terribly so, not hurting or felt injured, just exhausted and maybe a little tight and strained. My feet felt surprisingly good and also my glutes where fine. But everything in between was burnt out!​
Just minutes after the race. Feet held up fine, no blisters or hotspots, and they didn't even feel like I burnt through any skin like at my last couple races.
Finishers got a free Mich Ultra, and all you could drink champaigne. I had my beer and walked around, waiting for my friend Diane to finish.​
I made a panaromic with a few pics from my old crappy cell phone and merged them on my computer. Just goofin' around while waiting for Diane to finish.
Diane came in around 2:30, a bit slower than she did last year, but she hasnt been running much at all this year. We started in on the bubbly stuff. After hanging out for a while, attempting to talk to each other over the loud music, we decided to head out. On the way out we finally found another friend and co-worker who we had been looking for, and she was pretty excited with a finish time of 2:13 for her first half marathon. We made our way back to the garage and went inside and hung out with our co-workers that were on shift that day, and then headed across the street to the Three Legged Mare for some food and drink.​
Oh I forgot to mention my stats! For once my Garmin wasn't dead on. Its usually very reliable but I also usually run in the open, often on straight rail-trails. But I can see on the map where it was clearly off the road through the downtown area. The big buildings were blocking the signal, but unlike other times where it looses signal here and there in the trees but still plots the course right on inbetween the points, this time it plotted the course swinging way out on the sides and added mileage. It had me at 13.45 miles and 7:30 pace dead on. I was really excited I hit my 7:30 pace goal, but official results proved otherwise. :(
I'm super happy with the results though! Over 10 minutes faster than last year! And at 499th out of 8089 I hit in the top 10%... actually 6% overall, but 14% in the M30-34. I've never been in a race that had these many stats at the end. The 5mi stuff I was thrilled with, at the 5 mi mark I was in 316th place out of +8000! Thats top 4%! Unfortunately I slowed down the rest of the race, and unlike the 1600-some I passed in the first 5mi, to the finish I only passed 54 and was passed by 105.​
Later that night I celebrated with an ale I had set aside/aged for a year in the cellar.
My legs were a little sore for a day or two after the race, my feet were fine. The calves were the only thing that werent back to normal after 2 days... they were a bit sore and stiff for most of the week. But now I am pretty much back to normal.​
Now, with two 1/2s under my belt, I've signed up for my first full this fall. I'll be shifting my focus on that, and training all summer. Can't wait! Thanks to everyone here for all their support and advice!​
Well done, both your race as well as the report and photos.
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Thanks fellas! I can't claim credit for some of those pics, the race start and arial views I found on google, btw.

I did want to purchase my race photos since this is the first big barefoot race for me. Thats one reason I held off doing a report, was waiting to see how the photos turned out. But they didnt. There is 1 bad photo of me, and a dozen photos off me that I am not in the picture. Not sure if they didnt have camera coverage on my side of the road or what. Also the 30 sec finish line clip of me doesnt even start until I'm already crossed the line and walking. Kind of dissapointed, was going to spend the $70 or whatever it was to get all my pics, video clip, and bonus pics, except that I'm really not in any of them!

For the record, it looks like my finishing place has changed since I took those screenshots of the results. I was bumped down a few places and the overall number has also increased. Must be some people didnt register on the scanner and were put in afterwards. Anyhow, I already took those screenshots and uploaded them, not going to re-do it now for a couple places difference. But officially I was 505/8119 overall.
Why the sad face? it was a great race if you ask me.
Good job!
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Thanks Dama and Skedaddle! Sorry Dama, don't get me wrong I was very happy and had a great time. Maybe a frown was too much, sorry, I assume your talking about the one near the end about my Garmin results. I was a bit stoked when it said I averaged 7:30 and hit what I thought was nearly impossible, but it wasnt that big of a deal when official results were a bit less. Makes that 7:30 goal something to strive for next time.
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Thanks Dama and Skedaddle! Sorry Dama, don't get me wrong I was very happy and had a great time. Maybe a frown was too much, sorry, I assume your talking about the one near the end about my Garmin results. I was a bit stoked when it said I averaged 7:30 and hit what I thought was nearly impossible, but it wasnt that big of a deal when official results were a bit less. Makes that 7:30 goal something to strive for next time.

Yea, I know that feeling very well both ways. The one not so pleasant feeling is when you thought you did very well and the end result is not what you thought(like in your case) AND the super pleasant surprise when you thought that the race didn't go well and it turns out that the results were way better than you thought, I've being through those two experiences and the former feels much better:happy:
Next time, next time, something to shoot for.
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Thanks Barefootshuffler and Rick!

Rick - I am signed up for the Nationwide Children's Hospital Columbus Marathon in October. Its a long ways off yet, but I am worried. I think I will do one more half here in Columbus in August too. While I dropped almost a minute off my pace and 10 minutes overall between my first and second half, I highly doubt I'll be able to improve that much again for #3. But I am shooting for 1:3x, got to break this ones time at least.

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