BRS book review series begins today

Hey y'all, make sure to check out the front page, where today you'll see a review by Matt of Ken Bob Saxton's book.

Over the next three weeks or so, on Mondays and Thursdays I'll be publishing reviews from our members that examine this year's bumper crop of books about barefoot and barefoot-inspired running... at least 8 in all. This swell in publishing indicates that the idea -- if not always the reality -- of barefoot running is becoming an authentic cultural impulse. While only time can tell if its a fad, right now we can answer what's the best instructional book out there? And what are the differences between real barefoot running and "barefoot inspired" running.

On Thursday, I'll post Smelph's review of Natural Running by Danny Abshire -- the founder of Newton Running. It'll be interesting to see how a fairly dedicated barefooter like Smelph perceives a book by a shoemaker.

Next Monday, look for my own essay about all the books, and what really makes barefoot and "natural" running different.

Looking forward to them all. 

Looking forward to them all. Thanks, Stomper and reviewers!
This book will go a long way

This book will go a long way to answer many of your questions, Jonny, such as hip placement and how the body doesn't just work from the ground up, but resting the shoulders and arms and keeping the head straight will help you to "relax" (Ken Bob's mantra), so that you can run more naturally and injury-free.
Stomper -- Thanks for doing

Stomper -- Thanks for doing this. I really look forward to reading all the reviews and seeing the discussion that follows.
Sandler's book is pretty good

Sandler's book is pretty good as long as you can handle the occasional hippie-esque topic (meditation, grounding, etc.). There's a lot of good info in there that you can't find in some of the other good books out there (Ken Bob's and Jason's in particular) such as how to ease into extreme temperatures, some nutritional advice, and some of the warm up exercises I have found invaluable.
Woohoo!  Got my BareFoot

Woohoo! Got my BareFoot KenBob book yesterday! It is an intresting size. Most like a paperback text book wtih glossy pages.

Hahahaha! Smelph, that's

Hahahaha! Smelph, that's funny.

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