Branca Running Huaraches Giveaway

I love me some huaraches!

I love me some huaraches!
Oooh oooh oooh, pick me, pick

Oooh oooh oooh, pick me, pick me! (Waving hand wildly.)
Didn't even realize this many

Didn't even realize this many people read the site :p - nothing brings people out of the wood work like free stuff. I need to get some form of minimist gear eventually - anyone have anything to say regarding these vs invisible hura?
I could def use a pair of

I could def use a pair of these, as I am stared down upon on my campus. So many have offered to buy me shoes. This will surely quell their fear.
I'm in. I'm dying to hear

I'm in.

I'm dying to hear some reviews of this. I like the fact there is no knots on the bottom but wonder about the string (tie)coming across the ankle and if the double bowtie knot flips all over the place as you run. I also wonder if the regular shoestring between the toes will cause blisters or rubbing compared to other huaraches using leather or hemp. Also, just how tight or secure they feel. $30 is the cheapest huarache I guess but you also have the homemade look of scissor cutting them. I'm in the market for a pair of huarches and it sucks because it's not like you can try any of them on to see what you might like.

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