Boycotting businesses based on values?

They also do a lot of good

They also do a lot of good work with their money though, like putting their employees through college, I understand.

I guess you will have to tell my line-by-line what you're saying, NotSo, so I can follow.
My two cents:Individually

My two cents:

Individually speaking, boycotting companies probably has little effect on their profits, but so does buying their stuff (as I said, individually speaking). Those who are deciding to lobby for a Bad Thing™ won't see you as an individual, they only see profits in Region X going up or down.

Boycotting Bad Company™ (or supporting Good Company™) has, however, a powerful moral effect on you and everyone you tell about it. It aligns your actions with your values. That gives the feeling that you are in the driver's seat of your destiny (as far as that is possible). And your destiny includes the world you live in, cause, heck, you live there, right?

We have to accept that buying local, buying organic, buying green, buying labor friendly, buying is going to be more expensive. And that means prioritizing and sacrificing some things. Quite simply, we get the world we pay for. Buying a little less stuff would do all of us some good.

Boycotting can be marginally more effective if you write Evil Chain™ a letter telling them why you are boycotting them.

As I said above, next to living your values, the most important thing is telling the people close to you what you are doing. Don't try to convince them to do the same, just lead by example.


Basically they have given a

Basically they have given a ton of money to lobby against same-sex rights. Worse than them is how much money the Salvation Army uses to do this around the world. When I give money to a charity like them, I hope it is going toward ths cause I donate for and not to lobby on such a social issue. I understand not everyone agrees with my position, but I think spending money on such a cause is spending a lot of time and energy on hate, and it is just something I don't want to be a part of.
Paleo wrote:My two

Paleo said:
My two cents:

Individually speaking, boycotting companies probably has little effect on their profits, but so does buying their stuff (as I said, individually speaking). Those who are deciding to lobby for a Bad Thing™ won't see you as an individual, they only see profits in Region X going up or down.

Boycotting Bad Company™ (or supporting Good Company™) has, however, a powerful moral effect on you and everyone you tell about it. It aligns your actions with your values. That gives the feeling that you are in the driver's seat of your destiny (as far as that is possible). And your destiny includes the world you live in, cause, heck, you live there, right?

We have to accept that buying local, buying organic, buying green, buying labor friendly, buying is going to be more expensive. And that means prioritizing and sacrificing some things. Quite simply, we get the world we pay for. Buying a little less stuff would do all of us some good.

Boycotting can be marginally more effective if you write Evil Chain™ a letter telling them why you are boycotting them.

As I said above, next to living your values, the most important thing is telling the people close to you what you are doing. Don't try to convince them to do the same, just lead by example.




Yes, you have the idea down. I like what you said at the ind about telling people close to you what you are doing and not trying to convince them. I don't like to argue but I do like to just say, "This is what I think is a good idea for me." That way there is no pressure but those we tell can see "by example" that following your personal values is important.

And, of course, the more of us who do so the world will change more quickly.