Blistering on forefoot


Mar 31, 2011
I am signing up for a 10K road race on May 15th that I would like to do barefoot. I have not even bothered to buy any running shoes or sandals of any kind yet, even though I have been barefooting for 6 months. Unfortunately I have babied my feet by running mostly on sidewalk (mainly for the convenience of being able to step outside the apartment and go). I have started to run on bike paths where I can to test out my feet on the road and I have a reoccuring problem.

Basically I get what feels like a large blister (size of quarter but oblong) beneath my 2nd metatarsal on my left foot. I say "feels like" because the skin at that area (only my left foot) is very thick/calloused and no actual blister forms. Its like the fluid is beneath and the entire callous is raising slightly.

I am wondering what others have done to correct forefoot blistering. I am focusing on really lifting my feet up by bending my knees, but it doesnt seem to be improving. Its annoying that it only happens to the one foot, righty is ready to race :p
How ironic.  I was coming

How ironic. I was coming here to post what I think is the same thing occurring with me... you be the judge. Does it look like this?

Yours is under your big toe

Yours is under your big toe and a little darker but definitely could be the same type of thing going on. I can see the outline of the area, its just not as dark as yours. The main thing is that it feels like the skin is 3x as thick in that area while the rest of my foot feels normal
I don't have any difference

I don't have any difference in thickness over mine, but I'd wager that's due to me being such a greenhorn. Interested to hear some experienced opinions.
Myk, pictures would help if

Myk, pictures would help if you've got them, but for both of you, you are most likely pushing off instead of lifting your feet. You could also be scraping your foot/feet when landing. Lift gently, place gently. For the one foot affected where the other one isn't focus on that foot during your next run to see if you can figure out exactly what you're doing, and think about running gently.

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