Berlin Marathon in


Apr 13, 2011

I am going to run Berlin Marathon in late September. The last 10 days I have skipped my VFF and have been running BF. Yesterday I ran in my VFF again but after 3 km. I took them off. I relly prefer running BF.

Normally I run in forrest paths, gravel road and also asphalt. But it is outside the big city so I dont fear needles, glass etc. I only fear the sharp flintstones which we have a lot of :)

I want to run Berlin Marathon BF but I have no experience running 42K BF. What about glass etc. in the city? Any experience. Is my convern without reason? Has anyone here run the Berlin Marathon in BF?

I did run Berlin Marathon

I did run Berlin Marathon twice so far but not yet BF (not sure i'll be ready by September for the full 42k barefoot, but would generally love to do it that way - might still have to use shoes this year though).

Glass is not an issue on the track. The concrete is everything from fresh smooth to more rough with defects but generally pretty BF friendly.

What might be a little problematic (but avoidable by paying attention) are these plastic drinking cups on the refreshment places, had one stick in my shoe last year. For everything slower than 3:30 the tracks is pretty full of people (40k runners).

I do 24x7 barefoot in the city, not a problem anywhere yet.

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