Barefoot Running in Australia


Oct 2, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
Hi All,

I've actually introduced myself before on the Australian chapter forum, but I thought I'd say a quick hi to everyone else in the world ;)

I've been running barefoot and in VFFs since early 2010 and have loved every minute of it. Before I stared to run like this I always hated everything about running, but now I'm a man obsessed. I recently finished my first full barefoot 10k race and did a half marathon in Vibrams earlier in the year too. I've got my sights on a marathon next year and possibly even an ultra after that (watch this space!).

I'm not sure how I missed this group of barefoot fanatics for so long, as I only stumbled across the site a couple months ago. It's been great reading about everyone else's experiences and it's nice to know I'm not the only weirdo out there :)

Anyhow nice to meet you!

(Barefoot) Dawsy
Glad to have you, Dawsy! 

Glad to have you, Dawsy! Thanks for your offer to help beta test the new site. What platforms are you familiar with? What do you normally code?
At the moment it's mainly C#

At the moment it's mainly C# and Visual Basic but I've dabbled with lots of other stuff...python, java, C, perl, etc...I haven't done much web stuff recently, but my html's still decent and I'm sure I could resurrect my old javascript skills :) I know what a pain it can be to find testers, so hopefully you can put me to some use!