Great video, Thea. My favourite is finding those nice cool mud puddles to squidge in on hot summer days when i'm out on Dartmoor. The looks i get from the shoddies as a 52 year old playing like a 5 year old with muddy barefeet in a t-shirt and a 5 litre day pack in the middle of nowhere while they're all stout hiking boots, goretex coats and large rucksacks is hilarious. Obviously i didn't read the same guide books. :D

Keep 'em muddy!
I watched that video. Though my question is did you purposely fall at the end or just slip?
Ha . . . you guessed it . . . I did it on purpose, and you can pretty much tell as I dip my face and then look right at the camera . . . I'm not a very good actor :)

I made another video like this a couple of years ago just to "freak out" my grandkids, but I think they already knew Grammy was a little crazy.
Great video, Thea. My favourite is finding those nice cool mud puddles to squidge in on hot summer days when i'm out on Dartmoor. The looks i get from the shoddies as a 52 year old playing like a 5 year old with muddy barefeet in a t-shirt and a 5 litre day pack in the middle of nowhere while they're all stout hiking boots, goretex coats and large rucksacks is hilarious. Obviously i didn't read the same guide books. :D

Keep 'em muddy!

Mud puddles are the best! We just don't get them during our six-to-seven month dry season (I can't imagine how fun a summer puddle would be!), so when it does rain in the winter, I gotta live it up. Once I was "showing off" running barefoot through a mud puddle while a family was hiking nearby . . . I didn't realize how slick the bottom of the puddle was, and my feel just flew out from under me and I did a crazy crash/splash before their horrified eyes. Not my finest barefoot hour :)

"Keep 'em muddy" indeed!
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It must be some primeval urge to run barefoot through mud and puddles.
Maybe it's bringing back that inner child, before we were told not to stand in puddles and get our feet wet.
The mud can be slippery though as can some of the smooth human made surfaces.
We had some good rains in Adelaide today but the water had all dried up by the time I got my shoes off and did a 10km run after work.

California's been in a state of drought for a while now, so the recent rains (and muddy trails) have been very welcome; I created a short video to share my delight.

Happy (muddy!) trails,


I just recovered from about three weeks of congestion due to a chest cold. I hope it wasn't due to several days of back to back running in the muddy puddles around Lake Merritt. The temperatures were milder in the weeks before my cold and I ran even while it was raining. People did a double-take when I walked into the Peet's for coffee after a muddy run because my legs had streaks of mud up to my knees. At least one of the days it was raining during my run, I didn't wear a raincoat and just let myself get drenched. No regrets. Yes. It was like being a little kid. Though my mom never let me run in puddles when I was a kid, muddy or otherwise.
Great video
Also love to running in the mud barefoot, keep going.

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