Awesome video of barefooting technique/ posture drills

 not a bad video but my one

not a bad video but my one word of caution: if you have knee pain at all do not do the squats the way he has the guy do them in the video. you should never do squats on the balls of your feet. it forces the knee forward and puts way too much shearing force on the patella. squats need to be done with the heels firmly planted on the ground with your hips dropping down and back like you're heading for a seat in a chair. the way he had the guy doing them in the video is very unsound and not good for you knees at all.

i understood what he was doing and it makes sense but it's not the best approach for the results he's going for.
I did the exercises today

I did the exercises today before my run and did feel a lot of strain on my knees. Therefore i can say from experience that they do work to improve running posture, but there has got to be a less knee jarring way to do it.