Article: More Odd Looks 2011 Fundraiser

Thank you kindly. -TJ
Every little bit helps. It really does. Important is not just the amounts donated, but also the number of members who have donated something.

Even small donations are a vote of confidence in the BRS.

Cheers and happy running

Thanks, DWong! Every bit matters, and you make a good point. I think if we can afford our Internet connection, we can afford to support the club we care about, in whatever amount that may be.

Well said, Jamie, Thanks!
Thanks, John.
I apprecitate that! -TJ
Sorry it took me so long to donate, wish it could of been more. Would of probably been sitting on the couch drinking beer if it wasn't for all the great resources and people of this site.
It was plenty, Bob. Thank you! You're good people! -TJ