Article: Burning River 100: DNF! By John Yohe


Excellent report and effort! A very small percentage of the world has stayed on their feet that long! Hope you recovery goes well and good luck with your next attempt. Not sure I have it in me at my age but thechallengeis intriguing. Take care!
Great story, John! Sorry about the results, but you went a hell of a lot further than I ever have, so kudos for going as far as you did! :) Hope your recovery goes well!
That was a detailed account and very well-written! I got a leg cramp just reading it. While I haven't even come close to running that far, I can relate to the many questions regarding the VFFs and bare feet. It just gets a bit tedious after a while. I used to try and explain it, but now I just smile.

If you are ever in the northeast and need a pacer, I will certainly help as long as I can. Somehow I just get the feeling you will finish the next 100-miler you do.

I appreciate you taking the time to relate your experience. It helps keep my grand dreams in perspective. I imagine you will only be better prepared for your next 100 after this one. Best of luck and preparation!

Gracia y paz,

I really enjoyed the write up... thx for sharing.

I have nothing but respect for anyone who attempts these sort of races.

The Burning River course goes right by my house in Akron. This is the second year I've watched and cheered for the runners as they've come into one of the last stops ~95.8 miles from the start.

On my way to and from that stop I passed one runner at mile 95 who was probably no more than 23... His calves were totally seized. He could barely hobble. He looked crushed. You could tell he really wanted it.

Although the heat could have been worse... the humidity for was borderline oppressive that weekend.

Mad props to you for the effort.

I have a feeling you'll kick this race's ass next time.

S. Pimp.

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