Ahhhhh Massage!


Chapter Presidents
Jun 4, 2010
My wifey, bless her heart bought me a deep tissue sports massage. I cashed it in today and it was wonderful. This guy asks me how I usually like massages and I told him I usually ask for the big mean russian woman named Olga and tell her to hurt me. He smiled and said we can do that. I said I'd like to focus on legs and back paying special attention to the calves, hams and ITB.

Man oh man did he do it right. There were a few times I know he was trying to inflict pain but it was good! Way good. He literally broke into each muscle fiber in the calf and worked them. Finding trigger points and working them out. Then he drove deep with his elbows clear to the bone and worked the tibia and all the muscle attachments. After that he worked every single muscle fiber in the hammies and used an elbow again.

Then he moved to the ITB! Now this was an experience. He started working the ITB from the hip to the knee getting deeper and deeper into the muscle. Then it hit the point where I didn't know if I should scream, laugh or cry. There was electrical pain shooting in my leg, burning sensation, throbbing pain and tickle. It was insane. Slowly I could feel the muscle relax and release. It was amazing.

The back, that is another story by itself. But he spent 20 minutes digging with an elboe so deep into the back and shoulders. It was awesome. I felt sorry for the poor guy afterwards because he was soaking wet from sweat and I am sure he had his daily workout too. Glad I could help!

Best $80 she ever spent! :D
So what you're saying is, he

So what you're saying is, he had his way with you. ;-)
Pretty much and I am

Pretty much and I am comfortable enough with myself to allow another man to ravage my bod ;)
LavaRunner wrote:pretty much

LavaRunner said:
Pretty much and I am comfortable enough with myself to allow another man to ravage my bod ;)

Me too, as long as I don't have to cuddle with him all night long after....
(No subject)

after my epic failure at

after my epic failure at trying to run around Lake Tahoe last fall, I was so stiff I could barely walk. I limped down to the sports expo and got my first deep tissue massage. The pain was more intense than that caused by the run, but it was a totally different, much healthier pain. That massage made me a believer, and also allowed me to walk again.

I was hurting so bad, I never thought twice about the fact that it was another guy that was ravaging my body! All I was after was relief