A huge thank-you!

Now that we're in the beta testing mode on the precipice of going public, it is only right to thank those that have been tirelessly working to make this dream a reality.

Cameron, TJ, and I kinda stumbled into this idea many months ago. We started some initial conversations and both of them took off with the idea. Both of these individuals deserve enshrining into the Barefoot Runners Hall of Fame for the work they've done planning, organizing, and creating this community.

Also along the way, Preston, Haley, Victor, Kish, Joel, and Dave played critical roles. I hope I didn't miss anyone there, but all of you have played a critically-important role in making this a reality. In the coming months, I predict this community will grow by leaps and bounds and become THE clearinghouse for all things related to barefoot running. As we grow, I believe it is important to always remember the people that made this happen.

For years, I was more or less a lone wolf in a sea of shod runners. All of you have changed that. I cannot begin to express how great it is that we have built a community around our peculiar (in the eyes of some) running preference. Thank you guys!
Thank you all and thank you

Thank you all and thank you Jason too, you guys are paving an awesome path for those of us who are venturing down the barefoot path.
 Thanks you so much for all

Thanks you so much for all of your hard work! I love being able to support this group. I hope it proves successful beyond all your wildest dreams. :)
Thank you guys! Just a year

Thank you guys! Just a year ago barefoot running wasn't even on my radar screen. What a difference a year makes. My wife bought me BTR, which she now regrets :); went looking for information on BFR, bought myself some KSOs, came across Runner's World barefoot forum (thanks TJ). And here I am...go figure...never would have imagined it. :)

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