180 Cadence

NickW wrote:Ok, am I missing

NickW said:
Ok, am I missing something about breathing? Are you supposed to sync your breathing too??? Seems a lot to worry about and think about in addition to cadence, in addition to 1-2-3 landing, in addition to lifting feet up, etc... Maybe it's just me but all this worrying about all these little things seems to take away from just running and running easily.

I've read on other forums (non barefooting ones) that syncing your breathing to your steps isn't actually a smart idea. It limits you. Its one thing if it is such a habit that you can't break it and you just happen to notice it, but trying to do it seems silly. As a species we don't have to, so why bother unless it comes naturally. Personally my cadence changes alot even at a single pace over a similar terrain. I just get sick of running the same cadenc all the time. I like the varation and this appears to make my muscles happy too. My breathing tends to automatically sync to my music, which my speed then tends to naturally down or speed up based on the breathing, but overthinking it isn't going to help your running its just going to keep from relaxing. I have to agree that the cadence debate is overrated, as is thinking about your breathing too much. In my opinion the far far more important thing is to relax and know I couldn't relax thinking about all these things. It wasn't until I learned to relax that I had any understanding of what they meant by bend your knees more, its when I noticed my cadence naturally speeding up, being able to run over terrible surfaces became easier ect..... Basically everything everybody thinks about came very naturally once I learned to keep myself completely and utterly relaxed.
NickW wrote:I may look funny

NickW said:
I may look funny (think fat boy waddling down the road pushing a stroller) but for me it works and it works while pushing a stroller and keeps me from pushing off.

That's what I think everyone should really be focusing on. I've said it once and I'll say it again. There is no 100% correct form for everyone. Focus on what works for you. If it has been working, keep on doing it. Chances are you are doing what is right for your body. That applies to all sorts of things. Knee bend, breathing, cadence, foot landing, etc. If it works there is no reason to really change it.

That's not to say that tweaks can't be made. I just think everyone gets too wrapped up in having the perfect form/breathing/bounce etc. Sometimes I think that we all forget this is supposed to be fun. Overthinking it is the worst thing we can do.

Pain should be avoided at all costs. Discomfort can be tweaked into nonexistence.

That's my $.02 anyway,

I totally agree. Pretty new

I totally agree. Pretty new to all this but when i run barefoot (small distances admittedly) i also try and just relax out of it. I am someone else who tried to count my cadence one day to see if i was hitting the magic number. Was going bouncing around like a nutter, burning myself out and according to my count i was only hitting 120. So im glad to hear that i might be hitting the 180 without trying. So now i just chill out and enjoy the run. I think we can get to hung up on technicalities and bettering ourselves. We should run as children, with big stupid smiles on our faces. Too much of life now is based on facts, figures, deadlines, plans etc Just run.
chrisdonkey wrote:Was going

chrisdonkey said:
Was going bouncing around like a nutter, burning myself out and according to my count i was only hitting 120.

Yay someone else uses the word nutter! I wrote a poem about barefoot running using that word and everybody laughed at me.

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