International Barefoot Running Day 2012 in Kranj, Slovenia

On Sunday, May 6, 2012, I attended one of the most memorable runs in my life (and I have done many races back when I was an active athlete!): the 2nd Slovenian Barefoot Run in honor of the International Barefoot Running Day (IBRD).


» Happy Slovenian barefoot runners
The weather wasn’t completely on our side that day; the streets of Kranj got wet early in the morning, and occasional rain drops also checked in on us during the event itself. Yet about 120 fearless runners from all over the country joined the race with big smiles and bare feet. Some were experiencedq barefoot or minimalist runners, most of us were beginners, not entirely convinced the whole run was a good idea.

» Gathering of the bare feet
But I think any doubts we had were soon dissolved in the rain puddles. It felt so great to be running around barefoot, even though we all did curse the occasional small rocks on the road. Going barefoot really makes you so much more aware of how you position and move your legs and feet, and your body naturally adopts a much batter running form. I didn’t really see any heel strikers among those that went completely barefoot!

» Taking over the streets of Kranj, barefoot style

And to be completely honest, my favorite part was running through the puddles. That really gives you a special child-like joy that is unfortunately so easy to forget and lose amongst the drama of everyday life! So, in a way I was grateful for the rain that day.

» I wasn’t the only one enjoying the puddles! ;) (photo by Igor Zonik)

I didn’t really run a long distance - I only did one lap around the course of the race; those more experienced did three. I had good company and didn’t worry about speed or time (it was after all just a social, fun run). So I think my 2.5 km was more than enough for my first barefoot run, yet I am pretty sure this won’t be my last barefoot adventure. I am hooked!

» My barefoot step (photo by Mitja Štern)
It’s too bad you have to make the barefoot transition slowly, to give your feet and legs time to adjust. But I think I’ll start adding at least one barefoot kilometer per week to my usual runs. Who knows, maybe by the time of the next barefoot run I’ll be able to run a barefoot 10 K! In any case, I’m absolutely sure that I’ll be attending next year’s barefoot run as well. Hopefully next time I’ll manage to convince some family members to join me ;)


By Rollback


Za razliko od preteklih poletnih dopoldnevov je včerajšnje nedeljsko jutro postreglo z občasnim deževjem, kakšno sapico, aprilskimi temperaturami in mokrim asfaltom. A vse skupaj se je izkazalo za odlično kombinacijo. Vsaj bosi tekači iz vse Slovenije menijo tako, saj so po lužah čofotali kot navihan otroci. 2. Slovenski Bosi Tek je odlično uspel! V Kranju se je zbralo rekordnih 120 tekačev iz vseh koncev Slovenije, dva bosonogca sta prišla celo iz Zagreba. Zdaj že lahko trdimo, da smo med vsemi dogodki (cca. 50) na Mednarodni dan bosih tekačev spet ravno v Sloveniji gostili najmnožičnejši dogodek na svetu in potrdili primat od lani!

V uradnih majčkah prireditve so se točno ob 11h zapodili na krožno tekaško pot okrog kranjskega športnega parka, nekateri na 2,5 km, večina pa na 5 ali 7,5 km progo. Tek je bil družabnega značaja, brez štartnine in brez merjenja časa. Pred tekom so tekači spoznali osnove bosega teka na delavnici z bosonogim maratoncem Markom Roblekom, naredili skupinsko fotografijo in navijali za najmlajše, ki so bosi tekli na 100 metrov. Po teku je sledil še srečelov in druženje ob prigrizkih in osvežilnih napitkih.

Najmlajši tekač je imel manj kot 2 leti, najstarejši 80. Tekel je tudi en pasji prijatelj.

Prireditev je bila tudi dobrodelnega značaja. Zbirali smo rabljeno obutev za humanitarne organizacije. Tekači so prinesli skupaj več kot 100 parov različnih, še uporabnih čevljev, ki bodo prav gotovo razvselili vse, ki si jih ne morejo privoščiti.

Edinstvena priložnost za izmenjavo izkušenj in druženje je bosonogce na prizorišču pred trgovino ŠC Maratonc zadržala še dolgo v popoldne. Vsi so obljubili, da pridejo tudi drugo leto na 3. Slovenski Bosi Tek. Marko Roblek z ekipo jih z veseljem spet pričakuje.

Povezava do uradnih galerij dogodka:

Avtorja fotk: Igor Zonik in Mitja Štern. Avtor videa: Leon Grenko.

Dodatne informacije na: 041 709 531 (Marko) ali na [email protected].

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