Concurrent Strength & Endurance Training 2020: Cycle VI

Bare Lee

Jul 25, 2011
Saint Paul
Assessment of last cycle. As soon as last cycle began, I had already changed my idea about how to approach it. I decided to simplify my routine even more, to a flat 3x3 (sets x reps) protocol for all lifts, still using the Iron Ratio and System of Percentages (which are embedded in the Excel chart below, and generate its values). This change seemed to help me regain some motivation. I really like the idea of approaching the bar and just doing three quick reps per set. Minimal mental agony. Plus it's now a pure strength routine, which suits my purpose. I think I may also try to do each lift's successive worksets a bit more explosively.

Then I went on vacation, but the new routine still seemed viable when I got back. Then it occurred to me that it might still be useful to deload a bit, to make sure I'm doing three sets of everything, and also make sure my shoulders are OK with the proportionately heavier upper body lifts. So I bailed on Cycle V after the fourth week, and decided to start Cycle VI where Cycle V's fifth week normally would be (week of 9/6). Since the year always ends with a shorter, four-week cycle anyway, it will all still work out the same and I'll start the New Year with a new cycle. In the meantime, I have two complete 8-week cycles to finish out the year.

Goals for this cycle. I will continue with the new 3 x 3 @ 90% 1RM protocol for all six lifts. Of course, if everything is 3x3, it's kind of hard to say what the real projected 1RM for any one lift should be, since there's no longer any true base, just the static load ratios between lifts. Nonetheless, perceptually, everything should feel about 90% effort level, and that was the case in Cycle V.

I've also raised the ratio of the Deadlift to the Squat, to the more conventional 5:4, instead of my previous 4.64:4, which I lowered for the Deadlift due my muscle pull five years ago or so. But after another five years of (on and off again) lifting, I think I can assume that everything is in order, so I can implement the standard ratios of 2:3:4:5 for the Overhead Press, Bench Press, Squat, and Deadlift, respectively. It's kind of satisfying for my inner numerologist to geek out when they all line up in my chart, especially when the Squat is exactly twice the weight of the Overhead Press.

In the chart, I'm starting with Week One in the first (non-calendrical) cycle of training, all based on a Squat 1RM of 250. There are only six 8-week cycles altogether, and I only have complete confidence in the first four actually being feasible. I'll try for the fifth cycle, and I think I can make it though at least part of it, but the sixth cycle's loads are probably too much at my age. Of course, as I progress, I may have to slow the rate of loading. Right now it's three pounds per week added onto the Squat 1RM. That's 24 pounds per cycle.

All the 45-pound- and 25-pound-plate milestones are highlighted in yellow, along with the powerlifting total of 1000 pounds (SQ 1RM + BP 1RM + DL 1RM = 1000). I will still probably avoid testing the 1RM projections however, so they remain hypothetical. So the real milestones will be the 45-pound- and 25-pound-plate milestones at 3RM.

If the Deadlift starts to feel too heavy at 5 units, I can always bring it back down to something like 4.8 or 4.6 units, or alternatively, I can load it one pound per workout like I do for the Squat. I do like the idea of getting to a 405 1RM a bit sooner. I think I've read that as strength increases, the Squat does tend to get stronger in relation to the Deadlift, but that may only be for elite and/or geared powerlifters, or lifters with shorter limbs. Also, my shoulder blades have felt a bit tight on the Overhead Press lately, so perhaps making the back a bit stronger in proportion to the front will help support the presses.

Cycle 1-3.3x3.20.09.jpg

Cycle 4-6.3x3.20.09.jpg

For the aerobic component, I will continue with the puppy walks and sporadic rowing and Airdyne work. Hopefully, I'll motivate to start cycling again on my non-lifting days, or do some sled work finally. But in the beginning of the cycle, my focus will be on establishing the new(ish) 3x3 lifting routine.

---------------Week 1: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 20.09.06
2 mi. walk with pup and daughter.

Monday, 20.09.07
Opps, seasonal allergies to start the cycle.

Tuesday, 20.09.08

Wednesday, 20.09.09
Lifting: Push & Pull
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 226
OP: 3 x 3 @ 113
DL: 3 x 3 @ 282
PD: 3 x 3 @ 170
RW: 3 x 3 @ 135
BP: 3 x 3 @ 135

Thursday, 20.09.10

Friday, 20.09.11
Lifting: Push & Pull
BP: 3 x 3 @ 170
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 227
OP: 3 x 3 @ 113
DL: 3 x 3 @ 284
PD: 3 x 3 @ 170
RW: 3 x 3 @ 156

Saturday, 20.09.12
1 mi. walk with pup and kids.

---------------Week 2: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 20.09.13
1 mi. walk with pup and son.

Lifting: Push & Pull

SQ: 3 x 3 @ 228
OP: 3 x 3 @ 114
DL: 3 x 3 @ 285
PD: 3 x 3 @ 170
RW: 3 x 3 @ 157
BP: 3 x 3 @ 171

I've found it helps my left shoulder tightness on the Overhead Press if I ease out/down from under the bar when I return it to the J-hooks, instead of setting it down quickly and getting out from under it.

Monday, 20.09.14

Tuesday, 20.09.15
1.5 mi. walk with family and pup in state park.

Wednesday, 20.09.16
1.6 mi. walk with pup and son on errands.

Lifting: Push & Pull

SQ: 3 x 3 @ 229
OP: 3 x 3 @ 114

Thursday, 20.09.17

Friday, 20.09.18
22 mins Rowing.

Hmmn, thinking about just adding one pound to my Squat 3RM every week. I'm enjoying easy. Perhaps that will help me get more serious about the conditioning too, get my mind off the gains . . . .

Saturday, 20.09.19
Lifting: Push & Pull
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 226
OP: 3 x 3 @ 113
DL: 3 x 3 @ 282
PD: 3 x 3 @ 170
RW: 3 x 3 @ 155
BP: 3 x 3 @ 169

OK, I'm going to try adding just one pound to my Squat 1RM per week, make everything super easy, make it about consistency, fitness, and weight loss, and just minimally about progress.

2 mi. walk with pup and kids.

---------------Week 3: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 20.09.20
25 mins Rowing.

Monday, 20.09.21
.6 mile walk to drop off son at rec center.

Tuesday, 20.09.22
Lifting: Priming
SQ: 3 @ 185
OP: 3 @ 95

Wednesday, 20.09.23
1.2 mile walk to drop off and pick up son at rec center.

Lifting: Push & Pull

BP: 3 x 3 @ 170
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 227
OP: 3 x 3 @ 113
DL: 3 x 3 @ 285
PD: 3 x 3 @ 170
RW: 3 x 3 @ 155

Thursday, 20.09.24
20 mins Rowing, low intensity; 3 minutes Airdyne, medium intensity.

Hey, this might be a winning combination, mixing low-intensity rowing with higher-intensity Airdyne intervals. Maybe something like a 4:1 ratio; e.g., eight minutes rowing, two minutes Airdyne. In any case, I think medium to high intensity is the only way I can make the Airdyne work. It's just too tortuous for longer, low intensity sessions.

Friday, 20.09.25
1 mi walk to and from store.

1 mi hike in State Park down to St. Croix River and back up.

Saturday, 20.09.26
20 mins Rowing, low intensity; 3 minutes Airdyne, medium intensity.

---------------Week 4: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 20.09.27

Monday, 20.09.28
Lifting: Push & Pull
BP: 3 x 3 @ 171
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 228
OP: 3 x 3 @ 114
DL: 3 x 3 @ 285
PD: 3 x 3 @ 170
RW: 3 x 3 @ 157

Tuesday, 20.09.29
10 mins Rowing (R), low intensity (LI); 2 mins Airdyne (A), medium intensity (MI);
10 mins R (LI); 2 mins A (MI).

This rotation is really working for me. Rowing is fine at any intensity, short blasts to long, meditative sessions, but the Airdyne is definitely best done quickly at medium to high intensity.

Wednesday, 20.09.30

Thursday, 20.10.01
Lifting: Push & Pull
BP: 3 x 3 @ 171
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 228
OP: 3 x 3 @ 114
DL: 3 x 3 @ 285
PD: 3 x 3 @ 170
RW: 3 x 3 @ 157

.6 mi walk to and from son's playdate.

Friday, 20.10.02
.6 mile walk to drop off son at rec center, with pup.
10 mins R (LI); 2 mins A (MI).
.6 mile walk to pick up son at rec center.

Hmmn, temps below 50F, maybe I should join the Winter Challenge again . . . but I always thought extending it to above-freezing temps kind of took some of the challenge out of it. Barefoot above freezing, especially in the 40s, doesn't seem all that challenging, can actually feel quite pleasant, but I guess it gets more people involved, which is good.

Saturday, 20.10.03

---------------Week 5: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 20.10.04
Lifting: Push & Pull
SQ: 3 @ 229
OP: 3 @ 95

1 mi. walk with pup and kids.

Monday, 20.10.05
Ran a mild temp, mild body aches too. Covid panic.

Tuesday, 20.10.06
No temp but fatigued.

Wednesday, 20.10.07
Still fatigued.

Thursday, 20.10.08
1.5 mi. walk with pup and kids and my son's best friend around Stone Arch Bridge downtown Minneapolis. They lowered the Mississippi River for a short stretch under the bridge in order to inspect the structures. So lots of people down walking on the river bed, which used to be the river banks. Lots of small shards of glass but nothing my callused soles couldn't handle. Boys had fun poking at leeches and crayfish stuck in small pools.

Still fatigued but starting to feel better.

Friday, 20.10.09

Saturday, 20.10.10

---------------Week 6: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 20.10.11

Monday, 20.10.12
8 mins Row (L-Int) / 2 mins Air (M-Int);
8 mins Row (L-Int) / 2 mins Air (M-Int).

1.1 mi walk with pup and kids.

Slept a lot over the weekend, recovering my energy. I think it has been allergies. I read Global Heating has already increased allergens 20% in my area. I've never had much trouble with allergies, just a week or two at the end of summer without much fatigue. At least the mild Covid panic is over.

Tuesday, 20.10.13
Lifting: Push & Pull
BP: 2/3 @ 171
SQ: 3 @ 225/230
OP: 3 @ 95/105/115/115
DL: 2/3 @ 287
PD: 3 @ 170
RW: 3 @ 155

1 mi walk to store with kids and pup.

Just primed the lifts after some time off. Everything felt solid. Another reason for a slower progressive loading--it's easier to get back on the bandwagon after stuff comes up.

Wednesday, 20.10.14
8 mins Row (L-Int) / 2 mins Air (M-Int);
8 mins Row (L-Int) / 2 mins Air (M-Int).

1 mi walk with pup and kids.

Thursday, 20.10.15
Lifting: Push
BP: 3 x 3 @ 171

Friday, 20.10.16
Lifting: Push
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 230
OP: 3 @ 95/105/110/115/115

Saturday, 20.10.17

---------------Week 7: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 20.10.18
Lifting: Pull
DL: 3 x 3 @ 287
PD: 3 x 3 @ 170
RW: 3 x 3 @ 158

Monday, 20.10.19
8 mins Row (L-Int) / 2 mins Air (M-Int)
Medicine Ball vertical toss, 20lbs.

I'm going to try to work in some more mobility/conditioning exercises. I started with this instructional video:
I just worked on the motion for each arm singly. Will try to get to the alternating swings (min 3 or so in the video) after I get the hang of the basic motion. May also try a kettlebell snatch.

Tuesday, 20.10.20
Lifting: Push
BP: 3 @ 173

Workout interrupted by snow shoveling, fallen patio awning, sledding, filming pup in snow for first time, oh well . . .

Wednesday, 20.10.21
8 mins Row (L-Int) / 2 mins Air (M-Int)

Finally did some aerobic first thing. Can't believe I used to go running first thing in the middle of winter. That's the great thing about running, it forces you to embrace the elements. At least I seem to have found a good indoor aerobic routine, now I just need to work on consistency, which will probably mean more first thing in the morning starts.

Lifting: Push & Pull
SQ: 3 @ 225/231/231
OP: 3 @ 95/105/115/115
DL: 3 @ 275/290/290
PD: 3 x 3 @ 170
RW: 3 x 3 @ 155

Thursday, 20.10.22
30 minutes:
8 mins Rowing (L-Int) / 2 mins Airdyne (M-Int)
8 mins Rowing (L-Int) / 2 mins Airdyne (M-Int)
8 mins Rowing (L-Int) / 2 mins Airdyne (M-Int)

Friday, 20.10.23
.6 mi walk with pup to pick up son. 36F and wet surfaces, just like the old days of winter barefoot running!

Felt a little sick again, so skipped the lifting.

Saturday, 20.10.24
Lifting: Push & Pull
SQ: 3 @ 185

Bar felt heavy, so I bailed. This is a weird bug, coming and going.

---------------Week 8: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 20.10.25
.8 mi walk with pup and son to pick up hockey jerseys. 32F

20 minutes:
8 mins Rowing (L-Int) / 2 mins Airdyne (M-Int)
8 mins Rowing (L-Int) / 2 mins Airdyne (M-Int)

Monday, 20.10.26
1 mi walk with pup. 29F. Cool surfaces keep the pace brisk.

Lifting: Push & Pull
BP: 3 x 3 @ 135
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 185
OP: 3 x 3 @ 95

Not sure if I just primed things, have adopted a Push/Pull split, or am drastically deloading.

Tuesday, 20.10.27
Lifting: Push & Pull
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 232
OP: 3 x 3 @ 116
DL: 3 x 3 @ 290
PD: 3 x 3 @ 175
RW: 3 x 3 @ 160

1.5 mi walk with kids and pup. 31F. Hard to keep a brisk pace with skateboarding son and leashed dog constantly mixing it up. Still, it's fun relearning my temp/distance tolerances.

Energy levels feel pretty normal again, knock on wood.

Wednesday, 20.10.28
20 minutes:
8 mins Rowing (L-Int) / 2 mins Airdyne (M-Int)
8 mins Rowing (L-Int) / 2 mins Airdyne (M-Int)

Thursday, 20.10.29

Friday, 20.10.30
20 minutes:
8 mins Rowing (L-Int) / 2 mins Airdyne (M-Int)
8 mins Rowing (L-Int) / 2 mins Airdyne (M-Int)

1.6 mi walk with kids and pup. 46F.

Saturday, 20.10.31
Lifting: Push & Pull
BP: 3 x 3 @ 175
SQ: 3 x 3 @ 232
OP: 3 x 3 @ 116
DL: 3 x 3 @ 290
PD: 3 x 3 @ 175
RW: 3 x 3 @ 160

And that's a wrap!
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Been meaning to chime back in here, still dealing with some lingering issues. But thsi slow recovery work seems to be working. I have been doing daily my normal warmup set of:

10 bw squats
10 pushups
10 horizontal rows
Sun salutations

Then one of the additional lifts each day
Weighted squats, bench, press, TBDL, hip thrusts or ab rolls.

---------------Week 4: Cycle VI---------------

Thursday, 20.10.01
3x10 hip thrusts
22k bike
5k run

Friday, 20.10.02

Saturday, 20.10.03
8K Run

---------------Week 5: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 20.10.04
8K Run Morning
10k Run Afternoon

Monday, 20.10.05
Bench - 10@60, 5@80, 5@85, 4@90

Added 10 situps to the routine, so now 10 squats, 10 pushups, 10 horizontal ring rows, 10 situps and a sun salutation.

Tuesday, 20.10.06

Wednesday, 20.10.07

Thursday, 20.10.08

Friday, 20.10.09

Saturday, 20.10.10

---------------Week 6: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 20.10.11

Monday, 20.10.12

Tuesday, 20.10.13

Wednesday, 20.10.14

Thursday, 20.10.15

Friday, 20.10.16

Saturday, 20.10.17

---------------Week 7: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 20.10.18

Monday, 20.10.19

Tuesday, 20.10.20

Wednesday, 20.10.21

Thursday, 20.10.22

Friday, 20.10.23

Saturday, 20.10.24

---------------Week 8: Cycle VI---------------

Sunday, 20.10.25

Monday, 20.10.26

Tuesday, 20.10.27

Wednesday, 20.10.28

Thursday, 20.10.29

Friday, 20.10.30

Saturday, 20.10.31
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Been meaning to chime back in here, still dealing with some lingering issues. But this slow recovery work seems to be working.
Glad to hear from you and that your recovery efforts seem to be working. Don't know about hip thrusts though . . .

I've been having some issue with my left shoulder blade/trapezoid area. It has felt tight and when I do pulls or the Overhead Press it almost feels like it's going to knot up. And I can't seem to stretch it out. So, like you, I've dialed things back, which also seems to be working. I'm just going to add one pound weekly to my Squat 3RM for the time being.

1b Weekly Cycles.20.10.jpg
(In this chart the cycles are just based on load progression, not on any calendar dates.)

This means that I won't/wouldn't meet any of my lifting goals for more than a year, but this week my left trap has started to loosen up and I'm really enjoying how easy the workouts feel. I can get everything done in less than an hour, and even when I'm feeling a little tired or sick I can still motivate to get a workout in most of the time. And if I don't, well, I didn't really miss anything. By the end of this cycle things should feel even easier, so hopefully I can have shorter rest periods in between sets and build up my work capacity a bit that way. As things ease up, I may also try to do the lifts a little bit more explosively, or perhaps just the last set. Maybe even do the last set of each lift to failure on Fridays.
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Ha yeah hip thrusts, trying to strengthen my glutes which is an exercise the chiro gave me. It seems to be one of the few leg lifts that doesn't irritate my back as well. Any type of deadlift still inflames it for the remainder of the day and weighted squats too. I am still not recovered fully, after most runs I am limping around still from the achilles tendonitis, thats been going on for 18 months though. The back issue is mostly healed, other than the lifts or sitting too long, which is fine as I don't like to sit anyway.

I have also been just focusing on consistency so doing a quick routine as a warmup or the workout in itself is really hard to say no too. I can get it done in 10 minutes or 30 minutes if I am feeling lazy. Over the next few weeks I will get the extra lift done more often and then 7 heavy lifts a week should be ok.

if your trap is hurting, have you been sitting in front of a desk too long? Standing up at work helps with that issue for me. Glad you are still ticking away at this too, small steps forward!
Ha yeah hip thrusts, trying to strengthen my glutes which is an exercise the chiro gave me. It seems to be one of the few leg lifts that doesn't irritate my back as well. Any type of deadlift still inflames it for the remainder of the day and weighted squats too. I am still not recovered fully, after most runs I am limping around still from the achilles tendonitis, thats been going on for 18 months though. The back issue is mostly healed, other than the lifts or sitting too long, which is fine as I don't like to sit anyway.

I have also been just focusing on consistency so doing a quick routine as a warmup or the workout in itself is really hard to say no too. I can get it done in 10 minutes or 30 minutes if I am feeling lazy. Over the next few weeks I will get the extra lift done more often and then 7 heavy lifts a week should be ok.

if your trap is hurting, have you been sitting in front of a desk too long? Standing up at work helps with that issue for me. Glad you are still ticking away at this too, small steps forward!

I can see the usefulness of hip thrusts for therapeutic work. I tried them for strength training a long time ago, and didn't intuit much benefit compared to loaded Squats and Deadlifts, but yeah, if you can't do these latter, seems like hip thrusts could be a good bridge, so to speak.

Yah, consistency before all else. One of these days I'll learn that lesson. I think I'm getting close but seems like every week or two I either have some kind of allergy thing going on or am mildly sick/tired. My wife finally convinced me to take Claritin, and I think it helps. The last few days I've been sleeping 10-12 hours. Hard not to panic about Covid a little whenever this flares up.

Glad to hear your program is getting you back in the game. I was enjoying my super easy/long-term approach until I got this bug again. Small steps indeed!

Yah, I've been working at my desk longer without breaks. I need to get up and stretch more. I also need to use my sit-stand desk more! I find it hard to write standing up, but it's fine for reading. Another thing is that when I do reduced workouts, I tend to just to the Squat, Press, and sometimes the Bench Press, so I've been neglecting the Pull lifts. But it's also kind of a Catch-22 because when the traps feel tight I'm a bit leery of doing pulls. Anyway, it's getting better.
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