OC Marathon


OC Marathon

By Alan S

I did it! My first full marathon and barefoot as well. Happy IBRD 2016 to me. Also marking my one year anniversary since I ran for the first time barefoot with Ken Bob at the IBRD 2015.

The Orange County Marathon in sunny Southern California spans 10 miles of a water-lined route, passing some Orange county "landmarks" for the reminder.

Here I am posing with a few other "first-timers" at the start line. We had an hour to wait after we were dropped off by a shuttle. Everyone that talked to me was very shocked that I was planning on running barefoot. I did develop a 45 second "elevator pitch" for explaining why I run with out shoes. I always first quote Ken Bob by saying "it's fun".

People brave would ask me questions, but most made comments to their friends, that were just loud enough for me to hear, regarding how crazy I was. I even had a woman run up to me and ask if I trained barefooted.

If you have ran a distance race, marathon or shorter, there begins to be a point in the race where it becomes more work than fun, like some type of horrible graph from algebra class. For me, up to mile 18 was fun, 18-22 was work and 22-25 sucked, but it was that last magical mile (and after) that will cause me to sign up for another marathon.

My wife and kids came to celebrate at the finish line, which was the best.

My feet did fine. I did bring a pair of xero shoes just as a back up if the road got to rough, but I never needed them or wanted to not use them.

I also meet one other barefoot marathoner and saw and cheered one other. I lost count of the sandal runners. I also talked to a few of them as we ran.

Thank you for all of your support here and especially to Ken Bob for starting me off on the right path... A barefoot path!


I too usually mention 'it's fun' as the first bit of my answer when asked, usually followed by the fact the most shoes tended to bother my feet.
For me, up to mile 18 was fun, 18-22 was work and 22-25 sucked
I kinda feel the same way. Reminds me of the 18.12 Challenge I ran last year (18.12 miles for the war of 1812). I felt like it was the perfect distance, wish there where more races around that length but there really isn't many between 1/2 marathon and full.
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Awesome accomplishment!!! Congratulations! What was your time?

My timing chip didn't work, I should have checked it when I picked up my bib, so I only have my own time.

4:27 is my "mapmyrun" app time. I am proud of it. My goal was sub 4:30 and I squeezed under that.

Also plenty of room for improvements

I too usually mention 'it's fun' as the first bit of my answer when asked, usually followed by the fact the most shoes tended to bother my feet.

I kinda feel the same way. Reminds me of the 18.12 Challenge I ran last year (18.12 miles for the war of 1812). I felt like it was the perfect distance, wish there where more races around that length but there really isn't many between 1/2 marathon and full.

I like 1/2 marathon length too, but as my full marathon training program progressed, I was doing 12 or 13 for a "long run" every other week, with a longer long run of 18 to 22 miles bi weekly. When I was at that point, I felt like a 1/2 marathon distance was a "nice little run" and 18 was a race worthy distance.


I bet there is something to that.
That is fantastic in just one year after starting barefoot! I'm very impressed. How has your build-up been milage-wise and have you had any setbacks?

I had a few set backs. I also progressed from a 1/2 to a full distance in 12 weeks, which was too fast and what helped to cause my set backs.

I sprained my ankle walking in the park. I fell in a hole. I took a week off of training.

Hurt my knee bumping up to 20 miles. Took a week off but the pain comes back after ~15miles. Outside of right knee at to point the tibia connects. I think it was caused by trying to stay on a small white lane divider line rather than my more natural stride that is a touch wider.

I had a few blisters converting to streets from sidewalks with out lowering by distance.

Nothing big or out of the norm, I would say.

I am now training for a faster and shorter relay. Then another road marathon or two before I start trying for trail ultras. Couple of 50Ks next year most likely. They sound fun!
I was running with the 4:20 pace group and just fell off pace at mile 18. Then the 4:25 group passed me and I tried to stay with them, until I fell of at mile 23-24.

The groups were running a few minutes fast, thank goodness.

I now think that under 4 is totally doable... We shall see.
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Nice! Ultimately, what kind of runner you are is determined during the miles that "suck". It sounds like you have a good temperament for ultras to me!

Congrats on the marathon!
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