Mileage Reporting 50th Week 2013

Ran about 2.6 miles at the park after work yesterday, wore the running shoes because I don't have a good cold snowy minimalist option for winter running presently. The shoes felt cumbersome, but at least I didn't have to worry about the feet getting cold or frozen. The running was very slow and easy because of the ice and snow. I'm hoping, hoping, that the snow they're calling for tomorrow holds off long enough that I can run some miles in the Xeros after I wake up.
5 kms in almost freezing temperatures. Good run. except I got hit from behind by a bicycle. I did a somersault and landed on my back (well, not quite, I fell and rolled over), he fell off the bike and lost his shoe (another reason not to wear shoes), we both got wet and dirty. My pinkie toe is bleeding and sore, but I don't think it is broken, and I have a couple of cuts and bruises. I think he hurt himself more.

Afterwards, I ran 2 kms home, more or less the same tempo as before the collision. No harm done, run tomorrow as well, I hope.

Lesson: even though the ground is a bit more painful to run on, try to run as far as posssible from the bike lane.

Lesson 2: running in cold, windy rain is wonderful, but sometimes, cyclists will have a harder time seeing you (in you fluorescent yellow jacket) as they squint and hide from the wind.

Lesson 3: there is no lesson 3.

Yowie! Why were all of you out in that weather!?
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Today, had my first run in my fun, red Sockwas. Good ground feel and good moisture protections and grip through the variations of ice, snow, and mini-melt puddles.

Somewhere around lap 6 of my nearly 1 mile pond loop, I lost track of how far I'd gone!! Then, it was mind games to make sure I completed at least 12 miles. Comparing it to my times recently, it is quite possible that I went 13.1 miles. Anyway, my husband says he is giving me credit for it and my legs are feeling like it, so that's what I'm going to log. :)
Only 1.3 miles today. I had planned on doing more and felt great at the start but about a mile in I got shakey and started feeling like I was going to pass out. Since this was my babies first run with me in the stroller I figured I should probably play it safe and quit and head home. I had tried a new to me cereal this morning and I have a feeling that my body doesn't like it. I had this happen the other day on the elliptical too.
Only 1.3 miles today. I had planned on doing more and felt great at the start but about a mile in I got shakey and started feeling like I was going to pass out. Since this was my babies first run with me in the stroller I figured I should probably play it safe and quit and head home. I had tried a new to me cereal this morning and I have a feeling that my body doesn't like it. I had this happen the other day on the elliptical too.
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12.55 miles on the week. This together with last week's almost complete lack of running and now I'm in danger of not reaching my goal of 1000 miles on the year. I have a deadline today, so I've been using that as an excuse this week but really, I think it's been the cold weather. The deadline has allowed me to weasel out of it. Or maybe I just needed a break. I felt generally exhausted the first half of this week.

Run commuted Tuesday and Wednesday, did minimal weights on Wednesday (bench, pulldowns, squats) and Friday (landmines and bentover rows with latblaster and dumbbells), got a little frostnip at the beginning of Thursday's measly 2.4-mile fartlek run, will do some more ST at the end of the day today, mos' proly deadlifts and shoulder presses.

Injury report: My toes have already recovered from Thursday's extremely mild frostnip. My left shoulder has also been bothering me again, but I've been running the electric massager over it and the upper and outer chest area these last several days and this seems to help a lot, along with some stretching, so maybe it's been knots/trigger points in need of a little myofascial release all along . . . I thought it was old joints.

Two weeks and almost no barefoot running. My feet are sullen. Temps are supposed to climb up to close to freezing next week, maybe I can get in a few bare miles then.

Started running again last week. Time that I got back into it.

. . .

Oh yes, Nick was right all along. According to ISO8601 Standard, the week begins on Monday.
Great to have you back Sid!

Now quick go and recall all the 2014 calendars being sold at this very moment. It's scandalous this errant information is being passed off as the truth! :mad: People think they're beginning the week when really they're ending it :eek: .

Maybe it would be helpful to the ISO folks if us hegemonic irrationalists just called Saturday "the weekend" and Sunday became "the weekstart.":rolleyes:. They're taking the whole weekend thing too literally.

I like ISO's representation of the date though. That's the protocol I use on all my documents. It orders them chronologically that way: today is 13.12.14 for example.
Ran 3.3 miles after work yesterday, in the big clunky running shoes. The Dread Pirate would be all happy with the dark squishiness of them. I find them bizarre-feeling now.

Much better 7.55 miles this morning, wearing Xeros and before the snow arrives later.
6,5 km in three degrees C (the temperature range in Copenhagen seems to be very narrow), then 3 more kilometers while waiting for the take-away pizza to be ready. Got a few comments during my run, but people seemed to be even more disturbed by a sweaty guy walking barefoot in the cold balancing two pizza boxes in one hand.
today hour run with dogs. few pistols and pushups at park.
f-deadlifts and squats with total of 165lbs. back hurt after that so i'm going to grab one of the few pt's i go to school with to watch my form. feeling better after today's run. so far.
Well I did it! I made it 6 miles today in my neighborhood wearing my stinky Bilka VFF's. :) I sarted my run shortly after 3:30 this afternoon as the sun came out and temp peaked at 30F with calm winds. The run started off great everything felt good until about the 3.5 mile point. Then the muscles around the right knee tightened up again but I continued on. The knee didn't seem to get much worse during the next mile or so but later became worse. Disgusted, I decided to keep going until the pain would become more bothersome.

I tried varying my stride to see if that would change the tightness in the right knee. As I took the longer strides I could feel the muscles or tendons not sure what being slightly stretched in the tight area. This felt great so I would run about 60 to 100 feet with the long strides then fall back to my previous stride and noticed the knee felt fine for about a block or 2's distance. Continued this varying stride till I reached the 6.0 mile goal but the last .7 miles was a struggle as the varying stride seemed to not be as effective at this point. Was just happy to make it the 6 miles. Walked for about 15 minutes afterword and did some stretching.

Will see how the legs feel tomorrow and decide then if will run or just take a walk.
3 miles on the treadmill interspersed with 3 reps of wide squats, leg extensions, leg curls and warm-up and cool-down, climbing backwards. I kept the incline a lot flatter and speed a lot higher (closer to my normal) and my hips were talking to me about it about 5 hours later. I did a super-low lunge with my left leg only, and that seemed to help a lot. This is test number 2 for the treadmill and only tomorrow will tell me if I can keep doing this.
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helluva week, erratic exercise.
Sunday: 6 mi run,freezing face as I recall. Did I swim? Dunno, don't think so, think i did weights.
Monday: 3.5 mi run, pretty sure I swam
Tuesday: dunno. I swam, but I don't think I ran.
Wednesday: long swim
Thursday: nada, rest, felt icky
Friday: ~45 min swim
Saturday: 5 mi run in lotta snow, ridged unplowed snowy snowy roads in the evening. pretty. Saw a group of kids playing who marveled at me running in the snow, till they finally said "are you running in this FREEZING COLD?!" (it was about 20F, snowy, not bad, really, compared with how it was, I was comfy) to which I replied "YOU are playing in this freezing cold, right? It's fun!" to which they said "WOW"
after run, ab stuff

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