Mileage Reporting 36er Week of 2013

When the grandchildren visit, all else can wait. Besides, I was pretty tired from yesterday. I did get a lot of bouncing and pacing in helping get the 3 month old to sleep a few times, as well as monitoring the 16 month old's laps around the house. My number not called for jury duty tomorrow, so I should be able to get to a run in the morning.
5.59mi in 1:01, S2G...but not any old S2G, mind you...this was on the bike/ped path on our sharp new Eastern Span of the Bay Bridge! (just opened at noon today, so there wasn't anyone's icky sweat on the trail or anything! :D)
yup. hitting big toe is supposed to mean trigger points in the shin. careful with the golf ball. it's not for the faint of heart.
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6.8 miles yesterday.
Started out barefoot but dragged my dang toe again! Three times in the first three miles! Three!!! Cut the tip of my big toe again. No good. I threw on the Sockwas and finished my run.

I have the Titanic 25k on Sunday and may have to run it in my Vibrams until I get my barefoot mojo back. Just seems I can't run any distance barefoot without cutting the big toe on my left foot. I don't want to finish with blood on my feet. Wouldn't be a good showcase for barefoot running...
Interesting what Dama said about tight shin muscles causing the toe dragging. I use the 'stick' ( for massaging my shin and calf muscles, both pre- and post-run. It might be easier than a golf ball. A Knobble ( is also good for really digging in at specific knots/trigger points. I rarely use mine now though. You might also try stretching out the toes, up and down. I find this helps loosen up the shin muscles as well.

Also, towards the end of a run, if I get fatigued, I sometimes drag my toes a bit. I try a higher cadence then, and it seems to help, both with the toe dragging as well as with the fatigue, as the energy burden is transferred slightly from force application to muscle activation.
Late yesterday evening around dusk headed out on the local bike trails for a 6 mile run. Must have been tired as I didn't really feel like running but did make the intended 6 miles. Varied my speed quite a bit from a slow jog to a sprint at times in an attempt to make the run a bit more fun. Calves were kinda tight afterwards so walked 1.25 miles following the run.

Got up early this morning (4:30am) and walked BF in my neighborhood close to 3 miles. Had a good walk. Watched the lightening in an approaching thunderstorm off to the north northwest. Some of the neighbors leaving for work saw me and probably thought I was sleep walking without my shoes.
What are you trying to say here, exactly? :wideeyed:
well what I am trying to say is that I have being lazy:D and when I feel like doing nothing, well that's what I do-nothing:D(exercise wise).

Having said that last nigh I had 10 mins walk followed by 60 mins run followed by 20 mins walk home from work.
I'm a committed golf ball master of trigger point release, mostly because I'm too cheap to buy something when I can always go scrounge up a couple of lost golf balls from a nearby course. Use the Top Flite Rocks for best trigger point release, their cheap ones come about as hard as golf balls can come. Eventually, if the Top Flites no longer knock out trigger points, I'll start to use a small hammer to work them ou or out.

Ran a couple of short but brisk runs of about 200 yards this morning. I like this now cool and dry air mass that's come to the area.

ETA: A couple of weeks ago or so I joined a new and nearby Meetup group for runners. Tomorrow evening will be my first run with them. Since I always have a habit of exploring links to things on the internet, I quickly found out that there's another and long established Meetup group which has some people in both groups. What's interesting is the other, larger and older group is led by someone who runs a running store and states that she's a certified pedorthist. I wonder what she would think if I were to join her group and show up for one of her runs, some of which start right outside her store.
I'm a committed golf ball master of trigger point release, mostly because I'm too cheap to buy something when I can always go scrounge up a couple of lost golf balls from a nearby course. Use the Top Flite Rocks for best trigger point release, their cheap ones come about as hard as golf balls can come. Eventually, if the Top Flites no longer knock out trigger points, I'll start to use a small hammer to work them ou or out.

Ran a couple of short but brisk runs of about 200 yards this morning. I like this now cool and dry air mass that's come to the area.

I love using golf balls for my piriformis when it's bothering me or my hips, butt. Basically I use the golf ball all over my butt.
Monday was drizzly here in Dallas. Coming out of a long dry spell is was delightful. Left the house at about 5:15 am and started my easy 3 in the dark in light rain. It felt like being kissed my hundreds of tiny fairies even with out shroonms. Finished in light rains as well. Few bunnies along the way kept miss Becky intriged.

Today stared my easy 4.25 miles at 5:30 with a sky full of stars. Not as bright as out in the country be good enough for this city dweller. No wildlife this time. Started singing to the dog at about mile 3. We had a great time. Life is good.
Started my run as the sun was coming up...hi 60's. Same local road loop as Sunday, easy pace with one tempo mile at 6:25 pace...7.3 miles about 1 hour 2 mins.

Started new work hours this week...back to regular dayshift...had been on 3rd shift the last 9.5 months...I could never get enough sleep no matter what I tried. Hope to adjust back to regular amounts of sleep by next week.:happy:
Started new work hours this week...back to regular dayshift...had been on 3rd shift the last 9.5 months...I could never get enough sleep no matter what I tried. Hope to adjust back to regular amounts of sleep by next week.:happy:

Back in the 90s sometime, I did a six-month stretch where I did the graveyards and it felt like it nearly killed me. Just could never sleep comfortably during the daytime and it always felt wrong to be awake in the dead parts of the night when it feels like a person ought to be sleeping.
I love using golf balls for my piriformis when it's bothering me or my hips, butt. Basically I use the golf ball all over my butt.
I got a big ass so I use a softball, but I agree, for the piriformis, there's nothing better, massage-wise. For stretching the piriformis, I like both the standing ITB stretch

and the laying piriformis stretch

Keeping the piriformis good and loose was one of the keys to ridding myself of ITBS.
I got a big ass so I use a softball, but I agree, for the piriformis, there's nothing better, massage-wise. For stretching the piriformis, I like both the standing ITB stretch

and the laying piriformis stretch

Keeping the piriformis good and loose was one of the keys to ridding myself of ITBS.

Sorry about your BIG butt my butt is more like the girl doing the stretches.
I do the second stretch with a sligh variation instead of having on arm between the legs I bring both arms on the outside I get a better stretch doing it that way.
The first stretch is a definite no for me because of my back.
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Sorry about your BIG butt my butt is more like the girl doing the stretches.
I do the second stretch with a sligh variation instead of having on arm between the legs I bring both arms on the outside I get a better stretch doing it that way.
The first stretch is a definite no for me because of my back.
Butt seriously, considering I'm twice your size, did you really think a golf ball was going to get the job done? I do occasionally use a golf ball on the calves though.
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Butt seriously, considering I'm twice your size, did you really think a golf ball was going to get the job done? I do occasionally use a golf ball on the calves though.
Shouldn't you be using a bowling ball instead? :D
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Sorry about your BIG butt my butt is more like the girl doing the stretches.
I do the second stretch with a sligh variation instead of having on arm between the legs I bring both arms on the outside I get a better stretch doing it that way.
The first stretch is a definite no for me because of my back.
Ya , I used to do these, baaaaad idea if I like my hips where they belong. These win the award for worst stretches ever invented, in my book!
Ya , I used to do these, baaaaad idea if I like my hips where they belong. These win the award for worst stretches ever invented, in my book!
Interesting, for me the second stretch gives me the most relief.

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