Mileage Reporting 27th Week of 2013


Chapter Presidents
Jul 1, 2011
Nampa, Idaho
Getting a new grandbaby yesterday afternoon has cut into my workout routine.;) Have been weigh lifting her older 1 year old brother for almost 2 days now. He is the sort that sits like a sack of potatoes. We had a pool/pizza party here yesterday, so he needed to be held a lot and he doesn't go to new people much. But considering that he wouldn't let me hold him much for the first year of his life, I'm not complaining. It's hard to be sad I couldn't manage to run in this heat/humidity wave, too.:D But, I will strongly consider it tomorrow, early. He goes home after his nap which he is taking right now.
3.17 miserable miles in my lunas. This heat wave took it out of me. I felt good for the first mile (10:13 pace), but everything went downhill fast after that. Of course it didn't help that I only slept about 4 hours thanks to the heat. At 3:30am I got up and dug the portable a/c out of the outdoors closet thingy, I'm pretty positive that my neighbors might hate me now as I had to unbury it from tons of other crap, and set it up in the bedroom. We were busy yesterday during the day and so by the time we got home late at night I had thought to just wait to get out the a/c which turned into a horrible idea. The wife ended up not going to work and I am fighting to stay awake and study for my quiz in psychology this evening. I think we are also going to be buying another a/c for the living room. It looks like this heat is not really going to let up much in the forcastable future. Looks like maybe Thursday and Friday may be ok, but then after that the heat will go back up.

Congrats on the new grandbaby Laura! Pretty exciting!
midday: 8 mi bike ride
afternoon: a good swim, partly w kids, partly alone, 1.5 hr total
evening: hike to beach, play in big waves, climb big dune, hike back to car, get ice cream. not a bad day.

monday: half hour morning swim. tired. got home late last night, then could not stay asleep. only 1-2 quality hours. blech
evening: after a nice nap in the afternoon, about 4.5 mi easy pace run while kids biked the neighborhood near me.
Getting a new grandbaby yesterday afternoon has cut into my workout routine.;) Have been weigh lifting her older 1 year old brother for almost 2 days now. He is the sort that sits like a sack of potatoes. We had a pool/pizza party here yesterday, so he needed to be held a lot and he doesn't go to new people much. But considering that he wouldn't let me hold him much for the first year of his life, I'm not complaining. It's hard to be sad I couldn't manage to run in this heat/humidity wave, too.:D But, I will strongly consider it tomorrow, early. He goes home after his nap which he is taking right now.

i did 4 miles in the midday heat. no probs for me but the dog was a bit slow. his tongue turned bright red quick and i forgot to bring his water. the streams on the trail were reduced to mostly mud puddles but he got a few sips. he was able to make it all the way and didn't have to be carried at all. it may have helped that i wet him down before we ran and after.

plus side. jen can't run with me in the heat! woohoo!
This is for last week, I know, but this week has started, and I want to share the good news (because I can), and anyway, I did run 10km just now, testing out run 5 min, walk 1 min, and it felt like I could go on forever (illusion, of course, but still), but last week, oh, last week, I ran 31 km, the first time ever I have run more than 30 km in one week, and it felt good, and I'll just continue running even more until my marathon in September, after which I'll, well, hopefully run some more.

And that was the news.
Monday afternoon

The plan was to do lower-body lifts, but I ran out of time, so I just cycled down to the jhs track on the way to picking up my son at daycare, and ran a mile at tempo pace. Felt like running more on the track, but I hate having my son wait for me after 5pm while the other kids are picked up one by one. I like for him to be one of the first to go.

After we rode back into the neighborhood (the daycare is in a first-tier suburb) and picked up my daughter at Discovery Club, I was going to walk the bike home, but my daughter suggested that I continue riding with her brother in the bike seat while she ran alongside. It's only .4 mi home, but I thought that was pretty cool. Daydreams of running and playing sports with my kids . . .

It was seven miles of cycling total. Cycling is so different from running. Almost no impact in the joints, and the quads get much more of a workout. Probably about the best cross-training a runner can do, right? It's also fun to go so much faster, although riding on the streets and through intersections puts you in an antagonistic relationship with cars much more than running does. I had to give the finger to a guy who needlessly honked at me.

So, there you have it, a mile's run on a non-running day. The power of Nick's suggestion.

Congrats on the new addition Laura!

Good luck on the marathon Nisto -- hope to see you around this forum more often.
Yesterday I ran the route that takes 40 mins to run but when I was done with my run according to my watch I ran the 40 min route in 35 mins:wtf: and that includes three long stop lights. So in other words my run short.
Laura huge congrats on the grandbaby what's her name?
Yesterday I ran the route that takes 40 mins to run but when I was done with my run according to my watch I ran the 40 min route in 35 mins:wtf: and that includes three long stop lights. So in other words my run short.
Laura huge congrats on the grandbaby what's her name?

Well, I had the opposite problem with run time this morning. I woke up not feeling well, went ahead and rode the spinning bike for 20 minutes, lost enough fluids after that that I wondered about trying the run, but went on out for almost 2 miles. By the end of the 2nd, I was cramping sharply in the gut again, so walked the last bit home and decided it is not wimpy to exercise only 40 minutes when feeling poorly. Hopefully, it is just something not setting well with me from last night's dinner. I have a pretty touchy GI system. Meanwhile, I'll try to rehydrate so I can potentially get in my long run tomorrow morning before hubby's midday surgery.

Baby girl is named Wilona Felicity. :joyful:
Well, I had the opposite problem with run time this morning. I woke up not feeling well, went ahead and rode the spinning bike for 20 minutes, lost enough fluids after that that I wondered about trying the run, but went on out for almost 2 miles. By the end of the 2nd, I was cramping sharply in the gut again, so walked the last bit home and decided it is not wimpy to exercise only 40 minutes when feeling poorly. Hopefully, it is just something not setting well with me from last night's dinner. I have a pretty touchy GI system. Meanwhile, I'll try to rehydrate so I can potentially get in my long run tomorrow morning before hubby's midday surgery.

Baby girl is named Wilona Felicity. :joyful:

Well at least you tried and NO is not whimpy exercising for 40 mins is way more than I would do when not feeling well. I don't exercise when I don't feel well so I am the whimpy one:embarrassed:.
The only explanation for my run yesterday is that I haven't done my PT routine for a couple of days so my legs felt so fresh and strong as opposed to feeling like cement blocks after my PT routine.
Love the baby's name so unique.
I have permission to call her Willow. Yes, I thought they were beautifully creative with the name.
Yes, Wilona is beautiful.

Our son's name is Caio (pronounced 'Kaiyu' in Portuguese) the Latin root of which also means "felicity" or "happiness." An early pope -- Caius/Gaius -- had this name too.

Naming trends are fascinating, aren't they? In fact, I think a linguistic anthropologist wrote a book about it. It's so different now from when we were kids, when every classroom had three Johns and three Marys.
About 2 miles in my lunas today. I had actually planned on just going to the gym and doing st and a short run on the dreadmill, but our gym was closed due to the exterior being painted. Not sure how fast I went because my garmin was left at home with the thought that I was just going to the gym. I know I was flat booking and really wish that I had my garmin to let me know how fast I ran. I would guess that it was in the low 9's and possibly even in the high 8's. Today is a busy day as I have a sick (cold) toddler, my teenage daughter here, some people looking at our condo and hopefully making an offer, school, plus some homework I need to finish before school.
Monday 13.5km, very cold (for Australian standards) run...Today I did 12.5km, as well cold, but a beautiful sun....I was running early enough to catch the sunrise....It is whale season (they come up from antarctic along the east coast of Australia), and if you're lucky you can see them cruising north...No luck today though :)
One hour at the gym. Mostly weights. Realized I need to start busting my own ovaries if I plan to be ready for Race the Reaper. I have not had even moderate lactic acid build-up since I started weightlifting two weeks ago. So today I actually attempted to incur some.
One hour at the gym. Mostly weights. Realized I need to start busting my own ovaries if I plan to be ready for Race the Reaper. I have not had even moderate lactic acid build-up since I started weightlifting two weeks ago. So today I actually attempted to incur some.

your poor ovaries. hand 'em to the Reaper on the day, I guess. the price we pay.

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