Mileage Reporting 45th week of 2012

4.5 miles in one of my Luna options. The ones that pissed me off last week and I almost threw into someones yard. Seems they do better when it's not raining, but once my heel gets sweaty the dang heel strap starts falling down again every couple hundred feet. Got irritated and sinched them down way too tight for last mile and a half but I was frustrated with stopping so much to pick the heel strap back up. Avg'd an 11:24 pace over all, only 10 seconds off of yesterdays pace. First two miles were in the mid to high 10's and the last 2.5 were in the 11's thanks to the heel strap falling and then a mile and a half'ish long hill to finish. Overall a great run. 39degF when I started and 41 when ended. I only walked about a quarter mile barefoot after my run to try to get my left foot not feeling numb from the overtightened strap. Gonna go back to the NB outlet store this weekend and check out the MT10's. The outlet store has wide's in most of their shoes that are offered in wide, so maybe they will work for me as it gets cooler.
7.23 mi / 11.64 km. Temp was 36 F, windchill 30 F when I left. One mile of the total run was walked.

Yesterday I only did lite deadlifts—175 max—as my Back routine was interrupted because my son wouldn’t stay calm for my brother, who was looking after him after day care. Later we ate wonderful crook pot BBQ ribs with a 1.5 liter bottle of Barefoot wine Shiraz, then we had a campfire in the backyard, probably last of the season, and I drank a few Summit IPAs and a bottle of Guinness to go with it. Cool to see our toddler in awe of the primordial power of fire.

I woke up a tad hungover—no headache, but dehydrated and a bit out of sorts. So I figured a nice, slow run would set me right. I definitely knew I wasn't up for pushing it on a tempo run. OK, well, if I'm going to take it easy, I thought, maybe I could see if my knee can make it past the four miles or so I've been running lately. So I decided to do my Como Lake route. I put on the hydration belt that I bought in September, but never got around to using because of the knee-tweak, and filled two of the four 6 oz bottles. As I headed out I found myself going even slower than I had planned, and ended up running an 11:16 pace overall. I didn’t even try to get my legs to move faster. I knew it wasn’t happening. It felt really awful to run at that pace and its very limited range of motion. Once I got near the lake, after about three miles, I decided it would be prudent to deploy Galloway’s Run-Walk method, and then when I got to the pavilion I used a wall to stretch out my legs good and then sat down to massage them. At that point I could’ve turned back but my knee felt OK, so I decided to add a mile or so to the total route and run around the lake. It was nice to see the geese swimming and geezers walking. I think a few people said stuff to me but I was listening to an old free jam I recorded with friends back in 2000, so I couldn’t hear anything. The lake path’s mild chipseal was still pretty comfortable in the mid-30s temps.

After I made it around the lake I turned off onto Como Avenue, an old street car route connecting the lake to the downtown and my neighborhood. I walked a bit more and stretched some on the old street car station’s historic marker. My knee was holding up well, but I was feeling a little something there, so I thought it would be good to give it a break. I drank my first water but it sent my stomach churning, so I walked a good deal more, and switched my MP3 player from music to my field recordings. I then finished up the run taking a few more short walking breaks before I got home. I was tired but I think the longer run did me some good, even at that pace. Hard to believe the last time I ran that route, pre-knee-tweak, I had a nice 9:26 mm pace. Hopefully it won’t take me too much longer to get back to that.

So this week I got my tempo run back, and my LSD run back. It’s just a question of when I should start doing intervals again and I’ll be back in business. Today I learned I can run through a mild niggle, so I might try some intervals next week. I hope we get at least another month with no snow while I’m working on getting my pace back down.

14 total running miles on the week, not too bad for rehab. Tomorrow I'll do the rest of my Back ST exercises with my Top ST day.
7.23 mi / 11.64 km. Temp was 36 F, windchill 30 F when I left.

It's fun to read your musings on the run.
Glad you got out, even if it wasn't all that.
Fire is our friend (just forced my kids to watch young frankenstein)

I know, in a way I really want to start doing speedwork. I have been picking up the pace at the end of my runs, just a tad. Only one of those runs felt great, but when it did, that feeling of pushing myself, of almost but not quite running out of breath, felt great.
Not all runs are like that.

In the scott jurek book, there is a quote something like "you are building strength and endurance"
something to say to yourself when your run isn't what you wanted it to be but it's still a run.
i repeat that very often.
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21.56 cycle commute yesterday (riding home in the rain was kind of fun).

Today, did a 1/2 hour of - say it with me, Bare - Booooouuuulllllderrriiinnnngggggg...... But that's all I did, today - no running, no riding, no weights, because screw that...
Spinning bike for 65 minutes yesterday.
Was going to do some speed work today, but the hubby came home early afternoon and took me out on a date. What's a girl to do? ;)
Hope to get another run in tomorrow, but it IS getting cold and wet here "finally." I don't do cold AND wet. Hello, Moc3s!
It's fun to read your musings on the run.
Glad you got out, even if it wasn't all that.
Fire is our friend (just forced my kids to watch young frankenstein)

I know, in a way I really want to start doing speedwork. I have been picking up the pace at the end of my runs, just a tad. Only one of those runs felt great, but when it did, that feeling of pushing myself, of almost but not quite running out of breath, felt great.
Not all runs are like that.

In the scott jurek book, there is a quote something like "you are building strength and endurance"
something to say to yourself when your run isn't what you wanted it to be but it's still a run.
i repeat that very often.
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I consider it a successful run. I started to feel the knee a bit between 3 and 4 miles, but I had a sense that it would be OK, so I decided to run through the niggle and see what would happen. The knee is just a bit sore today (although it's mostly my leg muscles that are sore), and I feel like I've gained a good sense of where I am in the rehab process now, how much I can do, and I missed my longer run. I like my tempo run, the feeling of both mental and physical exertion as you noted, but I also love the meditative quality of the longer runs, and the little journeys they take you on. And like you said, the slow pace still contributed to building my endurance/aerobic base back up. I almost wished I had brought a heart monitor along with me, as I'm pretty sure this was my first Maff run!

Young Frankenstein, my favorite line was "seven or eight quickies and you're off to brag with the boys." Er something like that. Madeline Kahn was hot. Nothing sexier than a woman who makes you laugh.

I think running the last mile or two of a longer run at a faster pace is an excellent idea, and it's something the pros often do. You'll really develop your aerobic system and ability to use lactate as fuel that way.

Looking forward to my weights later today. I'm hooked on the run/ST alternation. Tomorrow I'll probably just go down to the track and try a mile interval at my target pace of 8mm. See if I can do it yet.
1.5 miles or so barefoot. This was done in snow and a temperature of -12C. I learned 2 things from this run today. One was that I do have limits as what my feet can handle in the way of winter running. Yesterdays run in identical temps felt fine, I mean my feet were on the cool side of things but not numb or tingling. In todays temps with the snow they reached their limit. I called it the day after just one mile or so (no garmin) as my feet were getting uncomfortable and started to tingle. The wetness of the snow was enough to push me past the point of endurance. The second thing that I noticed that when I checked my "footprint" in the snow is that it was in the form of a perfect barefoot. This is awesome as that tells me that my form has arrived. :) For those of you who lucky enough to have sandy beaches to run should know that by checking the footprint that one leaves in the sand (or snow) they can see if they are pushing of on the ball of the feet or have other signs of movement that should not be present. So all in all a great day, but sad to see that now I have to go find my evo's for my afternoon run. :(
Yesterdays run in identical temps felt fine, I mean my feet were on the cool side of things but not numb or tingling.
That's a good 5 degrees Celsius lower than my limit last year. We'll see what happens this year, but I doubt it's changed much.
Interesting idea about checking footprints in the snow. Hopefully that's still a ways off for us though, here in balmy Minnesota.
about 7 miles, bare foot and bare leg, longest bf run since a ten miler way back.
did loop loops over and over around the neighborhood with the decent chip seal.
windy, sprinkly and WARM (60 degrees).
Got a few stop and stares from neighbors and a weird hoot from some portly gentlemen sitting drinking beers in their garage. Classy.
Mileage reporting for this week:

Sun 11/4 - 32 miles indoor on spinning bike/krankcycle
Mon 11/5 - 45 min core workout, 20 min lap swim, yoga class
Tues 11/6 - 34 miles indoor spinning/krankcycle
Wed 11/7 - 4.62 barefoot run (finally, still working out some heel discomfort), yoga class
Thur 11/8 - 35 miles indoor spinning/krankcycle
Fri 11/9 - rest
Sat 11/10 - 9.02 miles barefoot run, plus a yoga class. BEEYOOTEEFUL cool, clear morning run. Good pace/cadence throughout. Terrific run. Think I'm actually gonna be able to do that half-marathon come January.

My actual running miles are low, only about 14, so next week I'm going to add in one more run and try to put myself on an every-other-day schedule. Maybe not a particularly long run for the additional run, just something to add a bit more time on my feet. The other stuff is just intended to keep my aerobic fitness up as I slowly ease into barefoot running. It's been about 10 weeks since I started on Sept 1, and I feel pretty good about the slow progress I've made, mostly that I haven't lost too much in overall fitness during the transition phase. I try to do the spinning at or around a MAF heart rate, so that when I run, I don't pay attention to that too much. I do focus on maintaining 180+ cadence and keeping good form. So far, so good. Overall, I feel better after a barefoot run than my shod running days, (and this is the honest truth) and I find that I actually LIKE to run uphill. The effort seems less centered in my breathing and more in the strength of my legs, and in general, I find that I'm not "looking for the top" quite so intensely when I run the hill barefoot.

I think I'm really liking this barefoot thing. :)

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