Couch to 5k... again

I started this program in March 2010 and did well with it. Once finished I signed up and ran barefoot the AFC 5k in San Diego. It was so empowering and fun! In July I moved. Instead of flat desert I now live in a hilly area and a higher elevation. This really had me working and cutting back my measly three mile runs because I was just not ready for the extra work load. I became dissolusioned and pretty much quit.

I kept walking barefoot until the weather got cold. I'm a sissy baby and can't handle anything under 50 degrees barefoot so went out and bought some KSO's. I also signed up for yoga classes. They are great, but I missed running!

I was talking to someone the other day about how I wasn't running anymore and they asked why. The only answer I could come up with was because the hills were too hard. That got me to thinking about how pathetic that made me feel! It was too hard so I quit. Grrrr, that is not the type of person I am or want to be!

Seems so silly, really. I enjoy it and it is great for my health so I started thinking about how to do it. I could drive somewhere flat and run, but I don't want to do that. I lead a busy life and want to be able to walk out my front door and go for a run. The only other option I could think of was to start over. So that is what I'm doing.

Today ends week one for me and it has been a very positive and rewarding week. I feel super jazzed and ready for more. I have made sure I hit the hills with only positive progress in mind and a smile on my face. Being positive is an immense help. I don't want my exercise to feel like work. I want it to feel like life! The only thing that could have made this week better is if I were doing it barefoot, but my VFF's will have to work until it gets warmer in the early mornings. Of course, I live in sunny So Cal so that could be tomorrow.

On to week two!


you can do it! I know, I quit due to injuries, but now that I am back (20 year gap) I can't believe how much better I feel and can't imagine quitting again for anything long term.. might go from longer distances to shorter ones, but quitting... no...

I am busy, but I'm running when I can...

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Cali Girl
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