In the Beginning...

... and so my adventures in barefoot running begin. So far I've done four runs barefoot (the first only a quarter mile, the last three half a mile).

I usually do about four runs a week between 5 to 7 miles a pop wearing running shoes (currently I'm in Adidas Gel Nimbus 10s). I started running serious again earlier this year, and have done two races so far (5K- 26:42, 10K- 52:16). After my 10K run I developed ITBS in my right leg... and have been trying to kick it ever since (Oct. 30th). Besides for doing stretches and strength training, I'm hoping BFR will help.

Even though I only put on shoes when I have to (work or going out to some place that requires them), after my first quarter-mile run the pads of my feet burned for a day. The last three runs (half-mile) they have only burned slightly, but each time feel better after each run.

I've picked up a huarache kit from (haven't put them together yet), and would like to pick up some VFF Bikilas at the end of the year... but before I put them on and run in them I think I'm gonna take Barefoot Ted's advice and go barefoot and work on form first and not try to "transition".

So my goals (if we can go ahead and declare our New Year's Resolutions for 2011) is:

1- Completely switch over to barefoot running... just because it's so damn fun and exotic,

2- Get rid of this ITBS,

3- Do a half-marathon (probably shod, but not sure yet),

4- Do a 5K barefoot,

5- Set a new 5K PR (maybe barefoot, maybe shod... lets see how training goes).

Run on,



You seem like you are on the right track Jamie. Going barefoot as much as possible is key too. You will be surprised how many places you can go barefoot in if you just try. most placces could care less even some grocery stores. Outside of work I am a barefooter all the time, keeps feet strong and healthy. Makes your feet good for bf running. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the welcome!

I need to add another resolution... find some trails! I love street running, but running barefoot on some natural-surfaced trails looks like a lot of fun.

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