Nobody into barefoot walking?

Hi everybody, I am new in BRS. I am from argentina and just arrived a few months ago, so sorry for any mistake in my writing. I am living In Arcadia (next to Pasadena) L.A. county.
I am not really into running, but into barefoot walking. The reason I subscribed here is because after a lot of effort, I wasn't able to find any group or organization in the area for plain barefoot walkers like me.
So, since this site is the "closest" to what I am looking for, I subscribed with the hope that luckily I will find some member who besides running, also like to take relaxing and distressing barefoot walks in the city envirolment. No competition, no sports involved, but only the enjoyment of feeling the ground and textures under your feet, while conversating, having a drink in a bar, and watching the places and lanscapes as we go by with no rush.

Please get in touch if you fit the description above. I would like also to form a group of walkers and make some like-minded friends to hang out barefoot sometimes.
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Welcome. We have a barefoot hiking forum if you would like to try there.
I have taken to walking barefoot more often to see if it changes my gait like running barefoot. I actually discovered recently that standing and walking in work shoes is more painful than just being barefoot. There are some forum threads about BF wallking, but the hiking forum TJ mentions would be great. Also, try the BF running stuff, it's like crack for your feet.

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