"Time to Sperr" 2013 - 5th Anniversary run and my first time running this one.....

I wanted to run this race last year but had to work. This year though I was able to run it and do it barefoot. Had I run it last year it would have been with foot coffins on as I hadn't transitioned over to barefoot running yet.

So here is a link to learn more about the run and the park it is held at, http://www.sperrmemorialpark.org/Time-To-Sperr.html. This is a run that continues to grow each year.

The distance choices for runners were 3k, 5k and 10k. I signed up for the 10k. The atmosphere for this run is awesome. The course is mainly flat with a very few gradual inclines. There are some quick, very, very quick runners running this race. Some of them under the age of 15 you need to keep your eye on because they are definitely going places........ I had a 9 year old on my heals. Some of these kids are awesomely fast.

Well how did I do? Here is the low down------- 26th overall, 6th in my age group 30-39, 2nd in the "Law Enforcement" division (would have been 3rd but a friend and running pal of mine who is in law enforcement decided not to register as such which is fine since he took 1st for his age group), and in the barefoot division I placed 1st since I was the only barefooted runner in the field.

My time was 44:48.58, I'm not sure if I PR'd or not. I'm disorganized in keeping track and I actually think this may only be my 3rd 10k. I'll look that up and get back to you all.

My biggest mistake with this race was starting out way too fast, my first mile was a 6:48. From the 1st mile on I progressively got a little slower. Really need to work on this for both 5k's and 10k's.

Sorry TJ no bloody stubbed toe pics this time around. I think finally I'm over the toe stubbing, maybe. Here are some pics and then I'll wrap this short little blog up.


The first picture, take a run through the 35 names on the list and have a peek at some up and coming track stars...... #5, 17, 24, 27 30! Some supper fast kids.

Now it's time to train for some crazy thing I signed up for the end of October a half marathon on a Saturday and then a full on a Sunday. My weekends are now going to be filled with back to back long runs.......



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