Oops! I Did it Again!

Oops, I did it again! Yep. I ran barefoot today for my 2nd time. I would've done it sooner, but I've been feeling kinda' sick. My other reason is that I run outside and we've been smacked with a horrible, miserable heat wave...the kind that knocks the breath out of you when you step outside. I'm still not feeling a hundred percent--might be a sinus infection, but I was itching to try it again and see if running barefoot was as great as I thought the first time.

I decided to use the Couch to 5K schedule as an aid to keep me from overdoing it. Again, I carried my flip flops as an emergency back-up should my feet start hurting or there be a spot of burning pavement. I was able to walk and run barefoot the entire 35 minutes or so! My surfaces varied. I hit hot asphalt, smooth concrete littered with twigs and debris, grass, sand, dirt, and tree roots. My dear feet took it all without too much complaint, and no blisters this time!


--My heels are just a little sore, which tells me I am still striking too hard. So I need to work on that.

--Sometimes, as I run, I feel like a little piece of debris or rock gets embedded in the pad of my foot, but doesn't just fall away. This is very much like the way it feels when something gets in your shoe. I am not sure if this is happening because I am new and my feet bottoms are not toughened up enough yet, so small objects can get embedded in the soft tissue. OR does it mean I am hitting too hard instead of pulling away from the ground. OR is it just a "perceived" feeling and there really isn't something there, it just feels like something is there. For now, my solution has been to just run a few steps in the grass to sort of clear it away.


There is currently no indication of either the usual shin splint pain or knee pain that always accompany my running. Whoopee! Right now, my plan (as long as my body says it's okay) is to continue with doing C25K program barefoot as my only running. Due to my history of injury with running, I don't want to do any running except barefoot running. However, I will also be doing my "Patio Workout," which is simply alternating intervals of body weight exercises (push-ups, crunches, inverted rows, etc.) for the upper body and core with cadio (vigorous jumping rope.) For the moment, I am still wearing my Brooks during this workout, but as my feet strengthen and toughen up I may try it out barefoot too.


Congrats on stepping into this 'adventure' we refer to barefootin'. I am 4 months into it myself. Nothing but good experiences. Yes, I've had my share of blisters and other pains. But they've all all minor little things keeping me in check. Listen to your feet and use them to correct for bad form, etc. I've had the heel pain like you are talking about. This is usually from letting your heel come down too hard. Make sure you bend knees to absorb that shock and/or let the heel down a little softer at the landing. I also find sometimes I lift my feet to high. When I keep them low with a quick cadence and short stride things work better all around. Keep us posted on your progress, and don't over do it!
After falling from the running bandwagon a few months ago, I restarted running this week, and me too I decided to run exclusively barefoot.
I only ran very short distances this week, and already feel some soreness in my calves, so I will only increase my distance very slowly.

I recognize the feeling 'like a little piece of debris or rock gets embedded in the pad of my foot'. I didn't feel it this week, but when I was running (a mile and more) barefoot back in March. Since it wasn't any object, and it was every day on the same spot (phalago-metatarsal joint of my smallest toe of my right foot), so I guess it is my form that isn't correct yet...
I would highly recommend doing the jump rope portion barefoot. It is excellent for training a good form and will especially help you keep control of how hard your heel is coming down after landing. Also, the small debris clinging to the feet is pretty normal for me, I usually slip over to the grass to clear it away just as you do.

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